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     "Cedric, we will figure out a plan for you tonight in the common room," I say as we walk into Defense Against the Dark Arts later that day. All that has been on my mind is what Harry said about the dragons, and I know that is what has been on Cedric's mind as well.
      He lightly nods. We look around the room for seats. "Look, I'll sit next to the twins and you go sit next to Reno," he suggests hopefully. "Definitely nod," I say before walking over and sitting next to Fred. Reno has to apologise to me before I say anything to him. The twins smile at me. "Since when have you had glasses char?" Fred asks curiously. 
       "Since always. I wear contacts. But I lost one so I am stuck with these until my mom can send me more," I explain hoping we can move on to something new. "You know who you look like?" George says trying not to laugh. 
      "Yea, I look like Harry I know," I say bitterly while getting out my quill and some parchment. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the twins give each other a confused look. They have never seen me cross before. 
      "Are you okay Char?" Fred asks, a bit of worry in his voice. "Yea, I wasn't trying to be an arse. I was only kidding," George says apologetically. I sigh. "I'm sorry. It just hasn't been a good day," I say not really wanting to explain more than that. Though I know I am going to have to. 
      Fred looks at George and he turns his attention to some parchment. Fred looks at me then looks over at Reno and Cedric, then back at me. "I heard that you two got into it this morning," He says a little quietly.
     "You heard about it?" I ask wondering who is spreading it around. "Well, more like I saw you get up, yell, then leave during breakfast."  I lightly nod. "It's because Reynolds is just a prick," I say loud enough for Reno to hear. I mostly just wanted him to hear me refer to him by his last name. 
       Before we can continue with the conversation Moody walks in and starts the class. causing all of us to turn our attention to him. 
      Later that night instead of going to dinner I decide to go to the library. One, so I can study stuff about dragons to try to help Cedric. Two, to research some stuff to try and help find my family. And three, to stay from Reno. 
      When I get to a table and sat down I am soon accompanied by Fred. He takes the seat next to me and smiles. I can't help but smile back. "What are you doing? Why aren't you at dinner?" I ask. He shrugs. "I could ask you the same thing."   "Touché." 
     His smile slightly fades. "So what happened with you and Reynolds?" I sigh and run my hand through my hair then explain the entire situation and all the recent arguments. He listens and nods along. 
     When I am finished talking I give him a few minutes to take everything I said in. He scoots a little closer before he talks. 
      "To me, it sounds like he fancies you."  I laugh and cover my mouth to quiet myself. His expression doesn't change. "Reno doesn't fancy me. I am his best friend," I correct while shaking my head.
     "He might be, but he still facies you. Why else would he get upset and mad about you spending time with other guys? Diggory seems like a threat because of who he is. George and I seem like threats because whenever you are with us you always have fun and you have been spending a lot of time with us. So he is jealous."
       I let everything he says sink in. It all makes a lot of sense. A lot of weird, confusing sense. Fred is right. Reno got mad when he found out we accidentally kissed, he got mad when I had kissed Harry. Then were are the points that Fred just pointed out. He gets upset when he and I can't spend time with each other, especially alone. Then there are the poems he wrote. Does Reno fancy me? 
      "What do I do?" I ask Fred, desperately wanting to fix mine and Reno's friendship and get everything straightened out. "Try to talk to him. Maybe apologise. Then if you really want to do something or find something about it out, ask him if he does." 
      I lightly nod. "What if he does?" I ask quietly. "That depends on you. Do you fancy him?" He asks while shifting a little. I lightly shake my head. "No, Reno is like my brother." There is something that looks like relief in Fred's expression. Why would that relief him?
        "Then you tell him that in the nicest way you can and hope that he understands. Then maybe give him time because based on what I have seen he won't understand at first." I sigh and lay my head on the table. "I don't like any of this..." I whisper.
     "Any of what?" He asks curiously. "The arguing. The possibility of him fancying me. I don't want anyone to fancy me. It complicates thing. Especially friendships."  He reaches over and gently starts to play with my hair. I turn a light shade of pink. 
      "It doesn't have to."    "But it always does."   "Not necessarily."   "Who do you know?" He goes silent for a few seconds while he thinks for an answer. "Because I wouldn't let it if it were me." I look up at him. He is still playing with my hair. His face is a light shade of pink too. 
     I get up and gather my books. "Thank you for your help, Fred. I'm going to go try to talk to him," I say with a soft smile. He slightly smiles back. "No problem Char. Anytime." I smile more at him and lightly ruffle his hair then hurry out.  

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now