Chapter 44 An Attraction Of Hatered

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Lucus and Fate held Erika's hands and walked by her side as they walked up the stairs. She slowly paced up the white stairs. Soon, the blue stairs arrived. "I'm leaving her to your care now" Lucus said to Fate. Fate stared at him and looked at Erika.

"You've got something to say?" She asked to Erika.
"Tell Kirito, his uncle is after his life. He should stay as away from him as possible."

"We aren't your messan--"
"It's okay. We'll tell him" Lucus said with a smile. Fate gave him an ugly look. He just smiled and nodded his head. Then, she climbed on the stairs with Erika.Lucus looked at the blue stairs.
"They are still just as blue. God is still just as angry"

Kurosava walked into his office as the employees bowed at him. He bowed back with a smile.
"I think Mr Kurosava is better than Kirito Hiomi" One of the employee said.
"Yeah. He's so humble and down to Earth. So unlike that Kirito brat. He's just 24 and still acts so arrogant,even in front of Mr Kurosava. I guess Mr Kurosava is about 29, right?"

"Yes he is. He's older, more experienced and much more mature. I wonder why his brother didn't pass down this company to him."
"Oh! Don't you know, it's because of that Kirito. Mr Kurosava would have both the companies under him if Kirito wasn't born"
"What a jerk."

Kurosava stood behind the wall and smiled as he drunk his coffee from the coffee machine. 'Of course. I thought that too but now it's fine. He isn't someone who should be feared'

Soon, Kirito entered the office and all the whispers died down. Everyone bowed to him and wished him but he just walked past them. Sora ran after him with a bunch of files in her hand.

He walked to an employee and slapped him really hard. Everyone stared at him and slowly gathered around "So you're the one whose spreading rumors about the company that we are harassing our models in return for job security" Kirito said.

Everyone stared at him. He didn't speak anything nor did he look up at Kirito "I must say though.... I'm not surprised" He said and looked up at the others "You're all snakes. You're just looking for an opening to bite. You can bear your fangs but I'll break them before they could reach me"

People slowly started whispering among themselves "Just because,"
One of them said "Just because you are rich, doesn't mean you can harass models!"

"Oh! So I'm harassing models now?" Kirito said with a grin. "I saw you with Erika!" A woman from the crowd spoke up.
"Yeah me too! And after that I didn't see her again" Another woman said. "Erika? What happened to her?"

"Ha! Your company's top model is missing and you don't even give a crap"
"Do you even care?! You're way too up cloud nine to look down! You only care about yourself, don't you!"
"That's why we still don't see you as a president!"

"Alright! I'm resigning!" Everyone began shouting at Kirito. Sora tried to calm them down . Kirito felt intimidated.

'Oh no! Calm down! Calm down! My panic attack!' He thought as he grabbed his chest. He closed his eyes and everything turned quiet.

He remembered the time when Mr Hiomi passed the company to him.

"What I'm giving you today, Kirito, is something which you must protect at all costs. Life is a grindstone, whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us. So what are you, Kirito?"

Kirito's blood flushed right beneath his cheeks as they turned red and he looked up "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing coming out of it will be your teeth"

"Who do you think you are?!"
"Your boss, you dog." He said as he crossed his arms "Now get your asses back to work! Enough slacking off! And nobody's going back home before 11 pm today, am I clear?!"

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