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      I stretch out in the grass and lay down, concentrating on the clouds that are high above us. They look so soft and comfortable, though I know that they are nothing but water droplets. Still, I would love to lay on a giant thing of soft cotton and say it is a cloud. 
    "Charlie, your work is never going to get done if you keep looking at the sky," Reno says irritated. "I will eventually finish it. Calm down," I point up to one of the clouds. "That one looks like a dolphin."
     Cedric lays down beside me. "I don't know. I see a banana." Reno sighs. "You both are helpless." I sit up and look at him. "I'm just trying to enjoy the nice weather while it is here." Cedric sits up too. "Yea. Come on Reno, enjoy life a little before it's too late."
     Reno gathers his stuff. "I am enjoying life. I enjoy getting good grades and I enjoy studying."   "I enjoy getting good grades too, but I meant more of live in the moment while it is here and you can," Cedric says while watching him. 
     There is s strange popping sound suddenly. I think Cedric heard it too because he starts to look around for the cause of the sound. As do I. Though nothing out of the ordinary seems to be going on, and nothing around us would have made such a strange sound. 
    I lightly shrug it off then look back at reno who is writing his essay still. He suddenly has grown a set of large rabbit ears that match the colour of his hair in place of his normal ears. I gasp and cover my mouth. 
    "Reno, what did you do?!" Cedric asks, obviously referring to the eats. Reno looks between Cedric and me, confusion all over his face. "What do you mean? What's wrong?"   "You have bunny ears!" I say while pointing to my own ears. 
    He looks even more confused. "Bunny ears?" he touches the side of his head where the ears are and his expression quickly changes from confusion to terror. "I have bunny ears?! Why?! How?!" He quickly jumps up and pulls on them. 
     Cedric is trying really hard to hold in his laughter, and seeing him try not to laugh is too much for me. I burst out laughing. Which causes Cedric to laugh too. Causing both of us to laugh more. 
    "This isn't funny! Do you see what is going on?!" Reno yells. "I do, do you? Maybe eat some carrots, I hear they help with eyesight," I say, causing myself and Cedric to laugh more. "Oh haha, very funny! You are the one with bad eyesight West!" 
     "You don't want to get too stressed over this Reno, you might become a grey hare," Cedric says in between laughs. I laugh more. I wipe my eyes from the stray tears that are making their way out and look at reno. He is holding one of the ears and looking at it, terror still over his face. 
    "I'm surprised you couldn't hear us laughing with those ears, Reynolds," a familiar voice says from behind us. We all look over to see the Weasley twins looking rather delighted. Of course. How did I not know? 
    "You bastards did this! get rid of them now!" Reno yells angerly. "Reno calm down, it's just a prank," I say in hopes that he can just laugh it off. "Yea, come on Buno. It is just a prank," George says while smiling. "No hard feelings?" Fred asks, looking just as delighted. 
     "You two are the most irresponsible, thoughtless, pricks ever!" Reno yells while gathering his things. "Where are you going?" Cedric asks. "To the hospital wing so I can get rid of these damn things," Reno says while starting to storm off. Cedric quickly follows. 
    I look at the twins. "Why don't you change him back?" I ask quickly so I can follow. "Wheres the fun in that?" Fred asks. "Yea, and besides-"  "-We aren't 100% sure yet-"   "-On how to change them back." I sigh then get my things and run after Cedric and Reno. 

     "I can't believe those bastards would do that! I mean, I could have been seriously hurt!" Reno says while pacing the common room floor that night. His ears now back to normal. "Come on Reno it was just a joke, they didn't mean any harm," I say while trying to concentrate on my book. 
    "You are only siding with them because you fancy them and you thought it was funny!" Reno shoots at me. "I do not fancy them!" I say not even sure where he would have come up with that. "You do! You held Fred's hand!"   "Not because I fancy him."  "Reno, calm down. It's over now," Cedric interrupts. 
     "And you are only siding with them because Charlie is and because she fancies you!" Reno says now looking at Cedric. "I don't fancy Cedric!" I say even more confused. "Yes, you do! You kissed him last year!" 
      "On accident!" I yell, now angry that he would say I like three people in the span of five minutes and bring up something that happened in a complete out of context way when he knows the real story. 
    Last year during Quidditch practise I was walking out onto the field and I tripped over my own feet. When Cedric tried to catch me we both fell, him on top of me, and our mouths touching. It was awkward at first, but neither of us made a big thing of it. Reno teased us for a while though. 
    "You say it was but how-"  "Philip!" Cedric says loudly, Reno stops talking and looks at him. "You are saying a lot of hurtful things to Charlie and me too. The Weasley twins played a prank on you. It isn't a big deal and we aren't siding with them. we are just trying to calm you down," he speaks calmly and softly. 
    Reno sighs then plops down. "I guess you're right... I'm sorry..."   "It's fine Reno," I say with a small smile. "They pranked you. Do you know what that means?" He shakes his head while watching me. "It's our turn to prank them back." 

     The rest of our weekend we use our free time to do more homework. Well, Reno helps me mostly since he finished his work rather fast and Cedric wanted to spend some time with Cho. Reno is usually a little more helpful anyways. When Cedric helps me we always get off-topic. Reno makes sure we are on the same page. 
     On Monday morning instead of taking my normal place with reno and Cedric at the Hufflepuff table for breakfast, I walk over to the Gryffindor table. I am kind of nervous, I have never sat over here before. And I don't know anyone over here very well. 
    I take a set in between George and Neville and smile at everyone. "Good morning," I say trying to seem confident. Everyone who has noticed me seems rather confused. "Good morning," Hermione says with a small smile. 
     "What are you doing over here?" Ron asks. "Thinking about changing houses?" Fred asks while smiling. "You are definitely coming to the best one. Though you will need to change from those hideous robes," George adds, also smiling. 
     I smile at them. "I am actually very happy with being in Hufflepuff. Thank you for the offer though," I say while getting a glass of water. I take a drink. "Actually I am here to give you two a message," I say while looking at the twins. |
     "A message?" they ask at the same time. "From who?" Man, that is weird when they do that. "From my good friend Reno Reynolds."  "You mean Buno?" Fred asks amused. I nod while smiling. "Reno wanted me to tell you that he has no hard feelings, but to stay on the watch because he will get you back." 
     "Reynolds is going to prank us back?" George asks in amusement. "I'd like to see him try," Fred adds. I shrug. "I am just the messenger," I take another drink of my water before taking a cake pop. "We don't have these at our table I don't think," I say before eating it. I take another drink of my water after. "They are okay. I think Hufflepuff's table has better food." 
     "Does not," Fred says. "Ours is the best," George adds. They each take one of the cake pops and put the entire thing in their mouths and chew. At first, they look satisfied, but then after a few seconds, it changed to disgust. It takes everything I have not to contain my laughter. 
     "What the hell is that?!" George yells in disgust. "It is horrible!" Fred adds. I take one and cut it in half to reveal that under the chocolate coating is green. "A chocolate-covered Brussel sprout. Looks like I had the last cake pop. Sorry boys," I allow myself to lightly chuckle. 
      "Did you do that?" Fred asks in disbelief. "Do you know what one of the most annoying things is that you just can't help?" I ask, neither of them says anything. "Hiccups," I answer. and as if on command the two identical boys break out with a cause of hiccups. 
     I lightly laugh. "They will go away in a couple of hours, so don't worry. Though, I would keep this in mind for next time you want to prank us," I say before standing. I don't allow them to say anything before I walk away to the Hufflepuff table and take a seat with Reno and Cedric. As soon as I sit down I burst into laughter. Reno and Cedric look back at the twins and join me. For my first prank, I am pretty proud. 

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