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     I slowly stretch my legs out so they are going out from under the blanket. It is warm in the room, having a blanket over my entire body is too much. I reach my hand up to rub my eyes before opening them. 
     When I open them all I see is a blurry red curtain. I must still be dreaming. Or the sun is making the yellow curtain hanging from my bed look red. Either way, I close my eyes and roll over onto the middle of the bed. When I do I basically roll onto someone. I quickly open my eyes and sit up. I'm not dreaming. 
     Fred is laying next to me, still, sound asleep. His hair is messy and for a second I don't think he is wearing a shirt. When I move the blanket to look I see that he is. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. Why didn't he wake me up?
     I look around. He has the curtains on his bed drawn shut, probably so we wouldn't get in trouble. I look around for my glasses. They aren't on the bed, he must have set them somewhere. I want to get up but I am scared that someone will see me if I do. 
     I look down at Fred. Should I wake him up? I would feel bad if I did. Maybe I will just sit here until he wakes up. I sit all the way up and lean against the wall and pull my legs up against my chest. 
     Honestly, that was one of the bests nights of sleep I have ever had. I don't remember if I dreamt anything or not, but I was in such a deep sleep that I didn't even notice when he carried me. This is the most rested I have felt in a long time. 
     "Fred, are you still asleep?" I hear George say as footsteps start getting close. Oh no... Well, it's only George, how bad could it be? "Pretty sure. I haven't seen him since last night," Ron says. Okay... Maybe this could be a little worse than I thought. I lightly push Fred to make him up. 
     He doesn't move. I push him harder. He groans and rubs his eyes before opening them and smiling. "Good-"  "Fred, get up. Diggory and Reynolds are in the Great Hall looking for you," George says, now right next to the bed. 
     Fred's smile goes away. "What do they want? I'm tired, I was up late," Fred says, sitting up slightly. "That'll happen when you stay up all night snogging," Ron says in slight amusement. Harry must have told him.
     "They are looking for Charlie. Reynolds said she didn't go back to the Hufflepuff common room last night and they can't find her," George answers. Fred sighs. "I'm sure she's okay and they will find her," Fred says while stretching. 
     "What do you-," George suddenly pulls the curtain back, reviling Fred and me. Ron looks shocked, I think. He is far away and I still don't have my glasses. I can't tell if George is shocked, amused or both. I give an innocent smile. "Good morning George. Ron." 
     "Nevermind. I know what you mean now," George says. He suddenly lightly laughs. "Ron, go and let the grown-ups talk," George says while holding in laughter. Ron stands there for a few seconds before walking out. 
     I try to see if there is anyone else, but I can't tell without my glasses. Fred sits up next to me. George sits crisis cross on the bed and smiles at us. "Did you two have fun last night?"  "Fred where did you put my glasses? I can't see for shit," I say while squinting a little. 
     "They are in the drawer on the dresser next to the bed," He answers while looking at me. I get up and stretch some more before opening the drawer he means. On top of some folded shirts are my glasses. I put them on then sit back down. 
     "Will you answer my question now?" George asks. "Geroge I promise that nothing happened last night," I say while trying to brush my hair with my fingers. "Mhmm. You expect me to believe that?" 
     "Yes. Because nothing happened. We were on the couch and Charlie fell asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I just brought her in here," Fred explains. George looks at us suspiciously. After a minute he nods. "Okay fine. I believe you," he says with a smile. I sigh of relief. 
     "Good. Now I need your guyses help to get out of here and to the Great Hall without anyone seeing me," I say while getting back up. "Well you need to put clothes on first," Fred says while slightly smiling at me. 
     I look down at my pyjamas and nod. "Right. Sneak out, Hufflepuff common room for clothes, then Great Hall."  "If you wear my clothes it will look even more like something happened last night," Fred says while getting up. 
     He walks over to the dresser and gets out a new shirt. I watch as he takes his off to put on the new one. "Charlie," George says suddenly. I look at him. "I think you might have a little drool," George says while laughing. "Oh haha. Very funny," I say while rolling my eyes. Fred smirks at me. I lightly laugh. 
     "My clothes are too similar to yours. I will go ask Hermione for some pants though. Ron will tell her you are here anyway," George says while starting to walk away. "Shit... He's going to tell Harry..." I say nervously. "Woah, two naughty words in the same ten minute time span. That's not very Hufflepuff of you," Fred jokes. 
     I roll my eyes again. I notice he is still wearing his pyjama pants. "Sorry, I will turn around for you," I say while turning away from him. He lightly laughs. After a minute I feel his hands on my waist. He slowly turns me around to face him. 
     I look up at him and smile, he smiles back before leaning down and softly kissing me. I smile more while I put a hand on his chest. 
     "I leave for one minute and you start snogging," George says as he walks back in. Fred pulls away, I turn red as I see Harry walk in behind him. "Harry I promise you that it isn't what it looks like," I say quickly. 
     "Oh, yea? What is it then?" He says sounding angry. "I just fell asleep last night. That is all, I swear," I say while trying to sound convincing. "So why didn't you wake her up then?" Harry asks while looking at Fred. "I didn't want her to be disturbed. She hasn't been sleeping well and she looked like she was sleeping good," Fred explains sounding very genuine. 
     "So you had to sleep in your bed with her?" Harry asks, keeping his eyes on Fred. "Harry it isn't a big deal. We slept, that's it," I cut in. "I dunno. Last night you were snogging and you were just a minute ago too," He points out. 
     "We weren't snogging a minute ago, it was just a kiss. It's not any of your business what Fred and I do anyway," I say while crossing my arms. Ron walks in holding a pair of jeans, he walks over and hands them to me. "Thank you, Ron. Tell Hermione I said thank you," I try not to sound upset to him. He nods then looks at Harry before walking out. 
     "If you wear one of Harry's shirt people might think you are just him when you walk by. The only big difference is height," Fred suggests. Harry looks at Fred for a few seconds before walking away and to a different dresser. He gets out a blue shirt that is similar to the one he is wearing and hands it to me. 
     "It's not my business what you do together, but you are being reckless and not thinking things through. When you drag me into it then it becomes my business," he finally says. I lightly laugh out of slight anger and frustration. 
     "Whatever Harry. Can you all leave so I can change?" I ask, definitely sounding irritated now. George walks out. Fred sits on the bed and looks down. "Whatever? Do you not care that you are being reckless? You are going to end up getting in really big trouble Charlie," Harry continues. 
     "I don't see it that way Hary," I say while pulling my shorts off. He turns around quickly. "You expect me to believe that nothing happened when you are standing here changing in front of him?"   "He isn't looking. Besides, I don't really give a shit if he sees anything right now or what you believe," I say while pulling the jeans on and then changing my shirt. 
     "I think that you both should calm down and talk calmly," Fred says softly. "No need. I'm leaving now. I will see you later Fred." I lean down and kiss his cheek. "I'll see you later," I say before starting to walk out. 
     When I walk into the common room I find that it is full of Gryffindors. I pause a second before keeping my head down and hurrying to the door. Man, I hope I do look like Harry. I think I am successful with leaving unnoticed because no one says anything to me and I don't hear anything about me. 
     I quickly walk down the stairs. "Charlie wait," I hear Harry call after me. I ignore him and keep walking. He doesn't say anything else until we get to the bottom of the stairs. "Charlie. Stop for a minute." I stop and turn around. 
      "Why are you going to keep lecturing me about how I'm being reckless and about things that I didn't do?" I say sharply. "Charlie! We have been looking all over for you!" I hear Reno say. "What is going on?" Cedric follows. Harry, Cedric and Reno all walk up to me. 
     "What are you wearing? You look like twins," Reno says confused. "Just think about it. Going into the Gryffindor common room is one thing. It's dangerous, but you were at least smart about it and used the cloak. But sleeping with your boyfriend in the Gryffindor boys dormitory is another. You could probably get expelled for it. Or what if something else happened? You are 16 with another-" 
     "First of all, I am 17. Second, nothing like that would have happened because nothing happened for it to happen. Third, even if something did happen it wouldn't be your business. And forth, I have enough to worry about, I don't need to add my brother slut-shaming me to the list," I say loudly. 
     "You stayed the night with Fred?" Cedric asks, shocked. "First, I am not slut-shaming you. Second, I didn't realize that you were unwillingly put into a competition with a death toll. I have a lot to worry about too, I don't need to add worrying about my sister getting expelled or pregnant to the list," He counters. 
     "I'm not going to get pregnant, I'm not doing anything that would result in that. If you would just listen and believe me. I'm not going to get ex-," Reno suddenly cuts me off. "Stop! Both of you!"
     Harry and I both stay silent. I look on the stairs as George walks down and over. "Fred wanted me to check on everything. He didn't want to make things worse by coming down," George says while looking in between Harry and me. 
     "Let's all go sit in the library and talk things out," Reno suggests. "Why the library?" George asks. "No one can yell," Cedric answers. I look at Harry. He looks at me. "Fine." With that, he starts to walk to the library. We all follow silently. 
     When we get there we find a table and sit. Harry and I sit across from each other. George sits next to him. Cedric and Reno sit on the other two sides of the table. Harry is looking at the table. I do the same. 
     "So what is going on? Why are you arguing?" Reno asks. Neither Harry nor I say anything. George sighs. "Last night Charlie came with Fred into the Gryffindor common room. After everyone went to bed Harry went to go talk to Charlie and saw her and Fred snogging. Later that night she fell asleep and Fred didn't want to wake her up so he brought her into the boy's dormitory to sleep," George explains as simply as he can. 
     I look up at Cedric and Reno, they both look upset. Brilliant. "So you are upset because you think Charlie and Fred had sex?" Reno asks Harry. "No. I believe her that they didn't," Harry answers. "Then what are-"  "Charlie. Quiet," Cedric says this time. I sigh lean back in my chair. 
     This feels like we are getting in trouble with our parents for fighting. "So what are you upset about Harry?" Cedric asks. "At first it was that. But I believe her now. She could have gotten in really big trouble for sleeping there last night. And if anything were to have happened then there could have been consequences," Harry explains. 
     "So you are just worried that she will get into some sort of trouble?" Reno asks. "I will be okay," I say quietly. "Charlie I agree with him. If McGonagall or Sprout found out it wouldn't be good," Cedric says while looking at me. 
     I sigh. "So you are all going to just gang up on me?" I say irritated. George lightly raises his hand. "I'm not."  "You don't count. You do stupid shit that should get you expelled all the time. Maybe Fred and George are bad influences on her," Reno says while looking at Cedric. 
     "No, they aren't," I say quickly. "I don't want to agree Charlie, but I think I have to. You have been pulling pranks and getting in fights. You have been doing a lot of risky things. You are more closed off, you don't sleep much, you have been moody, and you have been neglecting your schoolwork," Cedric explains calmly. 
     "Fred and George aren't bad influences on me. I am happy when I am with Fred. They have opened a door of new possibilities for me. Pranks are fun, I have only gotten in one fight. Taking risks is exciting. I'm not more closed off, I'm just not spending all my time with you both so it seems like it. Lack of sleep is due to stress. So is the moodiness and negligence of schoolwork. My life is exciting and fun now. Before all, I had that eas exciting was Quidditch. Fred makes me happy. You both are allowed to have relationships, why can't I? What about Reno and Ludovic? They take risks. Reno has snuck around and gone places he wasn't supposed to be to see him." 
     By the time I stop talking I am nearly in tears. "I'm sorry for acting how I was Charlie. There is just a lot going on and I overreacted," Harry says while looking at me. I lightly nod. "Apology accepted," I say while trying to hold in tears. I look at Reno and Cedric. They don't say anything. "I'll see you both around I guess," I say before standing. 
     Harry stands too. "Want me to come with you?" He asks softly. "I really just want to be alone right now. Thanks though," I say before quickly walking away. I don't even know where I am going. I don't want to go to the Hufflepuff common room. I don't want to go somewhere near people. I just want to sit alone. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now