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     The day before the second task is spent by sitting on my bed and debating upon myself if I should talk to Harry about the tournament or not. Trust me, it is a long battle in my head that I wish I could just be given the answer to. 
     And by the time it starts to get dark I finally decide to check in on him and at least see how he is doing. So I throw on a grey hoodie I am borrowing from Cedric and some leggings then go and search for him. 
     The only place I can really search is the library since I can't go into the Gryffindor common room. If I need to I will ask any Gryffindor I see to get him for me. Luckily, I find him in the library with Ron and Hermione. 
     I walk over and give them a smile. "Hey, how are you feeling Harry?" I asked while pulling out a chair and sitting down. "Just splendid," he says sarcastically. I stop smiling. Oh no... "Nervous about tomorrow?" I ask, even though I already know the answer. He nods lightly. 
     "Harry, just go down to the Lake tomorrow, right? Stick your head in yell at the merpeople to give back would ever leave nicked, and see if they chuck it out. Best you can do mate," Ron says. I let out a light chuckle. Picturing it made it amusing.
     "There's a way of doing it! There just has to be!" Hermione says sounding frustrated. He must be struggling to find a way to stay underwater for an hour... I look at the array of books they have. Maybe I could point out a book that has gillyweed or bubble-head charm to lead them to it.  
     "I know what I should have done. I should have learned to be an animagus like Sirius," Harry says with a blank expression. "Yea, you could've turned yourself into a goldfish any time you wanted," Ron adds. "Or a frog," Harry corrects.
     "It takes years to become an animagus. And you have to register yourself and everything. Professor McGonagall told us remember? You've got to register yourself with the Improper Use of Magic Office. What animal you become, and your markings. So you can't abuse it," Hermione corrects. She and Reno really should spend more time together.
     "Hermione, I was joking. I know I haven't got a chance of turning into a frog by tomorrow morning," Harry says, sounding equally as frustrated. "Oh, this is no use! Who on earth wants to make their nose hair grown into ringlets?" Hermione says while angrily shutting a book.
     "I wouldn't mind. Be a talking point wouldn't it?" Fred says while walking up with George. Fred smiles at me. "Hello, love. Didn't expect you to be here," he says sounding rather chipper. I lightly blush at him calling me 'love'.
     "What're you doing here?" Ron asks. "Looking for you lot," George says. "McGonagall is looking for you, Hermione."  "And Diggory said Sprout is looking for you Charlie," Fred adds. "I'll meet you in the common room," Hermione says as she gets up. "Bring as many of these books as you can."
     I sigh and stand. I give Harry a sympathetic smile. "Good luck Harry."  "Thanks," he quietly mutters. Hermione is already walking away with George. Fred, however, is waiting for me. When I get next to him he slips mu hand into his, causing me to smile and blush more. 
     "Did Cedric say what Sprout wanted?" I ask a bit nervously. He shakes his head. "No, just that she needs you." I start to get a bit more nervous. I fall silent. After a few minutes, Fred looks down at me as we walk. 
     "Are you okay, love?" he asks softly. "Yea. I'm just worried about tomorrow," I say with a small sigh. "I'm sure Harry and Diggory will be fine. Dumbledore won't let anything too bad happen to them," He says in an effort to make me feel better. I give him a small smile for trying. 
     "West! There you are!" I hear Professor Sprout yell. I look over and see her rushing over. "I have been looking everywhere for you! Come with me!" she says, speaking very quickly. I let go of Fred's hand. 
     "Where are we going, Professor?" I ask curiously. "To Professor Dumbledore's office. Now come along," she says while walking the other way. I give Fred a worried look, he has the same one. "I'll see you tomorrow," I say before following Sprout. 
     I don't say anything until we are going up the staircase to Dumbledore's office. "Am I in trouble Professor?" I ask nervously. "Oh no dear, not at all," she assures. I give a small relieved sigh. Now curiosity is just washed over me. Why does Dumbledore want me? 
     When we get into his office the door is slowly shut. There are quite a bit of people there, some I couldn't put a name to. I wouldn't think that this many people would be able to fit into this small room. But somehow they do, and they don't seem to be cramped.
     The ones I can are McGonagall, Hermione, Cho Chang, Professor Flitwick, Snape, Moody, Dumbledore, of course, Percy Weasley, the headmaster of Durmstrang, and the headmaster of Beauxbatons. There is also a little girl who has beautiful long blond hair and porcine skin. The other man I don't know, but I do know he is with the ministry and is probably here to do with the tournament. 
     "Now that everyone is here let's get started. You have all been chosen to take part in the next task of the Tournament. Each champion will have something they deeply care about taken from them and placed in the bottom on the Black Lake to retrieve. Each of you has been chosen for a champion to retrieve. You will not be in any danger, you will have our protection, as well as the merpeople's," Dumbledore, explains, a small smile on his face. 
     "Sir, how will we survive underwater?" Hermione asks, worry on her face. "You will all be placed under several charms performed by us," He answers. 
     The room stays silent as we all nervously look around. I don't think any of us are really looking forward to this. I don't know if we have a choice or not though.
     "Right then. Let's get started. Let's let our guests go first. Miss. Delacour, please follow Professor Flitwick," Dumbledore continues.
     The little girl looks up at the Beauxbaton professor. She gives a slight nod as if to give the girl permission. They both then follow Flitwick out of the room.
     "Sir, will we be conscious while in the lake?" I ask nervously. "No, you will feel like you are sleeping, " he gives me a reassuring smile. I don't feel any better though. "You should all take a seat, you may be waiting a while."
     Where would we take a seat? There are hardly any chairs. I look around anyway. Several chairs have appeared around us. Hermione, Cho, and I slowly sit down. "Help yourself to the Licorice Snap on the table." He motions to the bowl. I don't think any of us are interested though. "I shall see you shortly, " he says before walking out, followed by Moody, Snape, Percy, and the headmaster of Durmstrang.
     McGonagall and Sprout are the only professors left with us, they stand across the room and speak quietly to one another. The little girl must have been Fleur's little sister. Cho is probably here for Cedric to save. Why are Hermione and me here? Is she here for Harry? Then who is here for Krum? Wait, she went to the ball with him, maybe Krum has to save her. So who am I for? The only one left is Harry. Do they figure since I am his sister I would be the best person for this? We only just found out.
     I look at my hands and out of habit start scratching the back of them. Maybe it really will just feel like I'm sleeping, so maybe I'll have some dreams. I've been meaning to catch up on my sleep anyway, so maybe this is a good thing.
     After what feels like hours professor Flitwick comes in and asks Hermione to go with him. She takes a deep breath and walks out while trying to look confident. McGonagall goes with them. Leaving the room with just Cho, Sprout, and I.
     I can't help but think about how my parents would react to this. They would forbid it and say it is dangerous and unnecessary, that I should stay in my common room and study. Or maybe they would force me to come home and not let me come back. I doubt that. They wouldn't take that serious of action.
     Soon Flitwick comes back and asks Cho yo follow him. When she gets up I can see the fear in her eyes as she follows him. It seemed faster then, maybe they will soon come to get me as well. I look at Sprout and see that she has a slightly worried look. Overall she looks alright though. Maybe this isn't such a big deal.
     After a while, I start to tap my foot impatiently. The longer I'm left to my own thoughts the more worried I become. I wish they would hurry so we could just get it over with.
     Finally, Flitwick comes back. As soon as I see him I stand. Not even giving him the chance to ask me to follow him. He lightly nods then starts walking. I glance at Sprout before walking behind him. I assume she is also following.
      We get to a room that for the most part is empty. There is a table in the middle and another table off to the side. The table off to the side seems more like a stretcher. It has a bit of cushioning as well as a pillow.
     Sprout leads me over to it. I hesitantly sit down. I look up to see Snape, Dumbledore, and Moody have also entered the room. Dumbledore gives me a smile that I can't seem to return.
     "We will all be performing the proper spells and charms that will keep you safe and protected. From keeping you unconscious to breathing and everything in between, " he assures. "What if I don't get saved?" I ask nervously. "Once the champions run out of time if you haven't been saved then the Merpeople will return you." I take a breath and lightly nod. Now I really do wish I told Harry the bubblehead charm.
     "Professor Snape has prepared a Sleeping Draught that has been slightly altered so that once you are placed in the water you will only wake up when pulled out."
     "What if I wake up while still under?" I ask quickly. "Then we will see how long you can hold your breath, " Snape says sourly as he holds out a vile to me. With a shaking hand, I reach out and take it.
     I keep repeating to myself that it will be okay, the Professor's will keep us safe. I close my eyes tightly then pour the liquid in my mouth and swallow it before even tasting it. I open my eyes and look around. I suddenly start to get dizzy and my vision goes blurry. I feel the vile slip from my fingers and softly hear it shatter. I don't know if my vision goes black or if I close my eyes, but I can no longer see. And quickly, I fall into the deepest sleep I have had in a long time.

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