𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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The next morning was a bright one. Although the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear, it was freezing cold.

After finding some for Renjun and Jaemin to borrow, the group wrapped up in hats and scarfs and made their way to school. Laughing and giggling as they all caught each other up.

When they finally arrived at school. The group spotted three boys who waited by some benches outside the building.

The second Jaemin called to the boys, you could see how the younger pairs face's lit up as if they had just seen the Christmas lights for the first time.

The two boys ditched their bags on Jeno, who had no idea what was going on, and charged at the boy they hadn't seen in what felt like forever.

The first to make it to Hyuck was Jisung who had started crying halfway to the boy. He threw his arms around Hyuck and held him tight.

Hyuck let out a small chuckle as he had noticed the tears streaming down the boy's cheeks.

"hey, Jisungie. I missed you too" He whispered into the boy's ear as he pulled him closer to himself.

A few seconds later the two let out a groan as a sudden body crashed into Jisung's back. Jisung removed himself from between the two boys and stood next to Jaemin who hugged the younger boy in excitement.

Now Chenle was squeezing the life out of Hyuck who just giggled away with the younger boy.

"Haechanie. We haven't seen you in sooooooooo long" Chenle whined as he pulled out of the hug.

"I know Lele. I'm sorry. I was going through some... Things" Hyuck sighed.

"I know Hyung. I'm just SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK" The younger squealed as he pulled Hyuck in again.

It was a sound Hyuck had missed so much. And not just Chenle but all his friends' voices. Hyuck had missed all his friends more than he realised. He was happy to have them back.

But just because he had his old friends back didn't mean he would forget about the new one he had made. One who stood with a stupid grin in his face while watching Hyuck smile with his friends.

"you guys should thank Mark Hyung. He's the reason you get to see my beautiful face up close again" Hyuck sassed as he smiled to the older boy who was now blushing a light shade of pink.

Only a few seconds later the younger two boys had swarmed Mark in a hug, the three of them falling to the ground. All of them laughed and giggled as the three stood up again.

"Besides, your face isn't that beautiful Hyuck" Renjun exclaimed jokingly.

Suddenly the mood of the younger boy changed.

Suddenly the thoughts began to swirl again.

Suddenly everything else became a blur.

Suddenly the younger was quiet and not all there.

But all that broke when an arm wrapped around his shoulder and a voice snapped him from his thoughts,

"Hey Hyuck, you good?" Mark asked as they continued walking down the corridor.

"hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. No, I'm great" the boy smiled as he watched his friends walking not far in front of him. He wasn't lying. He was great. But he failed to mention the bit that wasn't so.

Mark wasn't totally convinced by the way the younger had clearly quietened down for a little bit. However, he decided not to ask any questions. Not right now at least.

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