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     That Sunday was a hard one. The entire day I only saw Reno a couple of time. Every time he ignored me and didn't say anything. He talked to Cedric, leaving me to believe that they had talked about everything either last night or this morning. 
     So after a few failed attempts to talk to Reno, I have up and decided to just let him have some time and space. So I wrote another letter to Lupin and told him about me meeting Bill and Charlie and how that went and everything we talked about. I think about sending one to my mom, but I decide against it. I don't have anything to say to her. Though I do miss Mazy. 
       When I wake up Monday morning it is very obvious I am not ready to go back to classes. I get up and get dressed. Out of habit, I try to put my hair up, only to freak out a little there it is too short. I let out a sigh of relief when I remember I cut it. 
     I go to put my contact lenses on, I put one in when I realise that I don't have my other one. I start to frantically look around for it. And after a while of looking, I try to use accio to find it. But I am still unsuccessful. I sigh and take the one out and put my glasses on. I will have to write to my mom to send me more. 
     I look at myself in the mirror. I haven't worn glasses to my classes ever. I only wear them sometimes in the common room, meaning no one other than my fellow Hufflepuffs has seen me in them. No one other than them even knows that I am blind as a bat. 
      I nervously walk down to the Great Hall for breakfast and just try to act as normally as I can. Maybe I will forget that I have them on and maybe no one will notice. I sit next to Cedric and Ernie Macmillan, a fourth year. Reno is across from Cedric. 
     Cedric and Reno both look at me. "What?" I ask playing dumb. Cedric smiles at me and shakes his head. "Nothing."  "Trying to prove a point or something?" Reno asks bitterly, this is the first time he has talked to me since he blew up. I give him a confused look. 
      "Is this your way of showing your support for Potter? You should support Cedric, with him being the true champion and our friend and all."   My confusion is growing more the more he speaks. "What are you on about? You know I support both Cedric and Harry."   "So are trying to look like Potter?" I look at Cedric in disbelief then back at Reno.
      "I'm not trying to look like anyone," I try to defend. "Then what is with the sudden short hair and glasses? It looks like you are trying too hard to look like Potter. Move your bangs, do you have a scar drawn on too?" 
       I stand up. "You know, you are a real prick. You don't belong in Hufflepuff and I don't know why I ever wanted to be your friend," I say out of anger. For a split second Reno's expression changes from anger to hurt, then back to anger. Cedric reaches over to get me to sit back down, I pull away from him and storm out of the room. 
       I don't try to talk to Reno for the rest of the day, and he doesn't try to talk to me. Cedric does try to get us to talk on many occasions though. He is unsuccessful in all his attempts. 
     Cedric and I walk with a group of Hufflepuffs to Charms, Reno one of the Puffs among us. "I mean, you do kind of look like Potter, but it isn't a lot," Cedric says for about the tenth time today. I think he is trying to get Reno to agree then apologise. 
      He should give up, it isn't going to happen. And I am tired of hearing that I look like Harry. The Slytherins got wind of it and are saying it to no end. It is really annoying.
      Suddenly as we are walking up the stairs Cedric's bag split. Parchment, quills, and books spill out of it and on to the floor. Several bottles of ink smash, causing a mess on the floor and his things.
      "Don't bother," says Cedric with a sigh as we bend down help him. "Tell Flitwick I'm coming. Go on." Everyone but I leave. Reno looks for a few seconds like he might help, then keeps walking. Harry walks over. "Hi," says Cedric picking up a copy of A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration that was now splattered with ink. "My bag just split... Brand new and all..." 
     "I have an extra you can have Ced," I say as I try to wipe off some of the ink with my hands. "Cedric," Harry says quietly and quickly. "The first task is dragons."
      "What?" said Cedric looking up. I look up in shock. "Dragons," repeats Harry speaking quietly in case Professor Flitwick came out to see where Cedric had gone. "They've got four one for each of us and we've got to get past them."
     Cedric stares at him. There is definitely some panic and worry in Cedric's eyes, though he does hide it well.  "Are you sure?" Cedric asks in a hushed voice. "Dead sure," Harry nods. "I've seen them." "How did you find out? We're not supposed to know." "Nevermind that," Harry says quickly.
      "But I'm not the only one who knows. Fleur and Krum will know by now. Maxime and Karkaroff both saw the dragons too." Cedric straightens up, his arms full of inky quills, parchment, and books. His ripped bag dangling off one shoulder.
      He stares at Harry and there is a puzzled almost suspicious look in his eyes. "Why are you telling me?" he asks. Harry looks at him in disbelief. "It's just... Fair isn't it?" he says to Cedric. "We all know now. We're on even footing aren't we?"
       Cedric is still looking at him in a slightly suspicious way when we all hear the familiar clunking noise behind them. Harry turns around and Mad-Eye Moody comes into view as he walks from a nearby classroom. 
      "Come with me Potter," he growled. "Diggory off you go." "Um, Professor, I'm supposed to be in herbology," Harry says sounding nervous. "Never mind that Potter in my office, please." He starts to clunk off again. Harry glances at us. 
    I slightly smile at him. "Thank you Harry," I say for Cedric. Cedric nods in agreement. Harry gives a forced smile then follows Moody. Cedric and I hurry to charms.  

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