𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢

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Throughout the week, things seemed to be getting better. Mark now had the majority of his classes with Hyuck and he was now on the same side of the year as all their friends.

The last week of school was pretty smooth sailing. The two boys stuck together like glue. It was where they felt most comfortable, together.

Side by side it felt the safest, like they were on top of the world. It was a weird feeling to start with but they soon got used to it.

Everything seemed to be getting better. That was until halfway through Friday, when Hyuck started to get unusually quiet and distant from everyone including Mark.

He avoided speaking unless he completely had to. He was silent for all their afternoon classes and barely even acknowledged the existence of anyone who tried to speak to him. It was happening again.

The thoughts started to leak in, one by one. Slowly clouding everything, making the numb feeling take over. All he could focus on was the throbbing in his head. It felt like everything was moving at half the speed and yet he felt dizzy.


When the day finally came to an end, Mark sent a message to the others explaining that he was going to take Hyuck straight home since he was clearly not feeling well.

As soon as they walked through the door, Hyuck quickly spun around and started sobbing into Mark's chest. It startled the older at first but he soon calmed down and decided to take control over the situation.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asked as he guided the two of them to the sofa, Hyuck opting to sit on Mark's lap and burying his face into Mark's shoulder.

"th-the-they are B-back. I feel d-d-dizzy" Hyuck stuttered, shaking in Mark's grip as he continued to cry into his shoulder.

"Okay, it's okay. Look at me" Mark instructed which Hyuck soon followed, "take some deep breaths for me. Okay, tell me exactly what's wrong" He continued.

"it's like a throbbing feeling in my head. I feel dizzy and yet everything is moving so slow. I feel numb and yet there is so much pain. It just keeps getting worse. So many words scrambling through my head at once. I can focus on anything. I just want, I just want to, ugh" He quickly buried his face back into Mark's shoulder, his body shaking as he tried to not give in to the painful thoughts that filled his mind.

"it's okay, it's okay. I'm here, if you want to talk, we can talk. If you don't, that's fine, just, let me know what you want to do" Mark spoke softly, trying to find a way to comfort the younger boy.

"y-y-you talk" Hyuck stuttered, not moving his head from the older boy's shoulder.

"Okay, what about?" Mark asked, not sure where to go.

"a-anything" Hyuck responded quietly, his body still shaking in Mark's arms.

"Okay... Umm... Okay, you know the first day I met you, you know I told you there was something different about you?" Hyuck slowly nodded against Mark's neck and shoulder.

"well, I had a feeling, right from the start, that you were special, that's why I didn't turn down the coffee. There was something about you that I found, intriguing. When we talked, I got hooked. Everything about you, it seemed so perfect. But then the second time we met, when we spoke about our families, I realised that your life was just as fucked up as mine, if not more. I think, at first, I took pity on you. I wanted to protect you. You seemed so happy that when I found out about all this new stuff, my heart broke for you. You were so precious, you are so precious. Everything about you is so delicate and soft, and not in a bad way" Mark spoke as he began to run his hand through the younger boy's curls.

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