𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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That's all Hyuck got out before he was wrapped by a pair of arms, squeezing him tightly in a hug.

He slowly relaxed into the familiar arms. He missed these hugs. It had been so long since he had felt the comfort of one of them.

When the person pulled away it wasn't even a few seconds before another body slammed into his. This hug was more worried as the body shook slightly as it held the boy closely.

Hyuck could feel tears rolling down his cheek as he buried his face into the boy's shoulder.

When Jaemin pulled away, the two looked at each other with teary eyes for a short amount of time before pulling each other in again.

All along, Mark watched from his place. Focusing on one thing and one thing only.

"What happened to you?" Mark asked, breaking the moment between the boys. Jaemin pulled away and cupped the boy's cheek, looking at the bruises and cuts that covered his face.

Hyuck smiled shyly and took the boys hand in his own, guiding him to sit on the sofa as he did. Renjun took a chair from the kitchen and placed it next to where Mark was sat.

Hyuck explained everything that had happened.

He explained everything that was spiralling in his mind last night.

He explained how they wouldn't leave him alone and that's why he was quiet.

He explained how Ten had gone for him at lunch and how he wasn't expecting it.

He explained how he went to visit his parents after school.

He explained how sorry he was for not replying to Mark.

He ended the whole thing with,

"But how did you guys get here?" while looking between Renjun and Jaemin.

"Mark called Injunnie, telling him that you hadn't gotten him. we were all worried about you after this morning anyway so when Mark called, we were hanging out, so we came over straight away" Jaemin explained. Renjun and Mark nodding along.

"but... How do you guys know Mark?" Hyuck asked, still not caught up on everything yet.

"well, Marks best friend and Nana got close through a project so Jeno started hanging out with us and soon he started bringing Mark" Renjun started off.

"and that day you fainted in the canteen, we saw everything and Jeno told us that Mark had gone home with you after school so we reached out to him and explained that we used to be close" Jaemin finished.

Hyuck sat with a guilty expression as Jaemin finished his sentence.

"I'm sorry about that" Hyuck almost whispered, but he was heard through the silence that was sat.

"for what?" Renjun asked, looking up from his lap to the boy who was sat with tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"for distancing myself. I didn't think you guys would care but I can hear the pain in your voice when Nana said we used to be close. And I'm sorry" Hyuck spoke, his voice cracking several times.

"Hey, no. It's not your fault. You needed space. You went through a lot Hyuck. We understand that. It's not your fault okay. Don't say that" Jaemin stated as he fell into the same state as Hyuck.

Donghyuck looked up at Jaemin as the two gave each other weak smiles. Soon enough they pulled each other into another hug. Not long after Renjun jumped in on the action, wrapping his arms as best he could around both boys. As he did so the three of them broke out into a burst of laughter.

Mark sat with a smile as he watched the three reunite. He didn't think it would be this easy. But that doesn't mean he isn't happy that it was.

He felt his heart flutter as he watched Hyuck laugh and giggle with his friends that he evidently missed.


That night, the two boys stayed over in Hyuck and Marks apartment. The three of them falling asleep in Hyuck's bed with Hyuck wedged in the middle, all snuggled together under the sheets. More than comfortable as they had slept in his position many times before.

It was peaceful that night. Hyuck's mind was at ease with his friends by his side he had missed them more than he could ever explain with words. He felt as if a piece of his world had fallen back into its place. And it was all thanks to Mark who was asleep in the room next door.

Halfway through the night, Hyuck ended up getting woken up by Renjun's hand that had managed to find its way up to Hyuck's face and was almost suffocating him.

Hyuck looked at his clock to see that it was only 11 pm. He decided to climb out of his bed and slowly made his way across the hall to the room next to his. He knocked lightly on the door before hearing a small voice telling him to come in.

Hyuck slowly edged into the room to see Mark sat on his bed with his laptop on his lap that was covered by a blanket.

"Hey? I thought you were asleep?" Mark asked as Hyuck walked over to Marks bed, perching down on the end, too scared to get any closer.

"Yeah, I was, until Renjun tried to suffocate me in his sleep again," Hyuck said as if it were the most normal thing ever. Mark just raised his brows in confusion. "his hands have a mind of their own when he is sleeping" Hyuck giggled slightly. Mark 'ah-ed' in understanding.

Mark moved the laptop from his lap and lifted the blanket before patting the space next to him, "want to stay in my room tonight? I promise not to try to suffocate you" Mark chuckled. Hyuck nodded slowly before crawling into the space next to the boy.

It wasn't long before every boy in the apartment was comfortably asleep. Wrapped in the warmth of a blanket. As well as someone, they felt comfortable with. Everyone was happy. It was as if something happened allowing them all to become happy again.

But good things don't always last.

Hopefully, theirs will.

For a while at least.


Ummm... I don't know if that ending made sense?

(Just the end of the chapter don't panic)

I hope it did.

It's late so if anything doesn't make sense just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

Thank you sooooo much for reading


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