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     I eventually find an old, unused classroom and sit in it for a while. As much as I don't want to silently cry for a few minutes while looking out the window. When I am finally able to pull myself together I gather some of the parchment lying around and start a letter to Sirius. 
                  Dear Snuffles, 
     I know that out of everything I could be writing to you about this is probably the least important. But you and Lupin are the only ones I know to ask. 
     Harry and I had an argument this morning, things with us are okay now I think. But as we were arguing Cedric and Reno cut in to try and help us sort things out. I suppose it worked since Harry and I are okay again I think, but now things are bad with Cedric, Reno and I. 
     Reno and Cedric think that Fred and George are bad influences on me because I have been participating in the twin's pranks and I got in one tiny fight. It wasn't even a fight technically since she didn't try to fight back. (To shorten it she was saying it would have been better if my parents didn't "throw me away" because I'd probably be dead too.)
     They also said that I am doing a lot of risky things, I don't sleep much, and I've been neglecting my school work. I don't sleep much and am slow with my work because I am stressed out. I can't say much about taking risks because I am, but I try to be careful about it. 
     I don't want to lose any of my friends. I don't know what to do or to say to them now. I don't think Fred and George are bad influences. I think they have just opened a door for me and shown me a new way of having fun. Before them, the only time I really had fun was while playing Quidditch. I mean, I have had good times with Cedric and Reno, but it is different with the twins.
     I hope you are doing well, if there is anything I can do for you then please tell me. Sorry for the letter about stupid stuff. 


     I fold the letter and put it in my pocket then write a similar one to Lupin. I change a few things, but not very much. When I finish that one I put it in my pocket too. I walk over to the mirror and look at myself. I do look like Harry. 
     I try and brush my hair with my fingers, but it's no use. I take my glasses off and look at myself. I wonder if Harry and I have the same prescription. I put them back on. I suppose I will go and send these letters off. 

     As I am leaving the owlery I remember I told Harry I would help him with the impediment curse. I walk to the Gryffindor tower and stand outside, waiting for someone to walk out. It takes a while but George finally walks out. 
     He looks at me, worry on his face. "Hey, Charlie. Are you okay?" I lightly shrug. "I suppose. Are Harry, Ron, and Hermione in there?" I ask while crossing my hands behind my back. "No, Fred is though if you'd like me to get him." I lightly shake my head. "Do you know where they are? I am supposed to help Harry practice some spells."  "Check some empty classrooms." 
     I lightly nod. "Okay. Is Fred okay?" I ask slowly. He sighs. "Yeah kind of. He feels bad because he thinks everything that happened is his fault," George says while seeming a bit sad. "It's not. Tell him that I said it isn't, please?"  He nods. "Thanks. See you later George," I say with a slight wave before walking off. 
     It takes a while, but after about the sixth empty classroom I finally find the one Harry, Ron and Hermione are in. I walk in slowly and try to seem like I'm in good spirits. I force myself to smile at the three. 
     "Need any help with anything?" I ask a little quietly. "Harry is doing really well on everything. He is still having trouble with the Shield Charm though," Hermione says while looking between Harry and me. I lightly nod. "Okay. Well, let's see what you learned. Maybe I can give you sound tips on some things," I say while crossing my arms behind my back and leaning back on my heels. 

     After a few hours of Harry doing spells and charms, Hermione and I giving him tips, and Ron being the test subject of the spells we decide to call it a day. "Do any of you need help studying for exams for anything?" I ask as we walk out of the classroom. I hope so, I need something to take the time up. 
     "I think it will be alright. I have a schedule set for studying and as long as I stick to it I should be fine," Hermione says with a slight smile. "I could use the help if you don't mind," Ron says with a look of dread. I smile at him. "Okay, we will figure out some times and stuff then," I say with a small nod. He slightly smiles. "Thanks, Charlie."
     "Well, I will see you lot later then," I say while taking a few steps away. "You aren't going to dinner?" Harry asks. I lightly shake my head. "No, I have some studying I should do," I say with a light smile. "Oh okay. Well, can I talk to you for a minute then?" Harry asks. I lightly nod. 
     "We will see you there Harry," Ron says as he and Hermione walk off. "I wanted to apologise again for this morning," Harry says while standing in front of me. "It's fine Harry. Really. I understand," I say while trying to keep a smile. 
     "I didn't mean for your friends to become mad at you," he adds. My smile fades a bit. "Things with Cedric and Reno will work themselves out. They always do."  "It's my fault that-"  "Seriously Harry, don't worry about it. Please. You have other stuff you should be worrying about." 
     He lightly nods. "I will try," He says with a small sigh. I smile at him. "Good. See you later Harry," I say while waving at him. "See you later," he says walking the other way. I lightly sigh and run my hand through my hair before going to the Hufflepuff common room. 

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