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     After we leave the Great Hall we walk outside to start our fight. The air is cold and crisp, and as soon as I step out shivers are sent down my spine. I will warm up once we start moving though, so I ignore it to the best of my power.
      "So what are the rules?" I ask the twins bend over and start to make snowballs. "Rules?" Fred asks with a laugh. "Since when do we have rules?" George asks, also laughing.
     Without warning a snowball is thrown and hits my arm. I lightly laugh. "Fine," I bend over and try to quickly make some. Ron and Harry are as well. Before long we are all throwing the snow at each other while laughing.
    The twins don't show mercy, I make ball after ball and throw ball after ball, as does the others, and we all keep getting hit by one after another.
    "Ron! Come on!" Harry yells. I look over at Ron and see that he is standing still, his eyes focused on something near the castle. Everyone else looks in that direction too. Fleur Delacour and her brother, Ludovic, are walking out and over. I look at the boys again, all of them but Harry seems to be distracted by Fleur. None of them as transfixed as Ron though. I look at Fred, even he seems distracted as he suddenly drops the snowball he was holding.
      My cheeks suddenly feel very warm and my chest feels tight. I have the urge to throw one of the balls at her, but I resist. What is so great about her? Yea, she is pretty, but is she really drop snowballs in the middle of a competition pretty? I try to get the jealousy out of my head. I pick up a handful of snow and mould it into a ball before throwing it and hitting Fred in the chest. He looks over at me. I turn my attention to the Delacour's.
     She and her brother walk over, she stays a little further away than him. He walks all the way over, a smile on his face. I smile back at him. "Hello, you are Reno's friend, no?" He says in a thick French accent.
     I lightly nod. "Hello, yea. I am," I say getting curious where the conversation is going. " 'ave you zeen him today?" I lightly shake my head. "No, I think he is still in the common room. If I see him I'll tell him you're looking for him though." He smiles. "Thank you." I smile back. "You're welcome. You're Ludovic, right?" I ask just to be sure.
     "Oui, yes. You are Charlie?" I nod with a smile. He smiles more. "I will zee you later, Charlie," he says before walking back over to his sister. She looks over at me, I don't try to force myself to smile, nor does she. She just walks off with her brother at her side. His long, silver-blonde hair flowing gracefully behind her. It isn't fair that some girls get to be so pretty.
      I am brought back when I am hit in the back of the head with a snowball. I put my hand where it hit and turn around. "Bloody hell, what was that?" I ask while looking around at everyone, trying to figure out who hit me.
    Everyone is suddenly looking at me. I look at Fred, he had a strange expression on his face, it isn't a very happy one. "What the hell just happened?" He asks while looking at me.
     "He wanted to know about Reno," I answer. "Yea, I heard."   "Then why are you asking?" I pick up more snow. "Are you into French or something?" He says while throwing the ball at me, I dodge it and throw mine. "What?" I ask confused. He dodges it too.
     "You were flirting with him," Fred says while getting more snow. "Flirting with him? I was not, I don't have any interest in him. I was just talking," I say defensively. "That isn't what it looked like to me," he says while throwing a snowball. I dodge it. "Well, I could say the same with the way you were looking at Fleur," I snap back. Throwing a ball that he dodges. 
     We are both suddenly hit with snowballs, we look at the others, all of them have snow in their hands. "No fighting. No one was flirting with anyone, and we are still in a competition that I will obviously win," George says. He suddenly throws a ball at me.
     I throw one back. Harry and Ron start throwing them too. Suddenly we are all laughing again as if nothing ever interrupted our fun.
     Fred does seem to be getting closer, though I can't really tell because I am moving around too much to pay close enough attention.
      I bend over and quickly try to make more balls as fast as I can, when I have about five I stand and see Fred about three feet away from me, he throws a ball at me. I laugh and throw one back, but before it hits him he dodges it and throws more at me. Laughing as well.
     I try to dodge them but I end up falling in the snow and getting hit at the same time. I can't control my laughter as I just grab handfuls of snow and throw them at Fred in an attempt to protect myself. Though since it is loose snow it doesn't do much but cause him more laughter.
     He holds his hands out, I hesitantly reach out and take them. He starts to try and pull me up. I instead pull him down in the snow next to me. Causing us both to laugh more.
     "That is no fair! I was helping you!" He says in between laughs. I can't say anything due to my laughter. I close my eyes tightly and lay on my back, letting my laughter free.
    Fred stops laughing after a few seconds, I try to. I feel his hand on my cheek suddenly, I open my eyes while lightly laughing still. He is laying on his side with his arm on the ground to support himself so he can hover above me slightly.
     My face turns a deep red, though it was red already from the cold, so I'm not sure he can notice. Hopefully, he doesn't. He is looking at me, a smile on his face. I can't help but keep my smile as well.  
     Suddenly he leans down and his lips are against mine. Both of ours are cold but they quickly warm up. I gently put my hand on his shoulder and softly kiss back. My stomach starts to get a fluttering feeling inside, like butterflies. 
      After a few seconds, he pulls away and looks down at me. I look up at him. His face is now also red, though I can't tell if it is from the cold or the kiss. Maybe both. I know mine is red from both. A smile slowly spreads across my face. He smiles back. 
     He sits up then holds his hands out to me. I take them and he helps pull me up. We look over at the others, they are all looking over at us. George has a smirk on his face while the other two have a mixed look of confusion and disgust. 
      "Finished snogging? Can we go back to our fight?" George asks in amusement. I throw a snowball at him, causing him to laugh. "Actually, we're going to go talk to Hagrid," Harry says while patting some snow off himself. 
     After him and Ron get most of the snow off themselves they walk off. George walks over. "Can we go inside? It is starting to get really cold," I say while putting my hands in my pockets. They nod and we walk in and find a place to sit on the stairs. 
      Fred and I make awkward eye contact and smile. I get the photo Lupin sent me out and hold it out to Fred and George. They look at it and Fred looks up at me. "Who is this?" He asks, a confused tone in his voice. 
      "That is me with my real family before I was taken," I answer quietly. "Who are they? They look like-..." He stops himself when the realization hits him. I lightly nod. "My real name is Danielle Lily Potter," I say quietly. 
      "Harry is your brother?"  I lightly nod. "I don't know how to tell him yet, but I know I need to soon." The twins look at each other for a while. It looks as if they are having a conversation with each other without even speaking. George gets up. "I have a few things I need to do in the common room," He says before walking away. Leaving Fred and me alone. 
     I think about it for a few seconds. "Actually, now that he mentioned it, I have some stuff I need to do too," I say while standing. Fred quickly stands. "Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. "I have to write a few letters and work on some homework. I'll see you later though," I say while smiling at him. He smiles back. "See you later." 
      I don't know why I did that. I want to stay with him and ask him so many things. Like what was up with kissing me, not that I'm complaining. I still want to know though. I will talk to him about it all tomorrow hopefully. 

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