𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Mark shut his book and put it down on his desk, resting the pen on its leather cover. He had an idea. It had come into his head whilst writing. He wasn't sure that it would work, but the least he could do was try.

Try to make Hyuck happy.

Mark rushed around his room, writing down everything he had thought of. He checked everything he needed and had a perfect plan in place. Everything was ready.

Mark placed the checklist he had written on his bedside table. On top of that, he plugged his phone in and set his alarm for the next morning.


The next morning, Mark was the first to wake up. By nine am he had gotten everything ready. He was ready to give this a go.

He sat in the kitchen for a while until he looked up at the clock to see it was now ten. If he wanted to anything today, the two would have to leave soon.

Mark made his way through the apartment until he reached Hyuck's door. He kicked lightly and listened for a response. When he didn't hear one, he decided to knock again. This time, taken aback by the response.

"FUCK OFF" The door swung open to reveal Hyuck with red puffy eyes and cheeks, his hair sticking up all over the place and his body wrapped in a blanket.

Mark stared at the mess in front of him, but he didn't see a mess. Not really. The only thing he noticed was the pain and sadness behind the voice.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, tilting his head to get a better look at Hyuck who stared at his feet.

"I'm fine, I just... Want to be alone, okay?" He responded, stepping back into the shadows of his room and starting to push the door.

He looked up when a hand rested on the piece of wood, stopping it from closing anymore.

"do you want to go out?" Mark asked, trying to lighten the mood a little as well as inviting the younger if they could go out and he could put his plan into action.

"not today, maybe another time" Hyuck tried to close the door again but Mark still hadn't moved.

"come ooon~ I have it all planned out. I promise you won't regret it" He pleaded, pouting a little.

Hyuck felt a small smile form from his lips as he looked at the older boy giving him puppy dog eyes.

"fine, I'll be ready to go in half an hour. You better make this worth it" Hyuck giggled, finally closing his door after Mark stepped away. He air punched in success and put together the final bits and pieces while Hyuck got ready.

Half an hour later, Hyuck walked out of his room in a pair of black skinny jeans, a red t-shirt that was ever so slightly too big for him and a pair of red converse. As he walked he slipped into a white, short-sleeved button-up shirt which he left in buttoned. Mark thought he looked stunning.

Mark, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of blue jeans, black converse, a simple plain white t-shirt and a large grey hoodie. He was also wearing his glasses today. Hyuck thought he looked cool.

Mark smiled as the two of them made their way out of the building and towards his car. "ready for a day of fun!!" Mark cheered slightly. Hyuck giggled and nodded his head slightly as Mark started the car.

They drove for a few hours, in which time Hyuck had fallen asleep. Mark didn't wake him up though. Donghyuck had looked exhausted for the past few days and he clearly needed this extra nap before make drained him of energy again


When the two finally arrived, Hyuck woke up to a loud voice, "Fuck! I checked on the website, it's supposed to be open!" Mark cursed as he double-checked the website he had used before.

Meanwhile, Hyuck was trying to figure out where exactly they were, he looked over Mark's shoulder to see what the boy was doing. He was scrolling frantically through the web page trying to find the opening times.

Hyuck quickly slipped the phone from Mark's hand and did it himself.

"umm, Mark. It says it's closed today. It's the 15th of November, it's closed for the next week so it can prepare for the Christmas opening" Hyuck explained, pointing out the clearly bold text on Mark's screen.

"oh my god, I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I dragged you out the house for this, but I promise the next place will be just as fun as this would have been" Mark smiled shyly and Hyuck just smiled in return, nodding slightly as a sign that he was willing to give it a go.

Mark started the car and followed the signs to the place he had planned to go next. While they drove, they sang along to a few different types of music. Well, Mark did. Hyuck was too scared to, instead, he just watched Mark and giggled as the boy looked like an idiot. Occasionally Hyuck would panic when Mark stopped paying attention to the road so Mark decided to calm down a little.

They drove for a while. They were only an hour or so away from where they were supposed to be going. But suddenly there was a big,



Sorry for the short chapter.

Thanks for reading💕


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