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    When we get to the common room everyone is celebrating Cedric's victory. It was announced to us that the golden egg he had to retrieve is the clue for the next task. "Come on!"  "Open it!" "Yea! Open it!" many people yell over and over.
      Reno and I stand on the outskirts of everyone while Cedric is right in the middle. He holds it op. "Who wants me to open it?!" he yells, his face slightly healed. Everyone cheers. HE grabs the top and twists it open. It is completely hollow inside, but what comes out is horrible.
      It is an extremely loud shrieking sound that resembles a banshee, but ten times worse. Everyone covers their ears instantly and winces at the sound. "Close it!" several people, including Reno, yells. Cedric quickly does it too. Everyone is in left complete shock and confusion. 

     The weeks pass on and everything seems rather normal. We focus on our studies for the most part. We try to help Cedric with the egg, but with it screeching every time its opened there isn't much we can do. 
      Reno has suggested trying to find a language that is just screaming, but we all agreed, even him, that it is a pretty stupid idea. And it doesn't take us long to run out of ideas. 
    I have received more contacts from my mom, along with an angry letter saying next time I won't be getting more. She also sends me a birthday gift and an apology that it is late. My birthday is on the 10th of December, so it is only a few days late. The only ones who know it is Reno and Cedric, and ever since third year they have made sure to keep it quiet, my wishes. I don't like the attention that comes with gifts and celebrations. 
      Though I am very excited for this birthday, I am very excited that I am considered an adult now amongst the magical community. Especially because I will be able to prank Von now. Nothing too mean. Just something like making the eyes on his posters follow him around. 
       I also got a letter from Lupin saying he is going to look into the possibility of me being a stolen child and meet up with Charlie and Bill and do some searching with them. 
     I lean back in my chair and listen as Professor Sprout talks. "That should be enough for the day. You can all put away your books, but pay attention. I have an announcement to make." We all put away our stuff silently. 
    "A traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament is The Yule Ball. The ball will be open to only fourth years and above, but if you wish you may invite a younger student," She says, a smile on her face. A lot of the girls let out excited sounds and giggles. 
     "Dress robes and gowns will be worn. It will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day and finishing at Midnight. it will be held in the Great Hall. This will be a time to socialise with our own school and more importantly, our foreign visitors. You all will be on your very best behaviour," she says the last part very sharply. 
     "Now, the champions," she glances at Cedric. "Traditionally will open the ball by dancing with their a partner of their choice. A date, if you will," She says, a smile covering her face. The bell rings, all of us get up from our seats and start to file out of the room. 
      The following week is hell after than. All the girls are talking about is the ball. Who they want to go with, what they are wearing, and how they are doing their hair. It is so irritating I have started to hang around the guys to get away from it. 
      Cedric is planning a way to ask Cho, seeing how he has to have a partner no matter what. So I have distanced myself from him a bit too, unfortunately. There are only so many times I can hear him stress about it. I have told him over and over she will say yes, but he really worried. 
      Reno has surprised us all by saying he thinks the Ball is a good idea. He normally hates organized events. He explains that when it comes to romance it is different. He also points out that it is doing the Christmas holiday anyway. It is strange though because he keeps going on about how he is honestly excited and how romantic it is, but as far as I know, he isn't taking anyone. 
      So, for the most part, I have been hanging out with Fred, George, Ron and Harry. Honestly, it is a little refreshing though. With Fred and George, we talk about just about anything but the ball. It is a little worse with Harry and Ron because Ron is irritated and says his dress robes are ugly and won't show me and Harry doesn't know how to ask anyone and can't dance. 
      When I told my parentsI'm not coming home for Christmas they were very angry. But when I explained the ball the anger left completely. My mom has always wanted me to have some sort of prom and this is the closest I will get. She made me promise that I will take photos and send them to her. She also sent me a beautiful dress. I haven't even tried it on yet though. 
      I am sitting with Ron and Harry in the library when I get a letter. "Your parents?" Ron asks curiously. I look at who its from and shake my head. "No. It's from Bill," I say a little surprised. I have only gotten one letter from him and two from Charlie. If they have stuff to tell me they do it through Lupin for the most part. 
     "Bill? As in my brother?" Ron asks confused. I nod and read it. 
     "Dear Charlie West,
                            My brother, Remus and I have been communicating with a few helpful sources and have come across a few things that will be very helpful in the search for your family. We have managed to track down one man who used to be in the market. We believe that we may be able to get helpful information from him. 
      This brings me to a big proposition that you will need to consider. The night of the Yule Ball you can sneak out of the castle and meet us at Hogsmeade where we will travel to meet with the man who has the information. We will all talk to him and then once we know what we need to know we will get you back to Hogsmeade so you can return to the castle. 
      With all the festivities going on during the ball no one will notice your absence and you won't be caught. Think about it. when you decide then we will come up with a detailed plan and let you know about it. 
                                                                                      Bill Weasley"

     I read the letter over very carefully a few times before folding it up and putting it with my other parchment. "Is everything okay Charlie?" Harry asks me, I am sure I probably look very pale. I nod. "I'm fine. I need to go find Cedric and Reno though," I say while quickly getting up and leaving the two alone. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now