𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝙾𝚗𝚎

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Jaemin watched as Hyuck thought about it. The silence blanketing the two boys. And it wasn't a comfortable silence either.

Hyuck rummaged his brain to find an appropriate response. Jaemin had always told him to speak to him if there was ever anything wrong. And Hyuck wanted nothing more than to tell the boy, but he just...


"of course not, I'm fine" Hyuck replied quietly smiling, though not a very convincing one.

"Hyuck, are you sure? You know you can talk to me, right?" Jaemin asked, placing a hand on Hyuck's shoulder gently.

Hyuck looked at Jaemin's hand as his smile slowly faded, "I said I'm fine" he responded quietly, before turning to face away from his friend.

Jaemin bit his bottom lip. He could see through Hyuck's lie. He clearly wasn't fine, but he decided to just leave Hyuck for a bit. If he wanted to talk then he would. He wasn't going to pressure his best friend into anything. Hyuck would tell Jaemin when he was ready. There was nothing Jaemin could do except wait until the boy was comfortable again and keep a close eye on him until then.

The rest of the evening was quiet. Hyuck barely spoke unless he had to. And Jaemin felt bad for bringing up the topic. All in all, things were pretty awkward.


The next morning, Hyuck was the first to wake up. He decided to have a shower while Jaemin was still asleep. Luckily, he knew where everything was, since he had visited before.

By the time he had finished, Jaemin was still asleep. Deciding that he wanted to avoid the awkwardness that was bound to follow last night, he sent a message to Mark, asking if he could pick him up soon. Luckily, Mark agreed.

Hyuck sat on the sofa playing on his phone after having written a note to put out in case Mark got here and Jaemin was still asleep. He felt bad for running out like this, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to the younger and this was his way out.

Soon enough, Hyuck got a message from Mark talking him he was waiting downstairs. Hyuck put the letter on the coffee table and made his way downstairs.

When he shut the door, little did he know he had woken Jaemin. The younger looked around the apartment looking for the younger boy until he spotted the paper filled with familiar handwriting sat on the coffee table.

He let out an acknowledging sigh as he picked it up and began to read.

sorry for running out like this but I remebered that I have a shit tonne of homework to do. I'll see you at school on Monday.
Haechan xx

Jaemin sighed again as he finished reading. He walked over to the window and watched as Hyuck walked from the front door to the familiar black car. He mentally facepalmed for asking Hyuck that question. He knew that if Hyuck wanted to talk about something he would bring it up himself. But jaemin just had to come along and ruin everything.

Hopefully, it will all be back to normal by Monday.

Meanwhile, Mark was driving down the foggy streets of the city, bringing Hyuck back home. The younger boy looked exhausted as he watched the rain out the window.

For the entirety of the drive, other than the good morning and thanks the two shared when Hyuck first climbed in the car, neither had spoken a word.

Mark could tell something was up but wasn't sure if it was any of his business. He didn't want to ask either because he didn't want Hyuck to shut him out again. Instead, he decided the younger would talk to him if he wanted to.

And to Mark's surprise, he did.

As soon as Mark pulled the car into a parking space Hyuck broke the silence that had previously been between them,

"Mark?" Hyuck said quietly to gain the older's attention. Mark looked in the younger direction and could instantly see a slight glimmer of fear in the younger eyes. Mark hummed a response to let the boy know he was listening since Hyuck was still looking out of the window.

"I need to tell you something, but I want you to promise you won't start treating me differently" Hyuck explained as he slowly turned to face Mark as he spoke. His voice was weak and slightly shakey. Mark wasn't entirely sure what the younger was going to tell him, but whatever it was, he could tell the younger was afraid to say it.

"I promise. What's wrong?" Mark asked, not meaning to sound rushed but more trying to comfort the boy a little by letting him know that he was there.

"Mark... I, am..." Hyuck paused for a minute, looking down to his lap before feeling a hand intertwine with his.

He looked to his hand to notice Marks holding onto it tightly. The contact made a sense of safety and comfort rush through him. His eyes slowly travelled to Marks eyes that were looking at him softly and curiously. He took a deep breath before adding the one word to finish his sentence,

"I am suicidal"

Mark didn't let go of the younger hand. Although he already knew this information, Hyuck didn't know that he did so he decided to act surprised and was finally able to express his concern to a certain extent.

Hyuck watched as Mark's expression changed as his other friends had when he first told them.

After a minute or so passed, Mark had decided it had seemed like he had processed everything for the first time, he decided how to approach the situation.

"do you want to talk about it?" he asked. He watched as Hyuck's body loosened from the tensed state it was in.

Hyuck looked at the older boy and slowly shook his head. "not really. Not today. I just want to go inside, put on my pyjamas and watch TV for the rest of the day" Hyuck explained.

Mark couldn't help the small smile that followed the younger boys comment. "okay then. Let's go" he exclaimed softly as he started climbing out the car.

For the rest of the day, the two did exactly as Hyuck wanted. They even ordered their lunch and dinner so neither had to cook anything.

They spent the whole day snuggled on the sofa. Hyuck passed out once or twice as the sleep he had missed for the past 16 years had been catching up lately.

At around 8 pm, both boys decided to call it a night and made their way into their rooms. Though, neither slept.

Not yet.

They both had something they wanted to do first.



Okay, so I'm going to warn you that the next two chapters will have slightly different layouts but after that, we will be back to normal

I hope you like them



thank you all so much for the support on this story it means so much to me.

Unfortunately, to follow that I have a bit of bad news.

For the next two weeks, I have mock exams, I will try my best to keep publishing, but if I'm late or miss a day, I will find a way to make it up to you guys. I will try my best to keep up with everything though.

Thank you for reading💕


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