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      As the months change from February to March the wind starts to get heavier. Any time we have to go outside the cold wind burns our skin. Owls are delayed because they keep getting flown off track. I didn't worry about it much, I'm not really expecting any mail. 
     After the tournament, I had gotten quite a bit of unwanted attention. When I'm not with Cedric or Harry it isn't as bad, but when I am people aren't shy about asking me things. Now people will ask me about being Harry's sibling. there have even been a few occasions where I have been referred to as Potter. Mostly by Versace when she tells me she doesn't know which is worse and more disgusting, me being an adopted mudblood or a Potter.  
     By the time we are in mid-March, I am back to being left alone for the most part. As I am sitting at breakfast on a Friday morning with Cedric and Reno I am surprised to receive a letter. They both continue to talk while eating as I open it. 
                    Dear Charlie, 
          We understand that you may be busy with school work. However, we need an answer and your input about our family trip. Your sister is bringing along a friend and Von is bringing his girlfriend. If you would like to bring one or two friends along then we will need an answer before the end of March.
                                         -- Much love, Mother
     I sigh, I forgot all about the last letter they sent. "Is something wrong?" Cedric asks, noticing my sigh. I fold the letter and put it in my pocket. "No. My family wants to take a trip to France when I get out of school. They said I can bring a couple of friends if I wan," I say while looking down at my oatmeal. 
     "What's wrong with that? It sounds fun," Cedric says confused. "Yea, you can visit me and Ludovic. I will be visiting his family with mine," Reno says, I can hear the smile in his tone. "She is pregnant, so she is going to be moody the entire time. Plus I guess I'm mad at them about you know, the whole "adoption" thing," I say using air quotes around adoption. 
     "Charlie, they are still your family. No matter how they got you. They still love and care for you," Cedric says softly. I look up. "I guess. I don't know. It just bothers me," I say with a shrug. They take a few bites of their food. "Do you want to go with me, Cedric?" I ask after a few minutes of silence. 
     He smiles at me then nods. "Yea, I'd love to." I slightly smile. Maybe with him there it won't be so bad. They also said a couple of friends. I would ask reno, but he already has plans. Maybe Fred. Or Harry. Harry would probably really enjoy it. 
     Everyone starts to get up and leave for class. I stand. Cedric and Reno both look up at me. "Where are you going?" Cedric asks. "You have hardly touched your food," Reno adds. "I want to talk to Harry. Hey Reno, can I borrow Larry soon?" I ask quickly. Reno looks taken aback. 
     "I uh, I suppose so, why?" He asks confused. "No reason, I'll see you both later!" I say before quickly walking away. I run up to Harry who is leaving the room.
     "Harry!" I yell to get his attention. He turns around and waits for me. "What's going on?" He asks. I catch my breath for a second. "My family is taking a trip to France when the school year ends and they said I can bring some people along. I was wondering if you would want to come," I say with a smile. 
     He slightly smiles. "I would like to, but my aunt and uncle would never allow it. It is a struggle going to the Weasley's over the summer. I'm sorry," he says, a hint of sadness in his town. I lightly nod. "I understand. I'll see you later, Harry," I say while stopping walking. "See you later," He says before walking away to his first class of the day.  
     I lightly sigh. Well, I can always ask Fred. I look around, unsure of where he is. I can always ask him during class later I suppose. I pull my robes up a bit more before walking off to my first class. 
     All-day I seem to be going faster than normal. I'm not really sure why or how, but every class I have been the first few to be in the room and I keep finishing my work before most people do. Maybe everyone else is just slower today, I'm not sure. 
     When I get to DATDA I am one of the first in the room. I walk over and take a seat where I usually sit with Fred and George. After mine and Fred's date Cedric, Reno and I have had a kind of unspoken understanding that I would sit with Fred if I had any classes with him. 
     "You are early today West. Or should I say Potter from now on?" Moody says as I take my books for the class out. "West is fine," I say a little shyly. I still haven't decided on my name yet. "I take it the book I gave you was helpful," he says while turning his back to me to write on the board, though I feel as though he is still watching me. 
     "Yes sir, it was. Thank you." I think for a second before speaking. "You knew who I was, didn't you," I say more as a statement. He stops writing, and now I know he is using his magical eye to look at me. "I had some suspicions," He replies shortly. 
     "Hey West," I hear George say as he takes a seat. "Hey, George."  "Hello love," Fred says while taking a seat next to me. I can't help but smile and lightly blush. "Hello, Fred."  "Should I find alternate plans tomorrow? You two having another date?" George asks while smiling and looking between us. 
     "Tomorrow is the Hogsmeade trip isn't it," I say, only now remembering it. "I think I am actually going to stay here tomorrow. We can hang out if you like Fred. Cedric and Reno both have plans," I say while turning to face them better. 
     "Why are you staying here?" George asks. "Don't you want to enjoy the lovely weather we are having and explore?" Fred adds. I lightly roll my eyes. "If being burnt by the cold wind is what you mean by enjoying the lovely weather then sure. Anyways no. I would like to enjoy the emptiness of the castle tomorrow. It will be peaceful." 
     "In that case, I will stay with you. Don't want you getting lonely now," Fred says, a wide smile on his face. "So you two will be enjoying being alone in the castle together? Sounds like fun," George says with a smirk before winking. I blush deeply. "Whatever you are thinking no. To all of it," I say with a light laugh before turning back to face the front of the class. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now