𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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"uh...of course not. It's just, well... He's suicidal and I'm worried about him, so can we just get back to looking for him" Mark sighed. That's all Hyuck needed to hear for his heart to stop beating.

For his body to give up on him as he stood there, frozen.

For the feeling of relief to wash from him completely.

For ever ounce of hope in him to dissappear.

Just those few words hurt him more than every time Ten had physically abused him combined.

It shouldn't though. Mark doesn't belong to him. He doesn't belong to Mark. They are just friends. Why did this hurt so much?

Why did it feel like ever partical in him was vibrating and begging to leave him behind?

Why did it feel like every breath got caught on it's way in, trying it's best to not enter his body?

Why did it feel like his heart was begging to stop? Begging to not have to feel this pain. This aching feeling that reached every part of him.

His body slowly began to get weaker. Just as his legs were about to give in from underneath him, he ran.

He ran and he ran.

He ran to wherever his legs carried him, crashing through the door and straight to his room where he collapsed onto his bed, burying his face into the softness of the sheets.

Once he had managed to stop the tears from blocking his vision, he looked down at his phone and noticed the: 12 missed calls from Jaemin as well as 23 messages, 7 missed calls from Chenle, 9 missed calls from Jisung, 4 missed calls from Renjun aswell as 41 text messages, and 3 missed calls from Mark as well as 73 text messages.

Hyuck sighed as he turnt his phone on silent and plugged it in, ignoring all the notifications that filled his phone. He had a long shower before changing into some comfy clothes and climbing into his bed, turning the TV on and choosing the first show he saw.

He wasn't really watching it though. All he could think about was what Mark had said to Jeno. The way his stomach started churning as he thought of the feelings he had started to accept towards the boy.


A few hours passed as Hyuck was woken from the sleep he had fallen into by a loud thud at the front door, signifying so one had entered the apartment. The loud "Hyuck?!" that followed telling him it was Mark.

Hyuck buried his head under the blanket, trying to protect himself from the pain he was about to endure. Not physically but most deffinately emotionally.

After his footsteps had traveled all over the house, Mark finally barged into Hyuck's room, instantly spotting the body under the blanket. And making Hyuck instantly regret not locking his door.

"Hyuck?" Mark called out softly as he slowly entered the room "are you okay? Where were you?" He asked, as he perched on the end of the bed.

Hyuck didn't respond. Instead, he pulled the blankets even tighter over his head. He didn't want to have to talk to Mark at all and knowing full well that if Mark saw the cuts from Yangyang today, there would be no way out of it.

"Hyuck, come on~ why didn't you respond to anyone's calls or messages? We were all so worried," Mark exclaimed as he watched the shape under the blanket shuffle about. "Hyuck please, if there's something wrong just talk to me" Mark pleaded. He didn't like the way Hyuck just shut him out. As his mind shuffled through all the things that could be wrong, he managed to remember Hyuck saying that he didn't feel well earlier that day.

"oh, did the nurses send you home because you weren't feeling well? If so you could have at least told one of us. Do you know how-" Mark was cut off from his rant when Hyuck uncovered himself from the sheets, revealing himself to the older before walking out.

Mark managed to spot the bruises and cuts that covered his face. The damp redness of his cheeks and eyes that proved he had been crying not too long ago. Mark felt his breath hitch as Hyuck walked out without a word.

Mark followed Hyuck slowly as the younger made his way into the kitchen. The only reason Hyuck got out from under his covers was because he had had enough of Mark's scolding. He really didn't need that right now.

"Hyuck, why are you ignoring me?" Mark asked sadly as he watched the younger fumble through the cupboards looking for something quick to eat so he could stay in his room for the rest of the day.

Yet again, Hyuck ignored him. But the more Hyuck ignored Mark, the more annoyed he got. He didn't want to get annoyed, but as today continued his mood just got worse, so Hyuck wasn't really helping his case right now.

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