𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"Please help us"

"Please, do anything. Just help"

"we broke down on the side of the A79. Please. It'll only take five minutes. Please... Seriously, what the hell. Great, we are stuck in the middle of nowhere" Mark sighed as he bought his phone away from his ear. He slowly sat down on the curb next to where Hyuck was already sat.

The place was silent. Mark had decided to take the back roads to get to where he had planned to go because the scenery was better. He was now seriously regretting that decision.

Mark rested his elbows on his knees and threw his head into his hands. All along, all Hyuck could do was watch as Mark stressed over the car that was now sat at the side of the road next to them.

"They said they are too busy to send anyone to help today. So we have two options, either stay here and sleep in the car or leave the car here and head home" Mark explained, not taking his eyes from the black tar underfoot.

Hyuck stayed silent for a while, not sure what to say. Mark turned to face him and noticed the blue tint to his lips.

Hyuck was shivering, his arms wrapped tightly around himself. Mark's mind stopped thinking about everything.

Everything except the boy beside him.

Mark quickly pulled his jumper over his head and pulled it over Hyuck's. Instantly the warmth wrapped around him like a blanket.

The mixture of Mark's sent and the warmth that had come from his body made Hyuck melt into it.

Hyuck looked up at Mark and mouthed a small thank you. "hold on, I've got something else you can borrow as well" Mark exclaimed. He quickly climbed into his car and rummaged around for a few seconds before coming out with a red beanie. He pulled it over Hyuck's head and smiled, "Better?"

Hyuck nodded in reply, as his body heated up, so did his cheeks. Luckily, Mark hadn't seemed to notice due to the face they were already red from being cold.

"okay. Come on, there can't be a bus stop too far from here" Mark sighed as he helped Hyuck up from the curb.

As the two made their way down the road, walking side by side. They started dancing around and joking about with each other. Both had the broadest smiles around right now.

While walking, the two had been so engrossed with each other and having fun, that they hadn't noticed the sky turn from a light cloudy grey, to a pinky colour seeping through the gaps of the clouds.

The two slowly calmed down as they walked further. Soon enough, they were walking calmly next to each other. Well, Mark was now walking ahead because Donghyuck's legs were giving up on him.

Mark turned around to see the small boy slowly traipsing behind him. He was walking with his arms wrapped around himself while his hands were hidden away inside the slaves of the hoodie. Mark smiled as he waited for the boy to catch up.

"are you okay?" Mark asked when Hyuck eventually reached him. Hyuck looked up and nodded sleepily. "okay, it's not long until the next bus stop, let me give you a piggyback until we get there" Mark smiled kindly, only wanting to help.

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