Chapter 59 Angels Divine All Night

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Vivian and Fate stood face to face. Vivian couldn't understand what fate was trying to tell her and Fate understood that.

"There are three divine angels- Life, Fate and Death. Rest all are made by them. All other angels were mortals before except the three divine angels. They are angels by birth.

We are strictly prohibited to interact with mortals. We can talk to their souls, but not in their consciousness. About few hundred years ago, Death broke that rule. He killed a human girl before her time because he fell for her. He learned then, that he could keep the soul away from the stairs if he tore away the page of the Antabulam. So, he did that. She would go around with him everywhere. Just like you followed him everywhere after you died, she was just like that. Her name was Margaret.

Margaret didn't like the name "Death", so she named him "Jericho". They both loved each other dearly and soon she got pregnant. The child wasn't an angel, it was a mortal girl who had Death's blood in her veins.

Life told about this to God and he was infuriated that Death broke yet another rule. He was actually the type who wouldn't follow any rules-- Which made his key pretty weak in all these years."

"This choker?" Vivian asked as they stood under the stars. The rain had stopped. Fate touched her choker.

"It's a key. Angels are the lock. It can't be removed, it's a part of us" Fate said as she pressed her blue choker "It ensures loyalty to God. The key or the choker, whatever mortals call it, breaks when you break rules 100 times. See, on yours, it reads 67. You've broken the rules 67 times. Mine reads 12. It is a weapon against you yourself."

"What happens when it breaks?"
"You aren't an angel anymore. You become a devil and you are banished from the human world. You lose all your memories and burn in hell forever."

"I see..."
"So, God was angry. The girl was rejected by both heaven and hell, her soul was buried as her burdens could only be borne by the Earth and the blue stairs were made. They could only be crossed by Fate and Mortal souls. Death could not cross them to reach heaven. Ever. He left the mortal girl child in the mundane world. I took care of her in every step.

I protected her heart and soul as she grew up. She married another mortal and had a child. It was again a girl. Who married another mortal, had a child. It went on until you were born. Your pink hair resembles Death's hair. Though now it has turned peachy, he has lost much of his strength over the years.

Sadness usually kills an angel. Angels should be kept happy for them to have their maximum strength. I guess it's the same for mortals too"

"Yes, it is."
"His eyes turned from blue to grey and his hair turned from pink to peach over the course of time. Initially, his hair was black but then when he was banished from heaven and made a man, they turned pink.

But, I prefer him as a man. He is beautiful either ways" Fate said as Vivian looked at her. "Angels don't change with time. But he did, he had become soft and mellow. He was so fierce before but now he doesn't even carry his scythe around."

"Angels of death are reapers. They kill free souls who have managed to run away from the path of white stairs. The problem is, he is the only reaper and he doesn't kill free souls because that's pretty painful for him.

Souls cry and beg to the reapers for mercy. It's a pretty painful procedure"

"Why does he call himself Lucus? Is that related to my father?"
"Yes, because that's your father's name,"
"I never thought that this could be the reason. What's the key number for Death?"

"It's 99. He breaks another rule and it's the end for him. So I'll do the bad work for him" She said.

"You love him, don't you?" Vivian said, "Nobody else could lay their life for someone else except for those who really care."

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