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     When I get to the common room neither Cedric nor Reno is there. They are probably with Cho and Ludovic. Cedric also might be out with some of his other friends. It kind of sucks because I was hoping I could talk to them about what happened with Fred. I guess I'll have to wait until later. 
    I write my mother a letter telling her about how great the ball was, even though I wasn't there for very long. I make sure to include the photos. It isn't a very long letter. I have to refrain from saying anything about knowing what really happened with my "adoption" out of anger. I don't know how things will be when I see her in person. 
     I write a letter to Sirius and address it to Snuffles as Lupin told me. I tell him that I want to get to know him and possibly spend time with him. All I know about him is that he was framed for murder, that's it. I would like to get to know him more than just that. 
      I write another letter to Lupin and include 10 Galleons to start to pay him back the money he gave to the man to find out who I am. Only 40 Galleons left to pay him. I also thank him a few more times. 
     Cedric comes back into the common room when it starts to get kind of dark out. He smiles and sits next to me. I smile back. "I need help Ced," I say quietly. His expression changes to worry. "What happened?"  "Nothing bad. When I was having a snowball fight with the twins, Harry and Ron Fred sorta-kinda um... Kissed me." 
      "He kissed you?!" Cedric yells. I cover his mouth. "Shh! Yes!" My face is starting to turn red. I move my hand. "How was it? Did he say anything after? What is going on now?" He asks quickly. I lightly shrug. "The kiss was amazing. He hasn't said anything about it. And I don't know. That is what I need help with." 
      Cedric lightly shakes his head while smiling. "I didn't think you two were ever going to admit your feelings to each other. I thought Reno and I were going to have to force you both." I lightly laugh. I kind of thought the same thing. "Seriously though Ced. What do I do?"
     "Talk to him. Tell him how you feel." I figured he would probably say something like that. I know that is what I need to do, but it doesn't make it any easier. Maybe I will get a strange wave of confidence and be able to easily. I hope so. 
    I gather the letters I wrote and stand. "I'll be back. I'm going to mail this real quick," I say before leaving the common room and walking up to the owlery. When I walk in I see Harry with Hedwig. He looks up at me. I awkwardly smile, he returns it. 
      "Why do we always meet unplanned in here?" I ask with a very light laugh. He smiles a little more. I look at the letter he has in his hand, he isn't giving it to Hedwig. "Sirius?" I ask him. He looks at the letter then at me.
      I hold up one of my letters. "I have one for him too."  "Why?"  "I'm thanking him for helping me the other day. With finding my family and all."  "What is going to happen now that you know who they are?" He asks as he ties his letter to one of the school's owls.
      "I don't think anything really," I say quietly as I watch him. I walk over and mail my letters then look at him for a few seconds. I take the photo out of my pocket and look at it for a few seconds before hesitantly holding it out to him.
     He looks at me and after a few seconds, his expression is filled with confusion. "Where did you get this?"  "Lupin gave it to me. Um... The little girl is me." He doesn't say anything, though it looks like he is trying to think of something to say.
      "My real name is Danielle Lily Potter. I was stolen three weeks before my third birthday, you were almost one." He doesn't say anything, I give him a minute or two before I say anything else.
     "Harry, I'm sorry... I know this is a lot to take in. It is for me too." I take the photo back and put it away. "Why didn't I ever know I had a sister?" He asks, finally speaking. I very lightly shrug. "I guess since the ministry gave up for looking for me and said I was dead no one thought about telling you."
     "What now?" He asks while looking down at me. I shrug again. "You can think about everything for a while before you decide anything. But if you want I am willing to give the family thing a chance."
    He is silent for a few long seconds while he thinks. "We should be getting back to our common rooms... It's getting kinda late," I say while taking an awkward step back. He lightly nods. "I'll see you tomorrow then Harry." I give him a small smile. He forces himself to give me a small smile. "See you tomorrow." 
    I quickly walk out and back to the Hufflepuff common room. When I get back inside Cedric and Reno are sitting on the couch. I walk over and sit in between them with a sigh. "What's wrong? I thought you would have been happy since you just had your first kiss and all," Reno says with a smile.
    I very lightly laugh. "I am happy. And that wasn't my first kiss."   "So what's wrong then?" Cedric asks as he scoots over a little to give me a bit of room. "I saw Harry in the Owlery. I told him about him being my brother." Their expressions both change to surprise and worry.
     "What happened?" Cedric asks sitting up a bit. "I showed him the photo. He was very surprised and I don't think he knew how to react. I told him I was willing to try the family thing. I think he needs to think about it all for a little before saying anything to me about it."
     "Did he seem mad?" Reno asks, a protective tone in his voice. I shake my head. "Just shocked."   "That's understandable. He grew up his entire life with just his aunt, uncle and cousin only to find out he has an older sister. I'd be shocked too," Cedric says with a small sigh. I lightly nod.
     "It'll work out and be fine Char. Trust me," Reno says giving me a comforting smile. I can't help but slightly smiles back. Reno's smile is contagious.
     "So have you been trying to figure out the clue Ced?" I ask to change the subject. He sighs. "Yes, but I'm not having very much luck. But I also haven't been trying very hard."  "We'll go to the library tomorrow and try to figure it out," Reno says. Cedric nods. I get up.
      "I think I'm going to go ahead and go to bed," I say with a fake yawn. "Alright, goodnight Char," Cedric says with a smile. "Sweet dreams," Reno says while looking at his notebook. "I'll see you boys in the morning."
      When I get in the girl's dormitory I quickly change into my pyjamas and lay on the bed. Today has been busy. Not only did Fred kiss me, but I told Harry that I am his sister. This year has definitely been a lot more interesting than I thought it would be.

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