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    I skip dinner that night, I'm not anywhere near hungry. I instead go to the common room and finish my letter to my mom. In it, I tell her about the Triwizard Tournament first. That takes a while to get through. I try to cover everything Dumbledore said, minus the death toll. She tends to ask a lot of questions and worry a lot, so I try to explain it the best I can for her.
     Next, I tell her a little about Mad-Eye Moody. Once again, I leave out a lot of detail that might worry her. All I tell her is that he is our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and that he is an ex-Auror (wizard police for her terms). She should like that. It will make her feel like I am better protected. 
     After about four pages are done of just that I start to work on the hard bit. I know there isn't a good chance she will say anything, but I question her some more about my real parents. If she knows who they are, if they are alive or dead, if they gave me away or if they had to, and what their names are.
      I look up as the door opens and the room starts to fill with my fellow Hufflepuffs. I quickly sign the letter and fold it all up and quickly put it in my pocket. Cedric and Reno walk over and sits with me once they see me.
     "Hey, I missed you at dinner," Cedric says with a soft smile. "Yea, usually you take all the food before we even get a chance," Reno jokes. I try to smile back. "I wasn't hungry. So I came in here to start on some homework," I lie. I hate lying. Maybe I should just tell them the truth.
     "Fred Weasley was looking for you. Any idea why?" Cedric asks curiously. I turn a light shade of red. He notices and smiles a bit more. "What are you hiding?" Reno asks curiously.
     "I'm not hiding anything. In Moody's class I got really fidgety and stuff, you know? When he was doing the curses, it bothered me a lot for some reason. And out of habit of taking your hand for comfort, I held Fred's. So he is probably just wanting to know why I held his hand," I explain while for some reason turning redder.
     They smile more. "Charlie West, do you fancy Fred Weasley?" Cedric says in a teasing tone. I turn as red as I can. "What?! No! Why would you think that?" I ask surprised. "Because you are turning red and you held his hand!" Reno explains. "You are turning very red," Cedric confirms with a nod.   "I always do," I defend.
     Cedric holds his hands up in surrender. "Okay. I believe you. But it is just a tad bit unfair that you know who I fancy, but you won't tell me who you fancy."  "I agree," reno says while crossing his arms. "Do not! You won't tell us," I counter. He laughs. 
     "That's different anyway. It was becoming a problem for you when we would play Quiddich up against her and you needed help. And I don't fancy anyone," I say honestly. He lightly laughs. "Okay, okay. I just find it a little hard to believe that out of everyone at this school you don't fancy anyone." I stand. "I'm going to try to sleep," I say while walking up to the girls' dormitory. "Have sweet dreams of your love!" Reno calls out to me. I hear Cedric laugh. I shake my head as I take my contacts out.

     The next morning I get up around dawn and get dressed. I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped I would. I slide my shoes on and quietly walk out of the common room. The letter is tightly in hand.
    I walk down into the Owlery. A small drafty room that has a floor covered in owl droppings. When I walk in I see Harry standing with his white owl, Hedwig. He looks at me as she flys off. "I"m sorry if I'm bothering you," I say backing out a bit in case he wants me to leave. He lightly shakes his head.
     "You aren't." I lightly nod and walk-in and walk over to one of the school owls and gently wake her up so I can gently tie the letter to her leg. I look over at Harry who is standing there awkwardly.
     "Fred was looking for you last night. He wants to talk to you about something," He says in what seems like an attempt to make conversation. I lightly nod. "Yea, Cedric told me," I say while giving him a slight smile.
     "What did you think of Moody's lesson?" I ask him, imagining he probably didn't really like it either, especially the last part. "It was very interesting. He knows what he's talking about. What about you?" I shrug. "It was interesting. I didn't really enjoy it though," I answer honestly.
     Silence falls over us again, and I am about to say goodbye to end the awkwardness when he speaks again. "I don't know how much it helps, but I get it," he says quietly. I give him a slightly confused look. "Get what?"
     "You know, the stuff Malfoy was saying about you and your family. If it's true I mean." I look at my feet silently. "I live with my Aunt and Uncle. I wouldn't if I had a choice. They lied to me about my parents. I didn't find out anything until I got here. I'm still finding things out. So if you need any help finding out who your parents are or need to talk to someone I get it," he says softly.
     I look up at him, even he's taller than I am. I smile at him. "Thank you, Harry. The letter I just sent was to my mom, asking her about my real parents. I don't think she'll give me any answers though," I say with a light shrug. I honestly want to give him a hug. Though I decided against it.
     He slightly smiles and nods. "I should be going," he says walking taking a step back. I nod. "Yea, me too." He waves. "See you later, Charlie," he says before walking out. I wait there for a few minutes before walking out too.  

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