𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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"honestly, to start with I did think he was the one in the wrong. But it didn't take me long to realise, not only how wrong that thought was, but how wrong everything I did and said to him was. I hadn't had the confidence to even attempt to talk to him until today. I tried calling three times but he declined each one. And now that Jaemin said that, I understand why" Mark continued after talking about how he had gotten into that state of mind, to begin with.

"you really hurt him, Mark. I don't think I've ever seen him this bad. Even after his parents died" Jaemin commented.

"I know, and now I need your help to fix it. Do you think you could all help me find a way to fix it?" Mark asked, giving the three boys pleading eyes.

The three of them all agreed and talked about different ways Mark could approach and apologise to the younger boy.

While they were talking, Jaemin's phone gave off a loud ping as the screen lit up revealing a notification.

You don't have to come back tonight if you don't want to
I'm sure I can cope one night alone
Besides, you deserve to spend some time with the others
Also, me Jisung and Chenle are going to go to the mall tomorrow so, yeah
Goodnight 💕

Goodnight Hyuckie ❤️

"who was that?" Jeno asked as Jaemin tucked his phone back in his pocket.

"oh, it was Hyuck, he was just saying that I didn't need to go back to his place tonight" Jaemin explained. When he looked up, he noticed the confused face Mark had formed. "yes, I've been staying there since you walked out. I really don't want to leave him alone but if I go back then he will have a go at me and I won't hear the end of it. I'm sure he'll cope one night, right?" Jaemin pondered. He hoped it was true. He didn't know what he would do if it wasn't.


And obviously, as life goes, that's exactly what happened. Hyuck woke up the next morning, his breathing fast, his forehead hot and sweaty.

It was worse this time.

So much worse.

The emotions and senses were stronger than before. Everything about it was amplified by one hundred. It was so vivid. More like a memory than a dream. The smell of the woods. The rain that fell throughout, lightly falling against his skin.


As he watched every step he made. Through the town and into the boy. Through the woods and over the trees. Down the road and up to the bridge. Onto the wall and into the water.

Each step he watched closely, yet he couldn't do anything. All he could do was watched. It was as if someone as turned him into a statue that had eyes to witness everything but no power to do anything. It was painful.

His heart beat faster with each step closer to Mark's end. The pain the surged through his body like the burning of a flame or the sting of ice.

Hyuck slowly picked himself up off the sofa before making his way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

His feet padded against the cold tiled floor. His arms wrapped tightly around Minhyung who had been squeezed in his grasp since the moment Mark had called him.

As Hyuck took a sip of the ice-cold water, he began to feel dizzy, the all too familiar feeling from the past few days kicking in. He quickly dashed to the bathroom, carrying the teddy in his hands.

After getting done what he knew was coming, he sat against the door, the lion plushie held tightly to his face as he drifted to the world that he now dreaded more than the one of reality.


1:32, Today

Nana, Hyung
Do you know where Hyuck is?
Me and Lele are waiting at the mall but he hasn't arrived yet and hasn't replied to either of our calls or texts

I thought he was meeting you two so I didn't go back to his place
I'll try calling him

1:40, Today

He's not responding to me either
I'll go check on him, you and Chenle have fun and I'll keep you updated

Thanks, Nana

When Jaemin looked up from his phone, Renjun noticed the concerned look on the boys face as he stood up and started rushing around, collecting all his things.

As he was crashing around Jeno's apartment, he was stopped by a pair of hands grasping his shoulders.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jeno asked in a soft tone as he looked Jaemin in the eyes.

"I knew it was a bad idea to leave him alone" Jaemin started as he shook himself free and continued to dart around the room.

"I'm coming with you" Renjun blurted as he started to pick the few things up he had with him and quickly slipping his shoes on.

"what's going on?" Mark asked as he walked into the lounge where the others all were.

"I'm wondering the same thing" Jeno stated as he folded his arms.

"Jisung messaged me and told me that Hyuck hadn't turned up and he won't reply to anyone's messages" Jaemin explained as he started to exit the apartment.

"I'm coming too" Mark exclaimed as he grabbed his shoes.

"I don't think that's a good idea, you might just make things worse. We'll keep you posted" Renjun smiled apologetically, giving Jeno a kiss on the cheek before starting to run after Jaemin who was already halfway down the stairs.

Mark froze as he watched the door close. He sighed as he put his shoes back where they were sat next to the door.

"I'm sure he's fine. Everything will go back to normal soon enough" Jeno smiled, wrapping an arm over Mark's shoulder.

Mark sighed as he stared at the door,

"I hope so"


Yeah, I'm late again, please forgive me.

Also, it was bought to my attention that when I published Chapter Thirty Seven, it decided to only publish the first paragraph so if anyone is confused, please go back and read it. I'm sorry this happened but what can you do 🤷🏼‍♀️

I hope you liked this chapter

I only have one week left of school and I really want to write a Christmas special so I need you guys to tell me what you would read. It would publish it on Christmas day so keep your eye out anyway💕

I hope you enjoyed the chapter💕


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