𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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When the two left the house, they walked down the street to collect Mark's car from the garage so he could drive them to school.

While walking in the cold, Hyuck jumped about, watching his breath as he breathed out. Mark walked a little behind him; hands in his coat pockets and a hat covering his head.

When the two finally got the car back, they both jumped inside, the comfort and heat warming them up instantly.

On the drive to school, Hyuck watched out the window; the crisp, cold winter morning passing by. The people who walked all wore huge coats, hats and scarfs. The morning sky was a cold blue colour with a few clouds here and there.

Upon arrival, the two boys were greeted by their other friends, who all waited for them by the school gate.

"Hey Hyuck, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jaemin asked as the two approached them. Hyuck looked up at Mark who currently had his arm draped over Hyuck's shoulder. He smiled and moved his arm before walking over to talk to Jeno and the others.

Hyuck followed Jaemin a little distance away from the others before he stopped in his tracks, turning to face Hyuck with a sympathetic yet serious expression.

"How are you feeling? You look better but I know that sometimes that isn't the case" Jaemin asked carefully, his voice soft and calm.

"honestly, not much better. But don't tell Mark. He's in such a good mood today and I don't want to be the one to ruin that" Hyuck sighed, looking over at Mark who was laughing and joking around with the other boys. His smile was bright and his happiness was real. Hyuck didn't want to ruin that.

"Hyuck... You can't keep lying to him. He really likes you, and he cares about you. You need to tell him the truth" Jaemin exclaimed, placing a hand on each of Hyuck's shoulders, making him look directly at him.


"no buts, he's your friend now and you have gotten just as close as you and I are. Just... Promise me you won't shut him out. You should have heard how worried he sounded when he called me yesterday, when we got to your house he was in such a state" Jaemin explained, hoping his point would actually get across to the older boy.

"I don't know. I don't think I'm ready. You know how long it took for me to open up to you, just... Give me a little longer, I'll get there" Hyuck sighed before skipping back over to the other boys.

"what was that about?" Mark muttered quietly to Hyuck while they walked down the hall.

"It was nothing. I'll see you all at break!" Hyuck called out before running in the opposite direction.

Jaemin watched as his best friend got further and further away from the group before turning down one of the corridors. He was genuinely worried about Hyuck. He had the tendency to bottle everything up until one day the bottle broke. And Hyuck's bottle always seemed to be made from glass, because when the bottle breaks, all the shards that fly from it hurt the people around him.


When break time finally came around, the group met on their usual table. While they ate their food, Hyuck had his head resting against Mark's shoulder, complaining that he had a headache.

The others watched as Mark comforted Hyuck, playing with some of his hair after he had finished eating.

To an outsider, they looked closer than friends.

And maybe even to someone who wasn't an outsider.


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