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     The next morning I wake up earlier than normal. Which is strange since I was up so late the night before. I get dressed in some black skinny jeans and then a tan sweater. I sit in front of the mirror and struggle to put in my contacts. My eyes are oddly sensitive today. 
     I walk down to the completely empty common room. everyone is probably still sleeping, the festivities did last very late last night. I do wish Reno and Cedric would get up and come down though. I want to ask them if they will join the snowball fight and help me win.
     After a while of just sitting, I get too bored and walk down to the Great Hall to get some breakfast. All the decorations and trash had been picked up and the large room looks clean and normal. It also is pretty empty.
     I sit alone at the Hufflepuff table and watch as people who I am acquainted with and people I don't know come in and out. Most of them are still talking about last night's festivities.
      I watch as Fred, George, Harry and Ron walk in. I get up and walk over with a smile. I sit next to Fred, across from Harry and smile at them all.
     "Good morning!" I say cheery and happy. They all give a small, forced seeming smile. Well, Harry and Ron do at least. Fred and George seem to be in pretty good spirits though.
     "Good morning!" They say at the same time. I lightly shake my head. "I thought you agreed not to do that anymore," I say while turning to the twins.
      "Actually Charlie-" George starts. "-We said we wouldn't-" Fred continues. "-Finish each others-"   "-Sentences. Though we never said anything-"   "-About talking at the same time." Next, they start talking in synch. "Do you not want us to talk together either?"
     I get bumps. "No, I don't want you to. It creeps me out," I say with a light laugh. "If you say so," they say in unison still. I sigh. This is a losing battle. Maybe if I ignore it they will either stop or I can just get used to it. I lightly shake my head.
     "You two seem to be in good moods today," I say while crossing my arms. "Oh, we are," George says with a smile. "You don't seem to be too grumpy today," Fred says with a smile. "Too grumpy? When was the last time I was grumpy?" I ask curiously.
     "I'm not sure. But I'm sure you have woken up too grumpy before." I roll my eyes. "So what did you find out last night?" Fred asks after a minute of silence. It takes me a couple of seconds before I realize what he is referring to.
      "Oh. Um, well. I found out that I was a stolen baby. I was taken a few weeks before my third birthday. My real parents are dead and I have a younger brother," I say the last thing a little slowly. I don't know how to word most of it, that is the only way I could think of how to.
     George pretends like this is new information. At least I think he is. He doesn't say anything, just makes surprised faces. A very small part of me wants him to just blurt it out so it's over, but I know this is something I have to do.
      "Does he go to school here?" Fred asks, seeming a lot more interested in the conversation then I thought he would be. I glance over at Harry and Ron who are both talking quietly before looking back at Fred.
     "Yea, he does," I look down at my hands, I'm starting to fidget. He reaches over and puts his hands on mine. I look up at him, my face starting to turn pink. He smiles at me. I try to smile back.
     "Are you ready for our rematch?" George asks with a smile. Quickly changing the subject and trying to make things more comfortable and not awkward. I smile over at him.
      "I will be when Cedric and Reno come down," I answer. My thoughts are still on Fred's hands which are still on mine. Fred looks a little disappointed. "Diggory and Reynolds will be there?" I lightly shrug. "I was going to ask them. It's a little unfair that it's you and George against just me."
     "Harry or Ron can be on your team," George says while leaning over. "Or both of them. We will still win. Isn't that right George?" Fred says with a confident smile. George gets the same smile. "That's right Fred."
     We look over at Ron and Harry. They lookup. They didn't hear anything we have said, they were having their own conversation. Fred turns so he is facing forward, moving his hands away from me. The twins start trying to convince them to join us and fight with me.
     I look up at all the owls as they fly in to deliver the post. For a few seconds, I am wondering if I will get a letter back from Lupin, only to remember it's too soon. I only sent one last night. To my surprise though a letter is dropped in front of me. Everyone glances at me for a few seconds before continuing with their conversation.
     I open the letter quickly and look to see who it's from. It's from Lupin. That is the fastest letter I have ever gotten.
    He tells me to call Sirius Snuffles in an attempt to keep his identity a secret so he isn't caught then told me how to send him letters. He tells me that there isn't going to be an easy way to tell Harry, and I should just find a day where he seems to be in a fairly good mood then ask him to talk to him alone and tell him. Like ripping off a bandaid. He tells me he is happy to help and is happy that I found out what I wanted to know.
     Along with the folded parchment, there is a photograph. It's a wizard photo, the people in it moving. There is a beautiful woman with long red hair and bright green eyes. Next to her is a handsome man with dark, messy hair and glasses. He is picking up a small girl with long dark hair that pulled back into a ponytail, but still very messy.
      I can recognize her as a young me, based on photos I have seen. I am trying to hold a large baby, he has the woman's bright green eyes, and with what little hair he has you can tell he shares it with the man. They are all laughing.
      "Who's it from?" I can hear Fred ask. I find it difficult to look away from the photo and at him to answer. "Just Lupin," my voice is quiet and meek. I put the photo back with the paper and put it in my pocket. "Is everything okay?" He asks, concern in his tone. I force myself to smile at him and nod. "Fine."  
      "So are you two joining our competition?" I ask while looking at Harry and Ron to change the subject. I try my best not to make eye contact with anyone. "Yea, sure," Ron answers while getting a piece of toast. I lightly nod and smile at them all.

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now