𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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To Hyuck, Christmas had always been the most magical time of the year. But this year is his first one without his parents. And until a month or so ago, he thought he was going to be completely alone.

He had so many great memories of Christmas' with his family. The way they would always sit around the tree in the lounge and exchange gifts.

The way they would always have ice cream and waffles for breakfast.

The way they would all work together to put together the best Christmas dinner ever.

The way they would all snuggle together and watch Christmas movies until stip late at night.

So many great memories.

As they made their way through the area, Mark admired the smaller boy who was practically hanging from his arm. Hyuck laughed and giggled as he pointed at all the different things he wanted to do.

Mark watched as the boy's face glowed in the Christmas lights that were strung around. The way his nose, cheeks and ears were all dusted with a light pink due to the coldness of the air.

As they walked around the 'Winter Wonderland' market. Both Mark and Doyoung insisted on treating and spoiling the younger boy.

Mark couldn't help but smile as Hyuck dragged Doyoung from store to store, pointing out all the decorations and snacks he liked. He looked like a child in a candy store or even a child at a winter wonderland market.

The group walked around for a while and did some shopping for themselves as well as their friends. They grabbed a few snacks and drinks on their way around before heading to the fair section of the winter wonderland.

After insisting that he wasn't going to go on any of the rides, Doyoung ended up carrying all the bags and gifts the three of them had bought while walking around the market.

Hyuck quickly dragged Mark to all the different rues he wanted to go on. The waltz. The teacups. The carousel. The Ferris wheel.

While on the Ferris wheel, neither of them could wipe the smiles from their faces. Hyuck held tightly onto Mark's hand throughout the whole ride. But at the same time, he couldn't stop looking out the window at the park and market that surrounded them. The bright lights filled the area. You could see the smiles from every individual that engulfed on the Christmas festivities.

As the two boys stepped off of the ride, Mark quickly came up with a suggestion of what to do next.

"i think we should go ice skateing before we leave" Mark smiled.

And just like that, Hyuck's face lit up even more, as if someone had just turned on the lights on the Christmas tree. He quickly started to drag Mark towards the rink that sat at the edge of the park.

They weaved through the people, occasionally bumping into one or two people along the way.

When they arrived they went to the booth to rent some skates before putting them on.

Hyuck rushed Mark the whole time, eventually pulling him onto the rink. The rink was rather large. It was outdoors and had a red and white barrier around the outside. But the main element was the giant Christmas tree that sat on the ice to the side of the middle.

As soon as they stepped on, the sense of realisation hit Mark. He had never been ice skateing before.

"u-u-um Hyuck... I've um... Never been ice skating before. I don't know how to" he stuttered as he gripped onto the bannister that ran around the edge of the rink.

"take my hand" Hyuck giggled as Mark slid around.

"what?" Mark asked as he looked up at the younger with shock in his eyes.

"Take my hand. I'll help you get used to it" Hyuck smiled.

Mark reluctantly removed his hand from the rail, reaching out and taking Hyuck's in his own. When the younger pulled him off the rail he slipped. However, he didn't fall, Hyuck held onto his arms, barely holding him up off the ice.

Mark carefully stood up again with Hyuck's assistance. After stabilising Mark, Hyuck slowly started to skate backwards, holding Mark's hands while instructing and guiding him around the rink.

Hyuck was particularly good at ice skating. He used to go with his family at least once every Christmas. It was a tradition since he was tiny.

Mark eventually got the hang of it and Hyuck even taught him how to stop without crashing into the barrier or falling on the ice.

As the sky grew dark and people gradually left, Mark and Hyuck skated peacefully around the rink that had become almost completely empty except for a few kids and couples who continued to skate on the ice.

The two skated around, hand in hand, enjoying the lights and the (now) relaxing feeling that came with floating across the ice.

They decided to take a small break from skating, stopping next to the Christmas tree so Mark could lean on the barrier and so they didn't have to leave the ice.

Mark couldn't help the smile that rose to his face as he looked at the younger in front of him. His cheeks rosy and skin glossing in all the lights. It reminded him of his feelings. And the fact that he had confessed them yesterday.

"Hyuck, can we talk about what I said yesterday? When I told you how I feel. I understand that you might not fe-"

Mark soon melted into the lips that had stopped him. A warm feeling spread throughout his body, making his heart beat faster than ever before.


It's short. I know, but tomorrow will be better. I promise.

I have completely given up on doing my Christmas book. It would just be me putting way to much stress on myself.

I hope you don't mind and I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Thanks for reading 💕


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