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     When I get to the common room I sit on the couch and wait for Cedric and Reno to get back so I can tell them about what I found out about my family. After a while of waiting, I decide to go change into some shorts and a T-shirt. I also decide to wipe off all the makeup and put my glasses on. 
     When I walk back to the common room Cedric in sitting on the couch. He is still dressed in his dress robes. I smile at him as I take the seat next to him. He returns it. "I didn't expect you to be back so soon. I thought you would be telling Cho goodnight longer." 
     "Why? Think we would have a goodnight snog or something?" He asks in amusement. I lightly laugh. "A little bit."   "That's what Reno is out doing. I passed him on my way here."  "And why aren't you?" I ask curiously. "Because I am a proper gentleman. I walked her to her common room door, gave her a goodnight kiss then let her be." 
      I make fake gagging noises that cause him to laugh. "I mean, that's so sweet!" He laughs a bit more. "Joke all you want, but you know that is what you want too."  "Wow, one goodnight kiss and you are suddenly full of yourself."  "I don't mean from me." It takes me a second before I realise who he is talking about, and when I do I turn red. I quickly think of something to try to change the subject.
      And as if he knew we were talking about him, Reno walks in and sits with us. A wide smile on his face. We smile at him. "Have a nice time Reno?" I ask while pushing my glasses back onto my face. He smiles. "Oh, you definitely know that I did."
    Cedric and I laugh. "We can talk about the ball after Char tells us what happened while she was gone," Cedric says while turning to me. "Actually I would prefer to talk about the ball first," I say quickly. Once I tell them what I found out they won't want to talk about anything else.
      "Okay, that's is fine with me. Ludovic is going to teach me French," Reno says excitedly. "How did things with you and him startup? And when?" I ask curiously.
     "Oh! Well, it was when I was mad at you around the time of the first task. I was in the library studying alone when he walked over and asked about directions. We talked a lot after that. Basically anytime I wasn't with you lot, in classes, or in the common room, I was talking to him. He comforted me when you rejected me. And I just had the urge to ask him, so I did. And here we are now!"
      "A true love story," Cedric says with a light laugh. "How did things go for you and Cho?" Reno asks. Cedric goes on to tell him what he already told me. I listen quietly until they turn to me. "So. How was your dance with Fred?" Reno asks, a wide smile on his face. 
      My face turns bright pink. "It was fine. Just a dance though. Nothing special," I answer while trying to sound convincing. They don't buy it. I don't say anything more. "Okay fine. If you don't want to talk about you and Fred can you at least tell us what happened?"
     I sigh. I suppose it will be easier to tell them than it will to tell anyone else. It isn't that it is hard to tell, or that I don't want to. It's that I don't know how to tell someone something like this. I take a deep breath and lean back on the sofa. 
    "When George and I got there Lupin explained to me that Saunders, the man who was going to tell us everything, was going to meet us there. When he got there he asked me a lot of questions. He had a photo of me with my parents as a baby. The one they said they took after they adopted me. He wouldn't tell us any more until we paid him. After that, he told us who my real family is."
     They look at me in silence, waiting for me to say who my family is. I guess the only way to say it is to just come out and say it.
      "My real family is the Potters," I say slowly. They look at me in shock and silence for a few long seconds. "As in Harry Potter? Potter?" Cedric asks in disbelief. I lightly nod.
       "That's what he said. When he left Lupin said that they did have a child who went missing right before her third birthday and wasn't ever found. So the ministry just claimed her to be dead," I explain quietly. They look at each other then back at me. 
      "I mean, I guess it would make sense. You two do look a scary amount similar," Reno points out. He isn't wrong. After he pointed it out that one day, everyone has been pointing it out. "Yea, and if she went missing the same time you were adopted then the age lines would match up," Cedric adds. 
      "So what are you going to do?" Reno asks. Cedric looks at me, he is also curious about what my solution may be. I sigh and shrug. "I don't know exactly. I have to tell Harry at some point. I don't know what to do about anything else. I don't know if there is anything to do." 
    "You should tell Harry soon," Cedric says. "How am I supposed to tell him that? Just go over to him and say 'hey, I don't know if you have any information about it or not, but I am your sister that was stolen when I was two.' I don't think that would go over very well. Plus, I don't want to distract him from the tournament." 
      "Oh, who cares about the tournament?! You have to tell him soon!" Reno says loudly. "Okay first Reno, literally everyone but you cares about the tournament. Especially, Harry, I'm sure. But I do agree. You should tell him soo," Cedric says a lot calmer. 
       "I know... I just don't know how to go about it... I'll figure it out though..." I say with a sigh. I stand up. "I think I am going to try and get some sleep."   "Okay Char," Cedric says with a small smile. "Have sweet dreams," Reno says. I smile at them then walk up to the girl's dormitory. 
     As soon as I'm there I write a letter to Lupin. I ask him how I tell Harry and if I wanted to get in contact with Sirius how I do that. Then I thank him again for all his help. I quickly send the letter out then lay down and try to get some sleep. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now