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      Lee sets a small basket on the table, he smiles at everyone and slides the basket in front of us. "Candy anyone?" He offers. I look in the basket and see little multicoloured candy.
     "No thanks Lee. I don't eat candy this early," Fred says. "I'll pass too. I don't really like those," George saya. Ron reaches in and takes a green one. "Charlie? Harry?" He asks. Harry and I glance at each other. I reach in and grab two, one pink and one blue. I hand one of them to Harry then set my own in my mouth. It's chewy and tastes of Strawberries. It's not bad.
     Fred and George burst out in laughter. I give them a confused look before looking at the other two. Ron's hair has turned from its normal bright orange to bright lime green. He picks up an empty plate and looks at his reflection. 
     He turns a deep red. "Okay, very funny. Change it back," Ron says while sounding irritated. "We can't," George says while laughing. "It should change back in like ten minutes," Fred says while also laughing. "Maybe twenty." "At the most," Fred finishes saying. "Hopefully," they both say.
     I start to get very worried about what is about to happen to me. I take a strand of my black, messy hair to see that it is its normal colour. I look at Harry who is now holding out his hands and looking at them.
     His hair is its same black, mess of curl as it usually is. His skin, on the other hand, has turned into a pale blue. I look at my hands. They are the same. Maybe mine doesn't work.
     "What colour did you have, West?" Lee says after getting out some laughter. "Pink," I say nervously. They all look at each out for a second before bursting out in laughter. Oh no... What is it?...
     I suddenly get a weird fuzzy feeling. The palm of my hand starts to tingle. I look at Harry and my heart flutters and butterflies fill my stomach. This feels kind of like being under the Imperius curse, warm and happy, like you live on a cloud. I have a high rise in confidence suddenly as well. I feel like I could do anything and never regret it.
     "What the hell guys?!" Harry yells, I don't look back at him as I look at the twins and Lee for a second, all three of them seem to be distracted with laughing. I look past Harry and at Ron, he is very distracted by pulling and messing with strands of his hair while looking in the mirror.
     I now look back to Harry who is looking at his hands and arms that are now a pale blue. He is lightly rubbing his skin as if he would be able to rub off the blue.
     "She looks the same, what's it going to do to her?" Ron asks sounding slightly angry. The three try to calm down their laughter and breathe. Lee tries to get the words out. "She ate the pink. So she will have-"
     Before he can say anymore I reach over and put my hands on either side of Harry's face, unsure what I'm doing at all. I move to him and pull him towards me and before he can even process what is going on our lips come into contact.
     Harry freezes, probably out of shock. Lee doesn't say anymore, and the twins aren't laughing anymore. A few seconds later it sets in what I'm doing. The tingling in my palm stops, the fluttering and butterflies are gone, the confidence is gone, and I no longer feel like I'm on a cloud. I am kissing Harry. 
    I let go of his face and quickly pull away from him and jump up and take a few surprised steps back. I look around the table. My face is burning a bright red, more red than the Weasley's hair. Harry's face is also red, you can even see it through the blue. Ron is no longer looking at his hair, but rather between Harry and I, his mouth open in shock.
     "-Very strong romantic feelings for the last person who she had skin contact with," Lee says quietly. No one was listening. I look at the twins who have a mix of emotions. George looks shocked and like he is about to burst out in laughter. Fred also looks shocked and like he is going to laugh, but there is something else there too that I can't identify.
     "What the hell was that?!" I yell while looking at the twins. Their smiles slowly fade away. George opens his mouth to speak, but I quickly cut him off. "No! I don't want you to answer!" I don't think any of them have ever heard me yell before. I look around the hall and see a few random people are looking our way.
     I suddenly wish I could just sink into the ground and never been seen. I grab my letter and quickly walk out of the hall. Once I get into the corridor I break into a jog to the Hufflepuff common room. My vision starts to become blurry as tears start to fill my eyes. I wipe them away.
     When I get to the door I get inside as soon as I can. Without looking where I'm going I accidentally run into Reno. "Hey Charlie, I was wondering where-. What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks. At first, smiling but then worried.
     I wipe my eyes more. "No, I'm not okay... You can ask the twins... I don't want to talk about it..." I answer quickly. Before he can say anything else I run to the girl's dorm room and lay down on my bed. Face right to the pillow, blankets over my entire body. I don't want to ever leave here. I don't want any to ever be seen or ever see anyone again.

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