𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Mark walked to the booth where Renjun and Jaemin were already sat, waving him over as soon as he walked through the door.

"Hey guys" Mark smiled as he slid into the seat opposite the two.

"Hi, Mark. Its good to see you" Jaemin said in a weirdly stern tone, making the older uneasy.

"Yeah, chill out Jae, it's not an interrogation. We just need to talk to him, not get information out of him. In fact, it's the opposite of that" Renjun smiled as he turned from Jaemin to Mark.

"uh---uh..." was all Mark could say. Jaemin rolled his eyes and allowed a smile to form.

"Renjun's right. We just need to warn you of some things," Jaemin commented as a waitress slid four chocolate milkshakes onto the table.

"Warn me?" Mark asked, confused by the younger's choice if words.

"Yeah. We love Hyuck, but there are some things we want to make sure you know because he isn't always the best at opening up and we want to make sure you don't have the wrong reactions if he does tell you" Jaemin explained, which only really confused Mark further.

"Okay... Well, he has already told me about his parents so I think you're all good" Mark smiled, thinking he had gotten out of this until Renjun spoke up.

"Wow, I'm surprised he already told you that, has he told you about, well, the other thing?" He asked, clearly not actually wanting to talk about it.

"what other thing?" Mark asked cluelessly.

"oh, okay. So umm..." Jaemin drained out for a second, thinking of the best way to word this.

"so, do you know how sensitive Hyuck can be at times?" Jaemin asked, wishing that he didn't actually have to do this. Unfortunately, he knew it was what was best for Hyuck.

"Yeah, especially when he is ill" Mark responded, remembering yesterday's conversation with the boy.

"Haha, yeah. Well..." Jaemin paused again, this time Renjun cutting in.

"Sometimes, Hyuck gets VERY sensitive and he becomes vulnerable to anything anyone says... And... Well... Let's just say, sometimes things affect him more than it normally would and he ends up having certain thoughts" Renjun explained, trying to word it as well as possible without having to say the word.

"huh? What do you mean by certain thoughts?" Mark asked, just as confused as he was before.

"he has anxiety and he is depressed and suicidal, Mark! " Jaemin almost shouted as tears began to tumble down his cheeks. "he has gotten to that point several times but we have always been there to help him. But after his parents died he shut us out completely and I am terrified that something will happen and sent him over the edge and I won't be able to do anything about it" Jaemin went on as his voice cracked several times and the tears slowly formed streams.

Mark sat, dumbfounded by the younger boys words. He hadn't know Hyuck long, but in that time he had seemed like such a happy bubbly person. How could he be suicidal?

Renjun and Jaemin watched as the realisation hit the older. Jaemin's tears had slowed down as he watched the older fumble through his brain. He knew it was hard to believe. His reaction was the same as Marks when Hyuck first told him.

Mark thought about everything.

Everything him and Hyuck had ever spoken about.

Everything they had down together in the short period of time.

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