𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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For the next week, things only got worse.

Hyuck continued to lock himself in his apartment.

Nobody went in.

Nobody came out.

It was like there was no one living there. A vacant apartment. As if Hyuck had disappeared from the face of the planet.

Silence from the dorm.

Twenty four hours of the day.

Each of the boys took it in turns to go check on him. Every day, one of them would visit for at least an hour. Arriving at the same time every day, five pm, there would be a knock on the door before they told Hyuck they were there and waited for a response.

To anyone else it probably looked weird. Seeing a teenage boy sat on the floor talking to a door and not always getting a response, isn't exactly the most normal thing.

The worst part of it was that Hyuck didn't always respond. There were days when it would take a decent amount of time to finally get a reaction from the boy. Some days, it was even just a knock on the door from the inside.

That was always the case with Mark though. Hyuck never vocalised his response to Mark. He didn't want the boy the hear how broken his voice was. As much as he wished he could bring himself to open the door to him or even speak back, he just couldn't.

The pain that flowed through him. The agonising feeling from the nightmares. The stinging feeling that sat with him due to the ladder of cuts that led up his arm. All he could feel was pain. All the time. He didn't want the others to see him like this, even hear him sometimes.

Especially Mark.


As the week continued, there was still no response from Doyoung. Jaemin was beginning to panic that the older boy had changed his number and now they had no plans on what to do. But the more he thought about it, the more he stressed.

Apparently, Jeno noticed the amount of worry and stress the whole situation was causing his boyfriend. So they could keep things off his mind as much as possible, he insisted the younger and Renjun stayed with him and Mark until things got a little more under control.


The week continued and it had gotten to Friday and there was still no response to Jaemin's message to Doyoung. In which he told the older boy about absolutely everything. It was closer to an essay than a text message.

Mark had decided to visit Hyuck today instead of Jeno because Jaemin had been extra tense today and needed both his boyfriends to comfort him. That and the fact that he couldn't get the Hyuck out his mind.

As Mark walked down the corridor, he heard a sound that he never thought he would hear to this extent. He made his way further down the corridor and the sound just got louder.

The shrieks.

The screams.

The cries.

Mark stopped outside of Hyuck's apartment, just as his heart did as he listened to the sound.

He knocked lightly on the door at first, but when the shouting only continued, his heart started to beat again but at an abnormally fast pace. He knocked again, but louder and yet, there was still no response.

Just as he started panicking and pacing back and forth up and down the corridor, he did the only thing he knew to do.

He phoned Jaemin.

After explaining exactly what he had heard, Jaemin hung up without saying a single word. Mark continued walking up and down the hall, trying to block out the cries that sounded as though they belonged in a horror movie that were emitting from the specific apartment.

Soon enough, Jaemin came running down the corridor. He was out of breath and his eyes were slightly puffy, suggesting he was crying on the drive there.

Not far behind him, Jeno and Renjun trialled, both just as out of breath as the younger.

Jaemin froze as he faced the door, listening from the cries of murder that came from inside. He felt his legs get weak from underneath him and his heart beat at an inhuman pace.

Just as his legs gave in he was caught by a pair of arms that wrapped around his waist. He quickly buried his face into Jeno's shoulder as the older held him tightly to his chest. Mark furrowed his brows in sympathy as he watched Jaemin cry into Jeno's chest. Gripping at his shirt every now and again. His cries were muffled by Jeno's shirt but Hyuck's remain just as vocal.

Eventually, Jaemin pulled himself together, sniffling a few times and wiping his cheeks before speaking up,

"Can you explain what happened?" Jaemin asked as he turned to face Mark.

"he was like it when I got here. I have no idea what's going on. I called you not long after I got here" Mark explained, trying to think if there was anything else he should tell the boy.

"well, what do we do?" Renjun asked, his voice a little shaky and fragile.

"I honestly don't know this time," Jaemin paused as another loud cry sounded followed by absolute silence, making a shiver travel down his spine. "I don't think he's ever gotten this bad" he explained.

After saying that, Mark felt his whole body flow with the feeling of guilt. As if his blood was full of the stuff. They all started giving ideas but coming to the conclusion that none of them would work.

"I don't know anymore. I don't think there is anything we can do" Jaemin sighed as his eyes welled up.

"I'm sure there's something, we just have to figure it out" Jeno rushed, hating to see his boyfriend in pain and not being able to do anything about it.

They all froze when an unfamiliar voice sounded from the other end of the corridor.

"maybe I can help"


Hey 👋🏼

One more week of school

Possibly, one more week of this story
(maybe less, maybe more)

What did you all think of today's chapter??

What type of story would you want to see next??

I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to do when I finish this story but I have a few small story ideas that I could try.

If you have any suggestions for a Christmas one-shot story or a new book idea just let me know💖💖

I hope you have a good week 💕


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