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     I walk into the common room that night with a smile on my face from how good this day has been. Even with the bad stuff that has happened, like what Bill and Charlie said, what Malfoy and Versace said, and the argument with Reno it has been a very good. I don't know is there is anything that could bring me down. 
     Reno is sitting on the floor in the common room, lost in a book from his facial expressions. I walk over and smile at him. I do hope Cedric was able to put him in a better mood though. "Did you have a nice time in Hogsmeade today?" I ask to try to make conversation. He glances up at me and his eyes go wide. 
     "You cut your hair?!"  I smile a small bt more and run my hand through it then nod. He reaches over and runs his hand gently through it and suddenly he looks angry again as he pulls away. "You said I could be with you when you do it!" Oh, bullocks... I am really in for it now...
       "I did... But you ran off and I didn't know where you were... And I had to go meet the twin's brothers so Fred went with-"   "- Oh, of course, he went with you!"   "Reno, it isn't like that! Where is Cedric?" I say really wishing he were here to help. 
      "Why does it matter? Can't you just spend time with just me ever? Why does someone else have to be here? I don't have any idea where your pretty boy Cedric is! Maybe you should run to your Gryffindor boy toys! You must be getting a two for one special!" He jumps up and grabs his stuff and storms off to the boy's dormitory. 
      I sit there in shock. Reno has never blown up on me like that before, what has made him so upset? To make him say such mean things about his two best friend? I cover my mouth slowly and try to hold in the tears that are threatening to fall. 
      Cedric suddenly walks in, a smile on his face, he smiles more when he sees me. "Hey! I was looking for you all day Charl-  What's wrong? are you okay?" Cedric hurries over and takes my hand. I hug him tightly and hide my face against his chest and let the tears out.
     He wraps his arms around me tightly and lightly rubs my back. "What happened? Did the Weasley's do something to you?" I can't manage to say anything yet so I just shake my head. He continues to rub my back. 
     After a while, I can finally pull myself together and pull away. I wipe my face with my sleeves, I can feel my contacts moving and I struggle to put them back in their place so I can see properly. He is watching me carefully. I explain to him what Reno said and his expression changes from worry to anger very quickly. 
      "He said that to you?"  I lightly nod, not wanting to say anything else. He starts to get up, no doubt to go talk to Reno. I take his hand and pull him back down. "No, just leave him be for a bit."  "Char, he is our friend. He shouldn't be saying that kind of stuff and I want to know why he is." 
      "I have to tell you some stuff that Fred and George's suggested when we were talking," I say to change the subject. He sighs and sits back down, knowing very well what I did. I explain to him the black market for babies and how there is a possibility that I am one of the missing children deemed dead. 
      He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. "You have one interesting life, you know that?" He says to try to make the situation look better than it does. I very slight smile. "I will help you research who is in prison for it and everything." 
    I lightly shake my head. "No, I want you to focus on the tournament right now. It is on Thursday and I want you to be fully focused." He lightly laughs. "I will try. But once the first task is over we are going full-on for finding your family." I slightly nod. 
      He smiles at me. "Your hair looks really good. It suits you." I slightly smile and run my hand through it. I'm still not completely used to it. I suppose it will take time though. Hopefully not too much time. 
      He stands. "You should get some rest though. We are going to have a busy week, and you have had a hard day." I lightly nod. "You too Cedric. Thank you," I say very grateful to have him as my friend. He smiles at me and kisses my head. "I'll see you tomorrow, Char," He says before leaving me alone in the common room. 
     I sit there for a few minutes before deciding to take a warm bath. My arms are kind of sore from throwing all those snowballs, and my clothes are a little damp from my tears and the melted snow. 
       I try not to think about the negative parts of my day and to just focus on the good parts. I think about what I will say in my next letter to Lupin, I would have wrote to him and explained the stuff with Charlie and Bill if everything with Reno wouldn't have happened. Now I just want to bathe and then go to bed. 
      And even though I am both physically and mentally very tired I end up laying there for a few hours before I am actually able to fall into a deep sleep that will keep me under for the entire night. 

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