𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕

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The lights that emitted a gold colour from the tree was the only light to fill the room. The presents were tucked neatly under the tree. The two bedrooms occupying more people that what should be possible.

The apartment was silent, dark and still. Peaceful.

The small boy shuffled under the sheets, his mind flowing with thoughts and questions. His dreams rampaging and causing a painful twist in his mind. Everything was so unclear.

He shot up in his place, his breath hitching and his head pounding. He hunched his back as he massaged his temples with his fingers. He tried easing his breathing and calming his mind but nothing worked.

He slowly crawled out the pit of warmth that he and Mark had made. Slowly stumbling to the bathroom.

He turned the light on and left the door ajar. He sank to the floor, clutching his head in his hands, wishing for the pain to go away.

Why now?

Why Christmas morning?

After having sat for a few minutes, the door was pushed open, revealing the older boy who had a concerned look plastered to his face.

"Hyuck? Are you okay?" Mark asked as he stepped into the room and sat next to the younger.

Hyuck shook his head a little, considering it was hurting enough already with the thoughts that battered themselves around in his head.

"do you want to talk about it?" Mark asked softly, slowly inching closer to the boy. Hyuck gave the same response as before, shaking his head slowly before looking up at Mark and nodding a little.

Mark moved a little colder so that Hyuck could lean onto him. They then sat in silence for a while. Hyuck wanted to talk, he just didn't know what to say.

After a few minutes, Hyuck broke the silence, surprising Mark by the sudden words that spilt from the boy.

"It was just a dream. Its started off as just a dream. Then it spiralled, everything else started to spill in. It was like a mixing bowl of pain. I didn't want to wake you up so I came in here" he sniffled into the older boys shoulder.

Mark listened to every word, humming to let the younger know he was listening. "Hyuck, if this happens again, you can wake me up okay? I'm here for you, whenever, whatever. You know that, right?" Mark asked, earning a small nod. "I love you" He whispered into the boy's ear before kissing the top of Hyuck's head.

Instead of speaking, Hyuck intertwined their fingers and gave Mark's hand a tight squeeze.

The two sat for a while. In silence. Allowing the world to pass them by. It wasn't until a loud screech was heard throughout the house that the two properly woke up.

They made their way through the apartment and to the lounge where the found two small boys sat by the tree and the other slowly trailing into the room with them.

"look how many presents there are!" Chenle screeched.

"bagsys opening the first one" Jisung laughed as he started digging through the pile of gifts.

"Not fair, I want to open mine first" Chenle pouted.

"you can both open them at the same time" Mark laughed as he sat on one of the couches, pulling Hyuck onto his lap. Next to them sat Doyoung.

On the other sofa, Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun sat, all snuggled together under the blanket Jaemin had dragged from the spare room with him.

As the group made the way through the presents, Jaemin noticed how quiet and clingy Hyuck had gotten. Once he managed to make eye contact with Mark he mouthed 'is he okay?'. Mark looked down at the boy who was snuggled into his chest while opening a small present.

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