Chapter 53 Just Not Me

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Ethan grew accustomed to not having her around. Every day, he would open the door in the hope that she's been waiting there to hug him, but all that was waiting there was darkness. Everything was just the way he left it. He came in and switched on the lights. He thought of calling her and apologising.


"Vivian, please come home. I'm sorry. I won't shout at you anymore" He felt sad as he looked outside of the balcony.
"Okay, I'll be right there," She hung up. Then, he turned back and looked at the mess the house was.
"I should probably clean up"

When Vivian entered the house, she was surprised to see what a mess it was.
"Okay, how is the place so dirty?" She asked as she stood in the living room. It was dirtier than before.
"I tried cleaning and it backfired" He told her. Vivian laughed "Okay, you don't have to do that. We have a housekeeper for that"

"But she only comes in the morning"
"Wait-- You managed to create this mess in one night?!" She was shocked.
"Correction, one hour"
"Oh my God! You're like a monster of mess!" She exclaimed. He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear "I am one"
"Yeah I know--"

"In bed too"

She blushed and moved away. "You pervert," She covered his mouth "Well, I can't seem to remember properly but I think you started it. I was pure before that night you claimed that I am into rough se--"
"I was drugged!"
"Yeah, and you can't lie when you're drugged"
"Let's clean the place!" She shouted and he laughed "Okay, let's clean it"

They started talking again after that. Even if she couldn't come, they would call every night. She would put her phone on speaker and talk to him while practising her steps. This went on for one week. Sejok noticed it. One day, her manager, Hans came in "We need your phone" He said.
"Okay? But why?"

"Because sir believes it's distracting you," Hans said.
"It isn't. I'm practising--"
"Vivian. You are to comply with everything." Vivian looked at her phone. He brought his hands forward and Vivian handed her phone to him.

He went to Sejok's and gave it to him. Sejok took the phone "What now, sir?" Hans asked. "I won't let a rising star fall because of this thing," He threw the phone out of the window. It went into the fancy pond surrounding the building.

Ethan called that night but it seemed as if it had been switched off. Vivian knew that it would worry him so she went to meet him personally.
"They have taken away my phone. We can't call anymore" She said.
"You're joking, right?" Ethan said.
"I wish I were"
"Well then tell them you don't want to! I'm your husband goddammit! Fight a bit for us!"

"Why don't you understand! I can't fight... back." She realized that this was exactly what Ethan said when she first presented the idea of her joining the show business. He smirked "See. You are not free anymore. This is the freedom you wanted?"

She had no answer to that. None of them would speak and slowly five minutes passed by "I'm sleeping. Figure out this problem by yourself. You created it, not me " He went to bed. She sat on the table for a long time thinking by herself-- By the morning, she had written another song.

The next day, she bought another phone and decided to keep it a secret from the company. Only Ethan had her number. She was hiding things which were a freedom to every other normal person and Ethan seemed to hate it. He knew she was struggling to keep up but maybe this was the best way to teach her a lesson.

Her phone was mostly left unattended and it became difficult to reach her. She would meet him once a while, rest of the time, the housekeeper would cook.

"Vivian, I want to talk to you about something," Sejok said as she was leaving for the day.
"What is it, sir?" She asked
"I've been here for pretty long. I've seen stars rise, becoming cocky, arrogant, having scandals, not thinking about their reputation and sinking far beneath, even deeper from where they came from where everyone hates them. I don't want you to end up the same way."

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