𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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The birds chirping.

The light flooding the room.

The rain pattering against the window.

The breeze through the room.

A mixture of things woke Mark the following morning. But the thing that had started it happened a couple of hours ago.

The empty feeling beside him.

Mark rubbed his eyes as he sat up in the bed. It took him a moment to realise what was missing, but as soon as he remembered, a small smile crept onto his lips.

The clock on his bedside read 6 am. Normally he would have gone back to sleep, instead, he decided to go find the younger boy who had disappeared so mysteriously.

Mark made his way through the house, not once seeing the boy. He searched every room but Hyuck was nowhere to be seen.

After looking in every other room he knocked on Hyuck's door, but there was no answer. Mark sighed and walked back to his room.

He flopped down in his bed and reached for his phone, sending Hyuck a message.

Mark Lee
Where are you?

Seconds later the text said read below it. Minutes later there was still no response. Mark walked to Hyuck's door and started knocking harshly.

"Hyuck, are you in there?!" Mark shouted, nerves starting to kick in.

"yes and I'm not coming out" Hyuck cried out, his voice quiet and shakey...

3 am

Why now?

Why like this?

Hyuck sat up in the bed. His head was killing. These words, these thoughts. It was almost as if they were screaming to him.

He carefully slipped himself out of the room. Successfully, not waking Mark while doing so.

Hyuck made his way into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He grabbed the one thing on his mind before sitting against the door.

As he lowered himself the tears he had been holding back slowly formed streams down his cheeks.

He lifted the blade to his wrist where the previous scars were already formed. He froze as he held the blade millimetres away from his skin.

What would Mark think?

The thought only crossed his mind once or twice when he came to the conclusion that Mark wouldn't care. He let the blade run across his skin.

Instantly the pain that had been in his mind washed away as the blood from his wrist dripped onto the floor.

He only did one line. But instead of instantly snapping back after relieving the pain, he let the blood run, forming a small puddle on the floor.

After a few more minutes he picked himself up and cleaned the mess he had made, wrapping his wrist up as he had done previously.

He slowly dragged his feet until he flopped down on his bed, snuggling into the cold sheets that covered it.

As he laid there, he allowed the tears to continue to fall, eventually, he managed to cry himself to sleep. His cheeks red, eyes puffy and hair sticking up in places. He drifted to a place where he wouldn't have to think about these things, a place where all his worries were non-existent.

Where they used to be non-existent.

Until last night.

7:25 am

Mark paced around the house, waiting for Hyuck to come out of his room. The whole morning, no matter how much Mark tried Hyuck hadn't said anything after telling Mark that he wasn't leaving his room.

Apparently, he was planning to stick to that. At 8 am, Mark decided to messaged the only person he thought might be able to help.

Hey, I need help

What's up?

Donghyuck locked himself in his room and won't come out

Oh, he used to do that all the time
Just stay with him in case he does decide to come out
Me and the others will come over after school and check up on him

Okay, see you then

Mark sighed as he put his phone in his pocket. The worst thing about Hyuck locking himself in his room wasn't the fact that Mark couldn't get to him. He didn't care about that. It was the fact that he could hear all of Hyuck's screams and cries.

He sounded like he was in so much pain but Mark couldn't do anything about it. He didn't know what to do about it.

Yes, he was also suicidal at times, but Hyuck sounded really bad right now.

Like, really bad.

Short chapter this time, but hey, you got a double update

What do you think so far??

I hope you are enjoying



I am honestly so grateful for your guys' comments and votes, they really do make my day and are currently helping me through mock exams lol

💕Thank you💕


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