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     I almost didn't recognize the quidditch field when everyone walked out. There is a twenty-foot high hedge on the edge of it, a twenty-foot high labyrinth. The only opening is a small gap in the front, the dark and spooky entrance. 
     Everyone hurries into their seats, excitement filling the air. Not from me, there is a horrible feeling in my stomach that I can't get rid of. I sit with Fred and Reno on either side of me. Reno is holding Ludovic's hand. Bill and Mrs. Weasley are sitting in the row in front of us with the Diggorys a few seats down from them. 
     I keep my eyes on the four champions in front of the maze, they all look nervous, but not as nervous as they have for the other tasks. Maybe this won't be so bad, it is only a maze after all. No matter how many times I try to tell myself that the bad feeling won't go away. 
     "We are going to be patrolling the outside of the maze. If you get into difficulty and wish to be rescued send red sparks into the air and one of us will come and get you. Do you understand?" McGonagall says loudly to all of the champions. They all nod. 
     "Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin!" Bagman says with excitement, his wand pressed against his throat. "Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each is Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts school!" 
     Cheers and applause erupt. Cedric's dad's being the loudest. "In second place with eighty points, Mr. Viktor Krum of Durmstrang Institute! And in third place, Miss. Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons Academy!" All the applause and cheers send birds from the forest to the sky. 
     "So, on my whistle Harry and Cedric! Three!... Two!... One!" Bagman gives a loud blast on a whistle and Harry and Cedric hurry into the maze. I clap for them and try to rid this feeling.
     Bagman gives a minute before continuing. "On my whistle Viktor! Three!... Two!... One!..." And another loud whistle. Krum hurries into the maze.
     Another minute passes before Bagman continues. "Ready Miss. Delacour? Three!... Two!... One!..." And the last whistle. Fleur goes in, seeming more nervous than the others. 
     All of the champions are now in the giant labyrinth. There seems to be nothing else to do but wait. I start to bounce my leg and cross my arms. I look at the sky and try to focus on the stars. I can hear Fred and George laughing and joking. The roar of everyone else's excitement starts to drown out. Silence fills my head. 
     I try to fit together stars into possible constellations, but I end up with jumbles of strange outlines. Cedric and Harry practised and prepared hard for this. They both learned and perfected spells and hexes. The professors and ministry are circling the maze and watching. They will be okay. 
     I am drawn out of my haze when someone takes my hand. The noise from the crowd suddenly floods back. I look over at Fred who has taken my hand. A concerned look on his face. "Love are you okay?" He asks in a gentle voice. I look down at my hands and see my arms are red from scratching them. I look back at him and nod. 
     "I just have a bad feeling," I say quietly while trying to push it away. "Here, have one of these!" George says while handing me a wrapped sweet. I hesitantly take it. "What is it?" I say, not trusting to just put it in my mouth. 
     "It's gum," Fred says with a smile. "The last time I took candy from you I was forced to do something disgusting that I wish never happened," I say while trying not to think of the incident. "It won't do anything bad," George says, a smile on his face. "Trust me, love. I wouldn't do anything bad to you right now," Fred says while giving my hand a small squeeze. 
     I give them both a suspicious look before unwrapping it and nervously putting it in my mouth and chewing. It tastes of blue raspberry. They both watch me as I continue to chew. After a minute I start to get a light and happy feeling. The worry in my stomach disappears. "What is this?" I try not to sound as amazed as I feel. Their smiles widen. 
     "We don't have a name for it yet, you are the first to try it. How does it make you feel?" George asks. I think for a second. "Happy. I have no worries. And I feel a bit like I might float." They seem to take mental notes of everything I am saying. 
     "We will have to fix that floating thing," George says while nodding, seeming overall happy. "It is anti-stress gum. We were making it for students going through exams and stuff," Fred says while gently rubbing my hand. "Well I would say it works," I say with a nod of approval. 
     Everyone directs their attention to the maze as we see red sparks come up. Conversation about who it is rolls through. Even though I know I would worry, the worry never hits me. "Who do you reckon it is?" Fred asks as we all keep our eyes on the maze. "Probably Fleur," George answers confidently. I hope it isn't Cedric or Harry. 
     We all wait with anticipation for them to walk out. After a long few minutes, they walk out carrying Krum. Everyone is shocked. I watch quietly as they take Krum to the hospital wing. I chew the gum more and wash away the worry that was starting to come back. 
     "So what should I bring on the trip?" Fred asks with a smile. "Honestly I'm not sure. Pack a lot of clothes though," I answer. Maybe this trip will be a good thing. I will get to spend a lot of time with Fred and Cedric. 
     "I can't believe you invited Fred to go to France and not me. I'm hurt," George jokes. I lightly laugh. "Sorry George. I'm sure you could just show up with Fred and come along. My parents are too polite to people to tell you no," I say truthfully. Von did that once. He brought a friend last minute when we visited Ireland. 
     "As tempting as that sounds I'm going to have to pass," George says while pretending to think hard. I shrug. "Suit yourself." Fred smiles at me before lightly kissing my hand. I can't help but lightly blush. 
     "What do you think happened to Krum?" Reno asks. I shrug. "Maybe it was just too much for him or something," I suggest. Reno doesn't look convinced. "I dunno. I think something is going on that shouldn't be," He says while looking worried. 

     The twins and I pass the time talking and joking. Eventually, red sparks come up and Fleur is taken to the hospital wing too. Leaving only Cedric and Harry in the maze. The anticipation and excitement grows so thick that you could cut it. 
     Suddenly the moment everyone has been waiting for happens. Harry and Cedric both appear in front of the maze, the Triwizard cup in Harry's hand. Cheers louder than ever erupt everywhere. "The cup is a portkey," Reno says with a light laugh. 
     People start to stand up to get a better view, including me. I spit the gum out quickly. Cedric is laying very still, not moving at all. Harry is clutching onto him, blood covering parts of him. I'm not the only one who notices. Peoples cheers turn to screams and cries. 
     Dumbledore, Fudge, Bagman, Moody, McGonagall and others run over. I can't make out what anyone is saying. People start yelling that Cedric is dead. Cedric's parents start to run over. Moody helps Harry up and helps him walk away. 
     A ringing fills my head. Tears fill my eyes and fall easily. I look at Reno who looks stunned, tears falling silently from his eyes. He stands and we tightly hug each other tightly. Even though we are hugging, I feel nothing but numb. Reno starts to sob loudly. Ludovic puts his hand on his shoulder and Reno throws himself onto him. 
     I must have been using Reno for support because I wobble when he lets go. I look at Fred. He quickly pulls me into a tight hug. I want to sob like Reno is. I want to let everything I am feeling out. But nothing comes. I feel numb and dizzy. 
     Professors start yelling at students and telling them what to do and where to go. Nothing comes together for me though. I can hear people talking, but I can't make out what any of the words are. 
     Fred lets go of me and says something, but I can't understand him. George comes over and they both turn me around and start to gently guide me to walk. Everyone is either sitting down and sobbing, or crying while walking, or sitting shocked, or walking while shocked. 
     I try to walk down the stairs, but my legs are too heavy and I end up tripping and falling over. My head hits the seat but before I can fall completely Fred catches me. My ears start to ring and my vision starts to blur. He is trying to talk to me. After a few seconds, my eyes close and I feel nothing. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now