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     Cedric stuck to his word and asked Cho to the Yule Ball. And with no surprise, she said yes. I continue to spend more of my time with my new Gryffindor friends. Mostly to give Reno time. No one seemed to notice our separation though since I had spent a little extra time with them before too. 
    I wait for days for a response back about how we are going about meeting the man about my family. Days turn to weeks. And in those weeks Reno still hasn't talked to me. It isn't like when we were fighting though. 
     I have tried saying little things to him. Like at meals I will ask him small talk questions. Such as, "How  is your food?" "How was your day?" "How is your writing?" and every answer he gives is the same. A small, stiff, "fine," without looking at me or in my direction. 
      He isn't not talking to me because he is angry. It is because he is hurt. And I understand. I'm not angry at him. I will give him all the time he needs. It is a little irritating, but for the most part, I understand. I will continue to try and be kind. 
      I am sitting at dinner with Cedric and stirring my soup around in the bowl. Not feeling very hungry. Cedric notices my strange loss of appetite and tries to take my mind off things by saying he got his dress robes today. I give him a small smile and tell him I can't wait to see him in them so he doesn't feel like he isn't doing good at helping. 
       "You aren't going to the ball?" someone says from behind me. I look up and see Fred, a letter in his hand. I give him a confused look, how did he find out and why does he care? I lightly shake my head. "No, how did you find out about it?" 
     He holds the letter to me. It is from Bill. "Why did he send you a letter about it and not me?" I ask, even more confused. "Because he thought you told me, which you didn't and was going over all of the plans and it involves George and I. Why didn't you tell me?" 
      I lightly shrug. "I just haven't felt much like talking recently. I didn't think me not going to the ball would make a difference to you," I say honestly. "Well, it-" he stops and sighs. "It doesn't. But I would have hoped you would have told me that you and my brother are making plans. Especially about finding your family."
       "I'm sorry Fred, I just never had a moment that felt like a good time to me," I apologise, going over in my head that he doesn't care that I'm not going to the ball. He sighs again. "It's fine I guess."  With that he walks away, leaving the letter with me. 
      I look at Cedric and Reno. Reno is looking up at where Fred was standing, he looks at me then goes back to his food. I sigh and read the letter. 
        "Dear Fred and George,
                                                             By now I am sure you have both discussed with Charlie West that we have found a man who was in the market and have made a rough draft of the plans. We now have them completely figured out. 
      On the night of the Yule Ball, Charlie will go to the ball for the first dance and ONLY the first dance. That is really only to fix the problem of her mother wanting photos of her there. She will go, do what she needs for the photos, then at exactly eight-thirty she will leave, accompanied by one of you, and meet a black dog at the shrieking shack. If you are not there by 9:30 on the dot it will be assumed that you were caught or for whatever reason couldn't make it. From there everything will fall into place. In order to leave without being noticed though one of you may have to cause a small distracting. NOTHING MAJOR. 
      I hope you both, Ron, and Ginny are doing well. Mum sends her love. Respond soon to lock the plans down. 
                                                                                             Bill Weasley"

     I pass the letter to Cedric to read. He reads it over then looks at me and hands it back. "It looks like you get to go after all," he says, though there is no smile since he knows I won't be staying. Reno glances up for a second. 
        "Maybe you have a friend who would be willing to escort you there for the thirty minutes you can stay so you can have a date for your mother's photos," Cedric suggests, looking at Reno. I know he is talking to him and not to me. 
       Reno doesn't say anything. We wait. And when Reno still doesn't say anything Cedric speaks. "Reno?"  As if on command Reno looks up. "Yes, Cedric?"  "Would you be willing to do that?" Reno takes a breath and says while looking at Cedric. 
      "No. I wouldn't. Charlie doesn't share my feelings so I would really rather not go on any sort of date with her. Especially if it is just for photos. Besides, I have a date."  Cedric looks taken aback but smiles none the less. 
      "You have a date? Who is it?"   "You will find out at the ball. Goodnight," He says before getting up and walking out. Cedric looks at me. "Did you know he had a date?" I shake my head, just as surprised as he is. 
      Cedric sighs. "There is never a dull day here is there."  "That is a lie and you know it. There are many a dull day here," I point out with a small smile. He slightly smiles back. "Yes, but recently everything seems so much more eventful. I don't know if I like it or not." 
       "Oh you like it and you know you do," I say while laughing. He laughs too. "Okay yea, I know I do." I smile a bit then look back at the letter. This is actually happening. 

        I walk into our last day of Defense Against the Dark Arts before we are off for holiday and sit in my now normal spot next to Fred. He is writing on a sheet of parchment. "Did you not see in Bill's letter that I am going to the ball," I correct from when he walked over and asked that I wasn't. He doesn't look up as he speaks. 
      "Yea, the first thirty minutes was it?" Something slightly bitter in his tone. "Yea. Because my mother wants photos of me and my date." I say the last few words slowly and nervously. I can't believe I talked myself into this. I can feel my cheeks heating up just thinking about it. 
     "You have a date then? Who is it?" He still doesn't look up from his parchment. George is also writing stuff down, he looks like he is listening in though. I start to stutter as I speak now. "W-well actually. I d-d-don't have one y-yet. I was hoping m-maybe y-y-you would be my d-d-date?..." I did it, I asked Fred to be my date to the dance. 
     He looks up at me finally. "What was that?" he asks in disbelief. I lightly clear my throat and make myself not stutter. "I was hoping that you would maybe be my date," I gently push my bangs out of my eyes and try to ignore that my face is burning red. 
      "I'm sorry Charlie," he says softly. Blollocks... I knew I shouldn't have done it... "I already have a date, with Angelina Johnson." A large knot feels like it suddenly forms in my stomach. Of course, it is her.
      Angelina and I have never got along. I don't know what it is about her, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to like her. To be fair though, I've never really tried to like her. I don't see the point. Liking her isn't going to help me or her in any way. Maybe it is because she is a chaser on the Gryffindor quidditch team, meaning we have to go against each other a lot. I'm not exactly sure.
       George looks up and over suddenly, still silent though. I lightly nod and swallow the lump that has formed in my throat.  I try to hide my dislike men and my disappointment.
     "Oh, okay. Yea that's fine. It was just you know, for the photos and all. I understand though. I hope you two have a good time," when I finally am able to stop myself from rambling I look at my desk. Man, I really am stupid aren't I. 
      "Hey West," Geroge says. I look at him and a slight smile, trying to look normal.  "Yea George?"   "I don't have a date," He has a soft smile on his face. "So if you need someone to take photos with and to you know, sneak you out of the castle, I'd be more than happy to do it." I smile a small bit more and lightly nod. "Yea, I'd like that," I answer. 
      Fred goes back to his parchment and doesn't look up for the rest of the class. He does put the parchment away when Moody walks in, but he looks straight ahead and not at anyone. And when class ends he walks out pretty quickly. Leaving me with questions. 
       I look at George, he lightly sighs then looks at me and smiles. "I just want to clarify this so there aren't any awkward moments, we are going to the ball as friends, right?" I nod in agreement. "Friends." He smiles more and I smile back. We walk out together. 
     He and I part ways as I walk in the direction of the library. I hear the faint sound is someone running, suddenly Harry is beside me. I look at him and slightly smile. "Hey, Harry." He slightly smiles back. "Hey, Charlie."  
    He keeps walking next to me. "Are you nervous to open the ball?" I ask to make conversation. He nods. "Very, I can't dance. Speaking of that, do you maybe want to go with me?" He asks, sounding only slightly nervous to ask.
     I look at him confused for a few seconds then smile. "Did you have no one else to ask?" I ask curiously. "Urm.. well-" he says unsure what to say. "It's fine. I'm sorry, but I'm not really going." A look of confusion spreads across his face. "You aren't going?"
     "Well, I am for the first thirty minutes. I'm going with George as friends though, I'm really sorry," I say sympathetically. I can tell he is slightly disappointed and irritated. It's mostly because he doesn't have a date and out of Everyone, he needs one the most.
     "Hey. If you want though I can try to teach you how to dance," I say to try and make him feel better. He slightly smiles. "Really?" I nod. "Come on," I change our direction to an empty classroom.

     After about three hours of trying to teach Harry to dance we decide to call it a night. He is on no way good at dancing, but by the end, he at least stopped stepping in my toes and knew where to put his hands. He just has to hope that whoever he is dancing with will lead.
     I tell him good luck in finding a date and with the dance when we get to the Great Hall, then we part ways and he goes to the Gryffindor table and I go to the Hufflepuff.

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