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     As the days get closer and closer to October more and more excitement floods the school with the upcoming events. Cedric seems pretty bummed though that there is no Quidditch, even with the Tournament taking place. Reno, on the other hand, couldn't be happier about no Quidditch.
    I still haven't received a letter back from my mother, and I am considering sending another one just in case. She usually responds in a week's time. She hasn't responded at all and it has been a month or so.
    Cedric, Reno and I are sitting in the library studying for stuff Snape has us doing in potions when Ernie McMillan, a fellow Hufflepuff who is a few years below us, walks over. Excitement is written all over his face and is evident in his voice.
    "Cedric!" He says in a whisper yell. "There is a sign in the entrance hall that says Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be here on Friday, 30th of October!"
    Cedric smiles and suddenly looks excited too. "That's a week away!" Ernie nods. "I know!" Cedric starts to gather his books and put them in his bag. I follow in suit.
    "You said at the entrance hall?" Cedric asks. Ernie nods again. "Thanks Ernie!" Ernie nods once again before hurrying off. "You go ahead Ced. I'll catch up with you later. I'm going to write a letter real quick," I say while smiling at him. "You sure?" I nod. "Alright, I'll see you later Charlie! You too Reno!" He says while hurrying off.
   Out of the corner of my eye, I see Reno shake his head in disapproval. "Stupid," he mumbles under his breath. I get out some fresh parchment and lay it out before getting my quill back out and dipping it in the ink. 
    I start off with saying that I don't know if she got my first letter or not, so if she did I am sorry but I am going to repeat everything again. And so I do. I tell her all the same stuff about the tournament, only now I tell her the information I just now found out.
    I tell her about Moody, leaving out that he put us under an illegal curse that makes us helpless and do what the controller wants, also leaving out Malfoy being turned into a ferret.
    I go on to ask about my real family. After a few long seconds of thinking I write "I know you have told me many times that you are my real family, but I can't help but I can't help but wonder and want to know who my birth family is. I know you don't want to talk to me about it because you are my family, so there is no point in discussing it, but this is something that I feel like I have to know."
    I look over at Reno and nudge him. He looks up at me. I show him the letter which he quickly reads. His eyebrows knit together. "You've decided to try to find your real family?" He asks before looking at me. I nod. "Yes, I really want to know Reno. Especially after what Malfoy said and what Moody said. I have to find out." 
      He runs his hand through his hair and sighs the nods. "I will help you. And I know Ced will too." I smile then give him a hug. "Thanks, Reno." He hugs back. 
      "You should ask Dumbledore about it. Maybe he knows something. He seems to know a lot about a lot," he suggests. "Yea, I think I will. I just don't know when," I say while running a hand through my hair.
     I gather my books and papers. "I'm going to get something to eat. I'll see you later Reno," I say while standing. He smiles at me, I return it. "How are you not fat? I'll see you later Char." I lightly laugh then walk off.
     I drop my stuff off in the Hufflepuff common room and get some snacks I have saved. I walk outside and shiver as the cool air hits me. I walk over and sit under a small tree and pull out my book and read while munching on my chips.
     "Hey West." I look up and see the twins taking a seat on either side of me. "Hello boys," I say with a small smile. "What are you doing out here alone?" Fred asks. "Just eating some snacks and reading."
     "Where are your Hufflepuff buddies?" George asks. I lightly shrug. "What's it matter to you?"  "You aren't afraid of being alone with us?"   "No. Why would I be?"   "We might play some horrible prank on you." I shrug. "We are even, remember?" I point out.
     "We aren't actually. You see-"   "-We pranked Reynolds. But-"  "-We were pranked by you it seems. So-"   "-Now it is our turn to prank you." They end by saying at the same time, "it's only fair."
     I close my book. "Okay, well first off that is really creepy when you do that so please stop." They smile more. "What? You don't like it when-"   "-We finish each others-"   "- sentences?"
     "Not particularly. Secondly, I pranked you for him. And he helped plan it. So it was still him pranking you. But to answer your question no. I'm not scared to be alone with you. I can take care of myself," I say while smiling at them.
      "Wow. Very confident," Fred says while smiling. Well, they are both smiling actually. "Either way. We aren't here to get our deserved revenge," George says while taking one of my chips. "Why are you here then?" I ask curiously.
      "We have a proposal for you," Fred says while leaning back against the tree. "Oh, I'm sorry boys. I don't feel that way for you," I joke. Their smiles only grow. "You are the only one who has managed to prank us."   "Mostly because we are the kings of pranks."  "But also because no one else has really tried. Which is a little hurtful."  "It is. But we suppose it is out of fear."
      "So the proposal?" I ask, putting them back on topic. "Right. The proposal."   "You have the sweet, innocent, Hufflepuff look. Meaning people will never expect you to prank them."   "Which is perfect. So we were wondering-"   "- if you would want to-"   "- start pranking with you?" I ask, finishing their sentence for them.
     Again, their smiles grow as they say at the same time. "Correct." I smile at them. "It is a very generous offer. I will have to give it some thought."  "Take all the time you need."   "But make it quick."
    I lightly laugh then decide to try to make small talk. "So have you figured out a way to enter the tournament while being under aged yet?"  "It's a little difficult since we don't know how the champions are picked yet. But we have some ideas."
     "What are your ideas?" I ask curiously. "That is only disclosed to trusted partners."  "What does it matter to you anyway?" Fred asks, mocking that I asked that before. "I might decide to join you in that and try to enter myself," I joke.
      They give me a surprised look. "Really? That's unexpected from you West." I lightly laugh. "Well I'm full of surprises," I say while smiling.
     I get my bag of chips and my book then stand. "I'll see you boys later. I'll let you know what I decide when I do." I walk away while smiling to myself.

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now