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     The days pass by quickly. Cedric, Reno and I spend most of our time in the common room or the library to figure out something for the next tournament. We make a little progress. Mostly Reno. I try very hard to concentrate on it for Ced, but it seems like most of the time I am either thinking about Fred or Harry.
     Neither of them has spoken to me since the day of the snowball fight. Though I don't think it's intentional. As I said, I've spent most of my time with Cedric and Reno. I have thought about going and trying to talk to them, but I don't want to make things worse for Harry, and I haven't seen Fred around.
     Today is the first-day classes start back up though, so I imagine things are about to change.
     I force myself to wake up so I don't miss breakfast. Though I still woke up a little late and I have to push myself. After I throw my robes on I brush my hair with my fingers then run to brush my teeth. After that I put on my glasses, I don't think I'll have enough time for my contacts, then run down to the Great Hall. Cedric and Reno already left.
     When I finally make it there I walk to the Hufflepuff table and take a seat across from Cedric and Reno. They both smile at me. I smile back.
     "Running late are we?" Cedric asks while picking up a piece of toast. I get a bowl of oatmeal. "I stayed up late. I was writing to Snuffles." I finally got in the habit of calling Sirius by his code name. "Have you gotten any letters back from anyone?" Reno asks as he eats his scrambled eggs.
    I shake my head. "Nope. Not from anyone. Not even my mother."   "They are all probably just busy. I wouldn't worry about," Cedric says trying to make me feel better. Everyone starts to file out of the room. Cedric and Reno stand. 
     "Where are you guys going?" I ask looking up at them. "We're going to the library to find a book on the lake before class starts," Reno says with a smile. I swear him and Hermione would get along so well with how much they both love research and studying.
     "Alright. I'll see you guys in class then," I say with a mouthful of oatmeal. I watch as they walk out. Once they are gone I look over to the Gryffindor table. The twins are sitting with Ron, Hermione and Harry. I take a nervous breath then walk over while holding my bowl.
     I slowly take a seat next to Fred, across from Harry. I force myself to smile. "Good morning." The twins smile at me. "Good morning!" They say in sync. "I can't tell if you did that to mess with me or out of habit."
     "Maybe a little of both," they say, again together. I roll my eyes. Of course. "We haven't seen you around much Charlie," Fred says while turning to face me. "Yea, where've you been?" George asks
    I quickly think for an excuse. "I've been with Reno and Cedric. We've been trying to figure out the clue to the next task." It isn't a complete lie. I have been doing that. I am just leaving the part out about being too nervous to talk to Fred and Harry. 
     "It is so obvious that you two are siblings. We should have seen it sooner, you look like twins," George says in a joking, yet serious manner, while shaking his head and looking between Harry and I. Harry and I look at each other. Both of our faces turn a light red, I'm not sure if its embarrassment or discomfort. Maybe both. 
     Though now that he points it out I can defiantly see in. The hair, skin colour, glasses, all of it. I turn redder. This time I know it's from embarrassment. "I woke up late and didn't have the time to get dressed properly," I say to try and make it better. 
   Fred and George look at each other for a few seconds. George is giving Fred a sort of commanding type of look. With Fred's back being to me I can't see what look he has. George stands. "Come on Ron." 
   Ron gives a look of confusion. "What?"  "Come with me," George says before starting to walk away. Ron stands and follows him, still confused. Fred turns to me. "Can we talk for a second Charlie?" He asks, seeming a little nervous. "Um, yeah, sure." Hermione must be catching on because she stands. "Harry, we should go." 
     Harry looks at me for a second before getting up and following her out. I look at Fred. "We have a Hogsmeade visit next week," he says with a small, nervous smile. I lightly nod. "Yea, we do." Where is this going? He sits silently for a minute, his face slowly turning red. 
     "I was wondering if you would want to go with me," he says quickly. I can't help but smile at him. I think for the right thing to say. "You know. As like... a um.. a date," he adds nervously. My face turns red to match his. I lightly nod. "Yea. Yea I'd like that," I say softly. He smiles after a few seconds. "Really? Brilliant." I smile a bit more before I stand. 
     "We should hurry, class is going to start soon." He nods then stands. "I heard you talked to Harry," he says softly. I lightly nod as I start to walk. He keeps by my side. "Has he said anything about it?" He lightly shrugs. "I've only overheard a bit. He talks to Ron and Hermione about everything."
    "Well, what have you overheard?" I ask nervously. "He isn't sure how to go about the situation, that is all I heard. I'm sure he said more though."   "I'm sure he probably has," I say trying to ignore the worry I feel. 
     "I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure he will come around," Fred says with an encouraging smile. I can't help but smile back. "Hurry up Weasley, we're going to be late." I pick up the pace a bit while flashing him another smile.  


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