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     After Bill and Charlie left the twins and I sit in silence for a few minutes. I think they were just giving me a bit of silence to take everything in because when they talk they sure do seem like they were holding it in.
     "Hey, George?"   "Yes, Fred?"   "I say we get West to participate in a bit of fun to cheer her up."  A wide smile spreads across both if their faces. "I agree Fred."
      I shake my head. "No thanks, boys. I think I'll just go find Cedric and Reno," I say while sliding out my chair a little. I wonder if Cedric managed to find him and hopefully calm him down.
      "No, no, no," George says while shaking his head. "That is unacceptable. Come on George," Fred says before getting up. "Right you are Fred," George says while also getting up.
      "Really boys. I'll be fine. I just need- Woah!" before I can say anything else each of them is holding one of my hands and pulling me up. They walk outside while still having a hold on me. I shiver when the cold air hits me. I try to pull my arms away but they both hold their grip.
     "You can let me go, I won't run or anything," I say with a huff. "You don't know where we are going through," Fred says with a grin. "I can follow you," I point out. They look at each other than at me. "Nah." 
     I sigh and keep trying to walk without tripping. Turns out not having any control of where I am walking makes me more clumsy. "So what is this idea of fun that you bys have so kindly volunteered and kidnapped me to assist you in?" 
     "Hey now, when you put it like that it doesn't sound good," George says while making a fake sad face. "Well, maybe I would be more willing if I could walk at my own will." They look at each other again then at the same time they both let go of me, causing me to fall.
     I quickly stand up and brush the snow off my legs. They keep walking and I struggle to keep up with their long strides. Man, times like this is when being short sucks. especially around the twins, they are like freaking giraffes. 
      "The Shrieking Shack?" I ask when they finally stop walking. "Yea, is there something wrong with it?" George asks, a look of amusement on his face. "No," I say while crossing my arms and keeping my face composed. "Awe! Is our little Char scared?" Fred asked, the same look of amusement on his face. 
        "I am not!" I defend. They laugh. "We aren't here to go in or any of that," Geroge says while looking around. "What are we here for then?" I ask while feeling a small bit relieved. Fred takes out a small vial from his pocket while George leans down and makes a snowball. 
      I walk over to get a better view of what they are doing. Fred puts a small drop of the pale blue liquid on Georges's hands then his own. He looks at me. It takes me a moment before I realise he wants to put a drop on my hands too. 
     Normally I would ask a bunch of questions before agreeing to put a strange liquid on my hands, but they both did it, so it can't be that bad. Right? 
      George gets a good grip on his snowball then looks at a tree that is very far away. He pulls his arm back then throws. Much to my surprise, he hits it dead centre. Wide smiles spread across their faces. 
     "Anything you throw will hit your target. Up to one hundred feet away," Fred explains while George starts to make a pile of snowballs. "And it lasts for an hour," He adds before bending over to help. I look at my hands before making a snowball. 
    I have awful aim. Which is really confusing since I am one of Hufflepuffs chaser on the Quidditch team. I look at the Shrieking Shack and hesitate before throwing it to the door. Much to my surprise, I hit it. 
     A wide smile spreads across my face as I start to help the twins make more balls. "So what are going to do?" I ask after my fifth ball. "Ah, just watch and see," George answers. After we have about thirty balls we finally stop and sit behind some bushes. 
      When a group of 5 Slytherin third-year students walk by the twins get a look of excitement. suddenly it becomes very clear to me what we are doing. They pick up some snowballs and start to throw them at the unsuspecting victims. The five students scream and run when they are hit by the unknown balls. 
     The twins look at me in confinement why I'm not throwing any. I turn a light shade of red. "I don't know if I can," I whisper. "Come on, it is just a prank," George whispers. "Yea, its snow. It won't hurt them," Fred adds. 
     I pick up one of the balls and hesitantly throw it. It hits a small Slytherin boy in the face. A strange feeling of thrill fills me and I can't help but smile. I pick up and throw another ball. Why is this fun? suddenly the three of us are throwing snowballs at them as they run away in fear. 
      I lean back while laughing, the twins laughing along with me. I'm sure that the guilt will follow later tonight. Maybe I will be able t suppress it or ignore it. 
    A few minutes later Malfoy, Versace, his goons, and the third years from before all walk into the clearing. The twins suddenly look very happy. I can't say that I'm not either. They quickly start to make more balls. 
    We are too far away to hear what they are saying, but I can guess it is Malfoy and Versace telling them that there is no one and nothing there to attack them with snowballs. Little do they know. I pick up a few of thee balls and throw them at the group. The first one hits Malfoy on the back of the head, I quickly duck behind the bush and try not to laugh. 
     When the twins are ready we start the attack. We throw ball after ball at them. They never even get a chance to even try to do something, any of them. We are using both of our hands, and every time without fail it hits someone. By the time we are out of balls, they are running away anyway. 
       I fall backwards in the snow and burst out with laughter, the twins are laughing pretty hard too. I don't know how long I lay there laughing but when I finally catch my breath and sit up the twins have made a whole new pile of snowballs and are standing, balls in hands. 
      They are both looking down at me, a look of mischief on their faces. Oh no... I quickly pick up as many snowballs as I can while struggling to get up. Once I stand I take a few quick steps backwards. They start to throw the balls at me. 
     I laugh and run backwards more as I get hit. I quickly throw balls at them and hit them too. Our laughs and yells are loud and limitless as we go against each other. Even Fred and George are hitting each other. I don't know long we have been here, but it must be over an hour because we all start to miss some of the balls. 
     I bend over to make more snowballs and I am continually hit. I give up and fall down and cover myself while laughing. "Okay! I surrender! You win!" I yell while laughing. They laugh and after a minute stop and celebrate their victory. I sit up and watch them while smiling. This is the most fun I have had in a long time. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now