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     "You look more like trash today than usual West, or sorry, Potter," Versace says bitterly. I roll my eyes and keep walking. "I don't want to hear it, Versace." I am not in the mood to put up with her today. "Hey, Charlie!" Fred and George say at the same time while walking up. 
     "Oh, no wonder. It's probably from being around so much garbage all the time," She continues. I stop outside of Moody's closed door. I wish it were open so I could escape her. The twins stand next to me.  
     She stands a few feet away. "The only trash I am around is you right now," I say just as bitterly as her. Her face starts to glow red from her slowly growing anger. Fred puts his hand on my waist, I think in hopes of distracting me. "Just go to your class Versace," Fred says sounding annoyed. 
     Cedric and Reno walk up as well as other students for class. "Where's Moody?" Reno asks while trying to open the door. He has had a bad history of Snape walking by while he is standing in the hall before class. I suppose he doesn't want to risk getting in trouble. "No idea," George says to answer Reno. 
     "You know, I don't understand why any of them put up with you. Especially Diggory. He is the only decent one you hang around. You hold him back though. It's no wonder your parents threw you away to some muggles. It's too bad they did too. You probably would be dead like them too if they didn't." 
     Before I think twice I drop all my stuff apart from my wand and lunge at Versace. I push her hard into the wall that was behind her. She gasps then is suddenly is obvious pain as she reaches in her robes for her own wand, before she can get to it I push the tip of mine against her neck while pinning her to the wall with my other arm. 
     "You don't know anything about anything!" I yell as I am pulled away. Someone takes my wand from my hand, I quickly pully my hand back and punch her in the nose as she is moving away from the wall. Causing her to fall back and hit it again. There are now multiple people pulling me away and restricting me. 
     "What the devil is going on?" Moody says as he hobbles up. I look back to see Fred and Cedric both holding me back still. A couple of Slytherin's are tending to Versace. "She attacked me!" She yells while holding her hand to her bloody nose. Someone else is pressing cloth to the back of her head, which is also bleeding. 
     Moody opens his door. "Everyone in. Not you bunch," he says quickly. Those who he told to go in quickly walk inside. Cedric and Fred finally let me go, but Fred keeps his hand on my back lightly. I take a few deep breaths. 
     "Did you attack Miss Versace, West?" Moody asks while looking at me, his magical one looking at Versace. "Yes sir," is all I say. "Versace was egging her on and taunting her," Fred quickly says. "She said that she should be dead," Cedric quickly adds. 
     Moody looks between everyone for a few seconds before speaking. "West, detention in my office tonight. Versace go to the hospital wing," Moody says finally. "But Professor she-"  "Hospital wing!" He says loudly cutting off Versace. She jumps and walks off with the other Slytherins. Cedric, Fred and I walk into the classroom and sit in our usual spots. Moody follows. 
     "Everyone open your books to chapter 13 and get out your quills," He says as he hobbles to the front of the class. Fred sets his hand on my leg and keeps it there all the way through class. 
     The rest of the day I don't really talk to anyone, I just stay silent. Cedric, Reno, Fred and George keep asking if I'm okay and what's going on, but I just brush it all off. I don't want to talk. I just want to get through this day so I can shower and sleep. 
     By the time dinner time hits my mood has improved slightly. It would improve more though after I ate and showered. Let's hope that Moody doesn't make detention too bad. 
     I sit down across from Reno and Cedric and start to fill my plate. They have their food already, so I don't offer what I take to them. "How are you feeling Charlie?" Reno asks while sounding slightly worried. 
     "I'm okay I think. How are you feeling?" I ask while taking a bite of potatoes. Him and Cedric glance at each other before looking at me. "You're okay? Are you sure?" Cedric asks. I nod. "Yea, just a rough day. I didn't sleep well and I really just want to shower. What did they tell you about the last task?"
     "You gave Versace a concussion and broke her nose from being in a bad mood from one night of bad sleep and no shower?" Reno asks sounding sceptical. I sigh and set my fork down. "Okay, there might have been some pent up irritation and anger that contributed to that, but I am fine. Really," I try to sound convincing. They stay silent. "So, what's up with the last task?" 
     "It's a maze on the Quidditch field. Bagman said that it'll be back to normal when the task is over. Hagrid is providing creatures and we will have to break spells and overcome obstacles. Harry and I will enter first, then Krum then Delacour," Cedric explained and he sturred his soup. 
     "That doesn't sound too bad," I say starting to feel a bit better. "I dunno. Who knows what Hagrid will put in there," Reno points out. That's true. He named a three-headed, deadly dog Fluffly. "Did you hear what happened with Crouch last night?" Cedric asks. I shake my head. 
     Krum and Harry walked alone by themselves after Bagman talked to us and apparently Crouch had came out of the forest. He was talking nonsense and acting mad. Harry went to get Dumbledore and by the time they had gotten back Crouch was gone and Krum was stunned. They still don't know what happened," Cedric tells in between bites of soup. 
     "I thought Crouch has been sick," I say while going back to my potatoes. "Yea, that's what everyone else thought too," Reno adds. I shake my head then stand while saying, "as the years go on I question more and more how more students here haven't died. I'll see you guys later." 
     "See you later," Reno says while pulling apart a roll. "Good luck with Moody," Cedric adds. "Thanks. I'm going to need it." I start to walk out. "Oi! Charlie!" I hear someone yell. I look back to see Fred and Harry walking over. Great. More questions about my well being.
     "I can't talk right now. I don't want to find out what Moody does when you're late for his detention," I say truthfully. He would probably turn me into a mop or something. "I am going too. McGonagall game me detention with Moody," Fred says with a grin. 
     "I just want to talk to you a second," Harry says quickly. "Okay, it has to be fast though."  "Snuffles said to stay inside the castle past hours and not go walking alone with anyone. Apart from you know, people you trust. Because of what happened last night with Crouch," Harry says, trying to keep it short. I lightly nod, I want to ask questions, but I will save it for another time. 
     "Okay. I'll talk to you about it later," I say while taking a couple of steps back. He nods. "Have fun with Moody," He says with a small smile. I roll my eyes and slightly smile. "Oh, I'll have a ball." He smiles a bit more before walking back over to the Gryffindor table.
     I look at Fred. "What did you get detention?" I ask as we start to walk. "I set a dung bomb off in the hall as Filch was sweeping by."  "That seems very amateur of you," I say suspiciously. "Well, I thought maybe having me around would make it a bit better," He says with a smile. I can't help but smile a bit while shaking my head. "Come on. We'd better hurry," I say while taking his hand. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now