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    I walk into Defences Against the Dark Arts disappointed and nervous. I am disappointed from that talk with Dumbledore, and I am nervous from being late to Mad-Eye Moody's class.
     When I walk in all eyes are on me. I slowly walk over and sit next to Fred, his eyes are also on me. Moody's eyes are on me, his real and fake one.
     "West. I don't tolerate tardiness in my class," he says while standing. I turn red and force myself not to look down. "I'm sorry sir. I was with Professor Dumbledore in his office sir," I explain, hopefully that he will let it slide. He watches me for a while. "Three page report on the unforgivable curses due tomorrow," he says while sitting back down.
     I let out a small sigh of relief. It could have been way worse. I get out my homework that I would have normally turned in at the start of class and walk up and turn it in before returning to my desk.
     While I was up Fred opened my book to the page he assigned for me and writes out the assignment on the page above the print. I smile at him as a thank you. He smiles back then turns back to George.
     Everyone goes back to their book work, they all seem kind of disappointed by Moody's choice in punishment. If I were them I might be a little bit too. I am kind of disappointed with this work as well. Usually we don't do book work. Compared to his other lessons this is dull.
     When the bell rings everyone starts to gather their stuff and file out of the room. Cedric and Reno are standing across the hall and letting people pass, they look over at me to tell me they're waiting.
     "West. Stay after," Moody says a little sharply. I look at Cedric and Reno then Fred nervously. I move over so George and Fred can walk out. Cedric gives me an encouraging smile before following. I wait for everyone to be out of the room before setting my things on the table and walking up to Moody's desk.
     "Have I done something wrong sir?" I ask a little nervously. He holds out some paper. I nervously reach out and take it. It's my mom's last letter. I turn red. "I didn't figure you meant to give that to me," he says, his magical eye twitching.
    "No sir, I didn't. Thank you and I'm sorry," I say hopefully that I can go now. "Sit down West," he says a little forceful. I nervously sit across from him. "You're adopted into a Muggle family? And trying to find your real one? Correct?" I lightly nod. "Yes sir."
     Why does he care or want to know? Does he just like gossip? Does he just like to know anything and everything that goes on? Or is there a purpose behind it?
     He gets out a tattered book then hands it to me. I take it and look on the cover. It is just black. "You may find that helpful."
     I flip through the pages and it looks like a long lost of sorts put into different categories.
    "Thank you sir," I say really wanting to leave now. "If you have questions then ask," he says while standing and walking over to a cabinet. "You can leave now."
     I get up and put the letter and book on top of my other stuff. I should ask about what he said about my mother the one day, but I am too nervous to. "Thank you again sir," I say before quickly walking out. Maybe I can still make it to my next class.
      That evening instead of going to dinner I go to the library. I can eat anytime, I have stuff to figure out. Mostly what help that book Moody gave me is.
     Inside it is a list of names in different categories with little to nothing written beside it. The first and one of the longest categories is "MURDER". All the names that I recognize are Death Eaters that people have told me about since my time here. Next to them there is a number of how many they have killed and if they are alive or dead and if they are in prison or elsewhere.
     "Hey, you weren't at dinner?" Someone says quietly. I look up and see Fred and Cedric walking over and sitting on the floor with me. "I have stuff to do," I whisper. "Where is Reno and George?"   "George is with Lee," Fred answers. "Reno went back to the common room," Cedric answers.
     "What'd Moody want?" Fred asks, a small tone of amusement in his voice. "You didn't get in trouble did you?" Cedric asks concerned. "I accidentally turned in one of my mom's letters. He gave me this book and said it might help find my parents," I say tapping the book.
      "What is it?" He asks while looking at the page I'm on. "From what I can tell it's a list of criminals." "How does that help you?" Fred asks. I shrug. "No idea. There are some names underlined and circled. I'm going to do research on them and see if it gets me anywhere," I say while showing him the list I have written for myself to look up.
      They take my list and look over it. Both of their expressions change dark quick. They both glance at each other before looking back at me.
      "What is it?" I ask confused. "Those are some seriously bad people Char," Cedric says quietly. "All the names I recognize had ties with You-Know-Who and supported him," Fred whispers. Cedric nodded in agreement. I look through my list. "Maybe my parents were killed by them?" I wonder aloud.
      "I guess it's possible," Cedric says with a sigh. I look between them. "You guys don't have to help. It's fine. I understand. I am getting myself into some deep and from what it looks like dark and dangerous stuff. You don't have to help," I say feeling very guilty.
     "Charlie we want to help," Fred says quickly. "Yea. You can't do this alone," Cedric agrees. "You don't Know what you're getting yourselves into," I say quietly. "Neither do you," Fred counters. "But it's my journey," I shoot back. "And we are going with you to help and protect," Cedric says quickly. I lightly sigh then hug them. "Thank you both." They hug back lightly.

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now