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     After Fred and I had a good rough draft for our prank plans we decided to part for the night and go to our common rooms. We walk hand in hand until we get to the staircase. I smile up at him. "I've had a really good day." He smiles back. "I have too."
     "I'll see you later," I say while reluctantly letting go of his hand. "Goodnight Charlie." He takes a step towards me and kisses my cheek. I smile at him a bit more. "Goodnight Fred." We stand there and look at each for a few seconds before I take a few steps back and then walk to the Hufflepuff common room.
     When I get inside I go and change into some pJ's and wipe the little bit of makeup I had on-off. I then switch my contacts for my glasses. I walk down and sit on the couch and wait for Cedric and Renos return so I can tell them about my little adventure.
     When they get back and sit with me we all take turns telling each other how our dates went and being happy and excited for each other while eating some snacks. We stay up later than we normally do, we just sit, talk, and stuff our faces.
     The next few days are dull and full of work. We were going to work on the clue for the next task, but we all had so much homework that we don't work on it at all. And before we know it Monday is here.
     Monday night the three of us decide to skip dinner so we can work on the clue. We all are sitting on the common room floor, surrounded by books and notes. All of us silently reading and thinking.
     "You guys, we're being stupid," Reno says suddenly. Cedric and I look at him and wait for an explanation.
     "We are making it harder than it is. 'Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground'. We already knew that means underwater. 'We've taken what you'll sorely miss, an hour-long you'll have to look, and recover what we took. But past an hour the prospect's black, too late, it's gone, it won't come back'. We knew that meant something you care about very much will be taken and you have an hour to look for it or it's gone. But we were overthinking everything else," he says quickly.
     "Right. What we don't know is what will be taken, where it will be, or how I will find it and get it back," Cedric says, pointing out what we are trying to figure out. "Right. But what if we are thinking too much into it and it is earlier than it sounds?" Reno suggests.
     "So the black lake?" I suggest. Reno nods. "Exactly. I think whatever is taken from you will be down-" "-In the black lake, probably being protected by Merpeople," Cedric says, finishing Reno's suggestion.
     "So that just leaves us to figure out what will be taken and how you will get it back," Reno says while nodding. " 'An hour-long you'll have to look', we need to find a way Ced can breathe underwater for an hour," I say quickly.
     We all smile at each other then get back to the books to find an answer to the next, and people most important question. How can Cedric breathe underwater for an hour?

     The next morning I wake up unnecessarily early and am unable to fall back asleep. I sigh and decide to just get up anyway. I look at the time, its almost five. I stretch and get dressed before walking to the common room.
     On the windowsill, there are two owls sitting there. One school owl and Hedwig. I walk over and look and see who the letters are addressed to. The one Hedwig had is addressed to me from my mother. The other is also for me, I'm guessing from Lupin. I take them and give them a little pet of appreciation before they fly away.
     I open the one from my mother first. This is the first letter I have gotten from her since before Christmas. Usually, she sends gifts for Christmas and my birthday.
          Dearest Charlie,

     I am glad you had a nice time at the ball. I hope to hear more about it when you come home. I am very sorry for the long response. Your father and I have been very busy. We are working on planning a trip for the entire family this summer. We will be going to France. If you like and tell us ahead of time enough you can bring a friend or two.
     I hope the tournament thingy you were telling me about is as much fun as you hoped it would be and I hope everyone is safe and enjoying themselves. Though I very much hope you are keeping to your studies as well. Your father and I do not want you to get behind.
     Von and Mazy miss you. I hope you will be happy to hear that we are expecting again. By this time next year, you will have another little brother or sister. Because of this, we will probably move into a larger home. It's nothing to worry about though, we aren't going to start looking until after we find out the gender.
     Please continue to write dear, even if you don't get a response soon. Don't worry, we are just busy planning. If you have any input on the trip then please send it soon so we can get everything worked out before you come home. We are hoping to leave the week you are home. Your father, brother, sister and I send out love. Be careful.
            Love, Mother

     I read it carefully, making sure not to misread something. We are going to take a trip to France? That is so random for them. My father hates any transportation that isn't a car that he is driving. That isn't the most shocking thing in the letter though. The most shocking thing is her being pregnant again.
     She had so many complications with the pregnancy with Mazy, I didn't think she would want to go through that again. Maybe it was an accident. I shrug it off and open up the letter from Remus. When I unfold it the money I had sent him to pay him back for what he gave Sanders falls out, I sigh.
                 Dear Charlie,
     I appreciate your attempt to repay me, but it really isn't necessary. I was happy to help in any way that I could. So please don't worry about paying me back.
     I am happy that you found the courage to tell Harry, I'm sure it wasn't easy. I hope he took it well and it won't cause any issues.
     I am doing well, thank you. I apologize for the delay in my response, the last full moon took a bit of a toll on me and I needed a bit of time to recover.
     Please with Cedric and Harry luck for me for the next task. It may be hard to do but I advise you to continue to do well in your studies even with all the excitement of the tournament. If you need any help feel free to ask. Stay out of trouble.
                      - Remus Lupin

     I fold both of the letters up and go and put them in my bag for safekeeping. I think about writing my mother a response, but honestly, I don't really see the point. I don't have anything to say to her. Not anything nice at least.

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