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      "I really want to get my hair cut," I say with a sigh as I painfully brush out my messy hair while sitting on the common room floor. It's the day we get to visit Hogsmeade. Reno and Cedric look over, Reno is working on his writing, Cedric was lost in thought.
      We were going to leave a few minutes ago but I needed to brush out my hair that seems to be growing at an unbelievable rate.
    Reno sets his quill and notebook down and moves to sit behind me on the couch. "Hand me the brush," he commands. I hand it behind me to him and lean back in against the couch. His legs on either side of me.
      He gently brushes my hair. It is now grown almost past my shoulders. "You should get it cut today while we're in the village," Cedric suggests. I look at him with a small smile. "Are you suggesting that I don't look good with long hair Diggory?" I ask playfully.
     He lightly laughs. "No. I am suggesting it since you are constantly talking about how you want to cut it. I think your hair looks beautiful at any length," he says with a smile. I lightly laugh. "Well aren't you the charmer. How have you not wooed Cho yet?" I tease.
      "The Cedric charm takes time. Just let me do my thing," he says while laughing. "It's no wonder people think you guys are together. You sound like your flirting all the time. Can I go with you when you do cut it?" Reno says while smiling.
    "Of course you can, I'll need your help with figuring out a good length. And I can't flirt, you know that Reno," I say, a smile also on my face. "That's not what I heard," Cedric counters. "What do you mean? What did you hear?" I ask curiously.
     "I heard that you were flirting with one or both of the twins."   "I was never flirting with them," I correct, trying not to blush. "Okay. Then answer me this. Did you, or did you not, wink at them when they asked who was more attractive the day they tried to put their name in the goblet?"
     "You winked at them? What the hell does that mean?" Reno asks in a tone that I've never heard him use before suddenly being used. "It doesn't mean anything. It was a friendly, playful wink."
      "Okay. Don't you have a date with them today?" Cedric asks. This time I do turn red. "You have a date?!" Reno asks loudly, pulling my hair back painfully from surprise.
    "Ouch! No! I don't! They are just introducing me to their older brothers so we can talk about the stuff with my parents and then going and hanging out!" I say while lightly rubbing the spot on my head that hurts.
     "That sounds like a date! I thought we were going to find out parents together?! You haven't brought it up with Cedric or me in weeks! Only those two Gryffindors!" Reno yells, no longer brushing my hair. Why is he reacting this way?
    I turn and look at him. "It isn't a date Reno. We are going to together. But Cedric has been busy with the tournament stuff and I don't want to bother him with it. And you are always writing and studying. I don't want to bother you either."
     "That's what friends do though! They tell each other things and they bother each other! I thought us three had plans for Hogsmeade! We always do!"
     "Reno, we will have other visits," I say unsure why he is so upset. "Yea, and I'm sure we'll be able to hang out today too," Cedric says optimistically. "You know what, nevermind. It doesn't even matter," He throws the brush down angerly and storms out. Cedric looks at the door in shock for a few long seconds before looking at each other. 
     "I didn't expect him to get so upset..." I say quietly. "Me neither, I was just teasing you," He says in shock. I lightly nod. "You should probably go after him... He won't wait or talk to me if he is really mad..."   Cedric nods then stands. "I'll see you later right?" I lightly nod. He gives me a sympathetic smile then walks out. 
     I sigh and run my hand through my hair. It is good enough. I get up and make my way down and outside where Fred and George are standing with Ron. I walk over to them. The twins smile at me and say in unison. "Hello West!" I slightly smile and lightly shake my head. "Hello boys," I try to keep my tone sounding happy rather than worried and sad. 
     "Everything okay?" George asks. "We just saw Diggory and Reynolds leaving. Buno looked upset," Fred says, they both start to walk in the direction of the village. I walk in between them. "Yea. Just a small argument. Cedric is going to try to reason with him though," I say while trying to convince myself it will be okay. 
      "So I am meeting your other two brothers today?" I ask to change the subject. They smile again. "Yes. Charlie and Bill," George answers. "How many siblings do you have?" I ask curiously. I know they have a lot of brothers, to my knowledge though Ginny is the other sister. 
     "Too many," Ron answers with a light laugh. "Correct. I wish I could have a break for just a day," George agrees. "No, you'd be lost without Fred. And he would be without you too," I interject with a smile. They both look at each other then lightly laugh. "There are seven of us," Fred answers. 
     I shake my head. "No way. I couldn't imagine ever having that many siblings. I will stick with the two I have."   "You have siblings?" Fred asks curiously, a smile on his face. I lightly nod. "Yes. An older brother and a little sister."   "Muggles?" Ron asks to clarify. I nod. 
     "Is it okay if I go off and do something quickly before meeting your brothers?" I ask, hopeful. "We don't mind. Do we Fred?"   "Not at all George. What about you Ron? You mind?"  "I don't mind. I will be meeting with Hermione soon."  Good, I will get to go get my hair cut. 

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