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     I spend the entire day going over scenarios in my head of how this could play out. There were a few good ways, but there are many bad ways. More than I can count bad ways. Which makes me even more nervous. 
     All the girls I saw where either in a fuss about how they are doing their hair, makeup and their dress. Or they were crying because they didn't have a date or they were too young to go and no one invited them. So I tried to stay away from them for the most part. 
     Most of the guys I saw were nervous for tonight but were playing it off like they weren't. Then there were some who didn't try to hide it. And few select ones that were very confident in a cocky way about tonight. I made sure to stay away from all of them too. 
     Outside I found some of the Gryffindors having a snowball fight. I could pick out Harry, Ron and the twins, but I couldn't recognise the others. I thought about going and joining them, but I decided against it. I don't want to impose on their fun. Or make things awkward or uncomfortable for Fred. Plus I already showered and I don't want to get dirty. 
     When it is almost four I make my way back to the common room so Reno and whatever girls are there can fuss around me. Why does he care so much about how I am dressed for tonight? Is it just for my mother's photos? 
     I walk in and just as I thought there are many girls freaking out and fussing. Most of the guys are hidden away. I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to be around this lot either. I spot Reno in the middle of the mess helping girls with their hair and dresses. It is quite a sight to see. I walkover after watching for a few amusing minutes. 
     He is already dressed in his dress robes. They are a navy colour and it looks like is maybe velvet. He looks very handsome. He looks at me. "Where have you been?! We don't have very much time! Come on! Let's hurry and get you ready!" 
     Before I can even process what is going on he has my hand and is pulling me into the girl's dormitory. "Reno you can't be in here!" I protest. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. Where is your dress?" He says while looking around. There are more girls in here getting ready and comforting one another. 
     I walk over to where I have the dress hanging up. He looks at it and smiles. "That is going to look beautiful on you," he says in what seems to be awe. I turn light pink. He quickly snaps back and looks at me. "Okay, put on whatever you need to have on under it. Bra, underwear any of that. I won't watch," he says quickly and turning around to face the wall. 
     "Reno!" I say while turning red. He laughs. "Sorry, but do it."  I give a confused look but do as he says. I don't want him to freak out like he did this morning. Once I have what I need on I take the dress off the hanger and slide it on with a surprising amount of difficulty. 
    Once I get the dress on I realize it is impossible for me to zip it myself. "Hey, um... Reno?" I say embarrassed. He turns around and smiles. "That looks amazing on you! Here, let me help." He walks behind me and carefully sips up the dress. It is a spaghetti strap,  floor-length, dark red, velvet dress that has a slit in the leg area. 
      "Okay! Now! Sit down and I will do your hair and makeup!" He commands. I sit. "Reno, I really don't want makeup. Besides, do you even know how to do it?" I ask nervously. "Of course I do! I won't put a lot on. Just a few things," he says while opening a little bag that is filled with makeup and hair products. 
     He walks over and stands behind me. "How do you want your hair?"  "I don't really care. Just not too much," I say worried I just gave him too much power. He is silent and concentrated as he works. I now see why he wanted to start early, this is taking forever.
        I start getting really nervous when he curls my hair. And when he puts unknown things in it. Most of the stuff he puts in my hair feels wet and sticky, and I really hope that it will wash out. I'm not used to all this girl stuff. I have have seen a point in doing my hair because it is always just a mess and impossible to fix. Anytime my mom managed to untangle it and make it look nice within an hour it was a mess again. 
       "There. I'm done," he says walking away from me. He smiles. I start to get up but he quickly asks me sit down again. "I thought you said you were done," I complain. I hate sitting still like this. "With your hair. Now I will do your makeup," he says while getting out some more stuff. 
      "I told you I don't want makeup," I say while thinking about all the crap he would be able to put on my face if I gave him the power. "And I told you it won't be very much. Trust me. I know what I'm doing. I will tell you everything I do," he says while standing in front of me. I sigh. There is really no point in arguing. 
     He takes off my glasses and sets them on the table then leans down. "Okay, this will hide some of your freckles and make your skin look smooth and soft," he says while starting to put different things on my face. Though I can't really see much of any of it since I don't have my glasses or contacts on. 
      "Can I at least put in my contacts really quick?" I ask hopeful. "You can when I am done." I  sigh. He doesn't work on my makeup as long as he does my hair, but to be fair, he spends most of the time just trying to tame my hair. He walks me through everything he does before he does it, which does make me less nervous. And from what it feels like, he isn't putting much of anything on. 
      When he is finally finished I get up and put my contacts on and look at myself in the mirror. "Holy hell," I whisper in shock. Out of all the ways, I thought I would look I didn't think I would look like this. 
     My hair is pushed out of my face due to my bangs being in a loose braid and held at the side of my head, the longer parts of my hair are in light curls that lay softly against my head and bounce gently anytime I move. My hair has never looked pretty and done up nicely, this is the first time. 
     As for the makeup, you can't even hardly tell I am wearing any, but at the same time, you can. My skin looks smooth and soft, my cheeks are a light pink, my blue eyes pop in a noticeable good way, you can actually see my eyelashes, and my lips are a natural pink colour. 
     I lightly touch my cheeks to find that they don't even feel like they are covered in makeup. They feel soft. I look at Reno. "Where did you learn to do this?" I ask in amazement. He smiles and shrugs. "Come on. Cedric should be out and dressed by now," he says while starting to walk out. 
    I put on the two and a half inch, open-toed strap heels my mom sent me and then struggle to go to the common room. I am going to fall so much tonight. I hate high heels so much. There a lot of the people are meeting their dates and getting photos by the fire and the plants. Reno and I look around and spot Cedric in his black, silk, dress robes. We rush over. 
     He looks extremely nervous but is trying to hide it. He smiles at us. "You two look amazing!" He says with a wide grin. "I know! Could you ever think that Charlie could actually look like a girl?!" Reno says with a proud smile. This is one of those times when only Cedric and I know he is joking for the most part. 
     "It is a very nice sight to see. You do look beautiful Charlie," Cedric says with a light laugh. I blush. I'm not used to compliments. "You look rather handsome yourself Cedric. You do as well Reno," I say with a wide smile. 
      "Come on, let's hurry and get some photos then go meet our dates. Its nearly time," Reno says quickly. I look at the time and he is right. We only have about a half-hour. I start to get nervous, very soon I will be possibly finding my real family. 

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