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    "Charlie darling, when does your train leave again?" My mom asks for what feels like the hundredth time. I let out a very small sigh of irritation as I repeat myself again. "Eleven O' clock on the dot. Same as last year and the year before that."
     She gives me a look that tells me not to take that tone with her. I have to restrain myself from rolling my eyes at her. "You should go to bed then. You'll have to be up early," she says giving me that 'you need to do what I say' look.
     I stand. "Right you are. Goodnight mom, love you," I say before giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles sweetly at me. "Goodnight darling. I love you too."
     I pick up my book and walk upstairs to my room. We live in a small apartment in London, my room is in the attic due to storage issues. The extra storage being me. Though I very much like the attic, so it isn't a big deal for me. It's cosy, separated, has a good window, and I get the occasional bat visitors. My fuzzy little pals, even if I'm not supposed to mess with them.  
     Five people live in the apartment apart from myself, which is a lot for a small apartment. My mother (Hannah), my father (Dale), my older brother (Von), and my little sister (Mazy). Why don't Mazy and I just share a room since we're sisters? Well, we used to, but when she turned four she threw fits almost every day until she got her own room.
     Why doesn't Von take this room since he is the older brother? He said it was too creepy. He has always been a baby, he can't even watch Scream without, well, screaming. Von is one year older than me, 17, and still sleeps with the light on. Mazy is six now and she is braver than him. Von hates me with a passion, he always has, ever since I can remember. He is starting to teach Mazy to feel the same. Which is very sad because her and I used to get along very well.
     I close the door to my room, which is on the floor since I have to use a ladder to get up here, and walk over and sit down in front of my bed. I look at the piles of books I have for the new school year. I sigh. The year hasn't even started yet and I am already behind. I really don't want to read all this right now.
     I pick them all up and put them in my suitcase on top of my clothing. I zip up my suitcase and slide it under my bed then flop backwards on my bed. I look out the window in the dark street. I wish I could go walking. I love walking at night. I always get in trouble for it though. My parents say it is dangerous and that I could get kidnapped or something.
     I should try to sleep, but I have nervous butterflies in my stomach. This is my sixth year at school, but I'm still nervous. These are the same butterflies that I felt before my first year too. I go to a school for witches and wizards called Hogwarts, I'm the only witch in my family. Well, technically I don't know if I am. I don't know who my real family is. This is just my adoptive family. I was adopted when I was two. We don't know anything from my real family. They claim they don't at least. Though there is always a little glint in their eyes that make me think they are hiding something and just won't tell me.
     I set my glasses on my bedside table then close my eyes and try my best to get some sleep. After what feels like hours I glance over at my clock, seeing that the time is only 11:03 pm... Ugh... I have a long night left.

     "Charlie! Come on! Are you packed and ready?!" My mom yells up to me from upstairs. I yawn during my response. "Yes! I'll be right down!" I pick up what feels like a fifty-pound suitcase.
     The door opens, I look down and see the blonde-haired boy with a perfectly shaped jaw, piercing blue eyes, and a nicely muscled chest and arms. Von. "My mom told me told to come to get your suitcase because you are too weak to pick it up," he says sounding bored. I roll my eyes. Here we go.
     "She is my mom too. I can pick it up on my own. Thank you for the offer though," I say walking over and waiting for him to move so I can climb down. "Last I remember she didn't give birth to you. Just hand me the damn suitcase so you don't fall down the ladder," He reaches up for the suitcase. I reluctantly hand it down to him. He takes it then moves out of my way so I can climb down.
     When I am standing in front of him I look up to see his face, him being 6"3 and me only being 5"3. I take my suitcase back. "Why do you want to go back to that freak show school? It's not like you're learning anything important or like you have any friends. Or family," he says coldly.
     I stiffen as he says the last part. "I do learn important stuff. I know how to turn you into a worm. I have a higher IQ than you, remember? Mom had us tested. And I have friends. I have family somewhere," I say quickly, wishing I really could turn him into a worm at this moment.
      He rolls his eyes. "Have an awful year at the freak show orphan," He says before walking down the hall into his room. I give a quiet sigh of relief to finally be away from him before walking outside to the car that my mom is starting now.
      My mother smiles at me. "You look cute!" she says in a comment to my clothes. There isn't really anything cute about them. They are just navy blue skinny jeans with a yellow shirt tucked in and a brown button-up shirt as a jacket.
     I give her a 'thank you' smile before putting my case in the trunk of the car. I look in the back seat to see Mazy strapped into her booster seat. I give her a smile and a wave. She returns the wave, but not the smile. 
     I sigh and sit in the passenger's side of the car while my mom sits in the drivers. "Is your brother not coming with?" She asks while bucking her seatbelt. "I don't think so," I say putting my own on.
     My mom backs out of the driveway then pulls onto the road and turns on the music. Thank gosh, I really didn't want to try to make conversation. I am too nervous to talk. I look out the window and try to calm the butterflies down the entire way to the train station. 

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