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     "So what exactly is up with you and Fred?" Reno asks as we walk out of our last class. "What do you mean?" I ask while looking up at him. It has been about five weeks since mine and Fred's date and honestly, not much has changed. 
     I mean, we still don't get much time alone, and the little bit of alone time we do get we use to perfect our prank plan. The most we do when it comes to romance so far is hold hands. Though I don't think either of us has confidence yet to kiss up on each other in front of people. 
     "Are you official yet?" he asks, sounding slightly annoyed. "No, I mean-"  Charlie! Why are you guys taking so long?!"  "It isn't a big deal Reno," I try to convince him. He sighs. "You both admitted you fancy one another, you have snogged, and you hang out all of the time, why aren't you a couple?"
     "I don't know, I guess neither of us is concerned about labelling it," I say with a shrug. He lightly shakes his head. "You coming to the common room?"  "No, I'm meeting the twins in the library." He lightly shakes his head before walking away. 
     I watch him as he walks away for a few seconds before making my way to the library. I find the twins sitting at a table near the back away from everyone. They are looking at some papers and whispering to one another. 
     "Maybe we should make them dance instead of sing," George suggests. "No, if they should sing with the voice of the opposite gender," Fred counters. "Working on some joke plans?" I ask as I sit across from them. They look up as I speak. 
     A small smile goes across Fred's face. "You know us too well." They put away all their papers and switch them out with a different set. George gets a small couple of containers out of his bag. I watch as they start to open them and match them up with the papers. 
     "Fred, can I ask you something?" I say while leaning back in my chair. He looks over at me, leaving George to work on whatever it is they are working on. "Yea, sure," He says curiously. "When summer holiday starts my family is going on a trip to France and I can bring someone with me. I was wondering if you come?" I ask a little quietly. I haven't brought up the letters I got to anyone, I just don't see a point. Especially the one from my mother. 
     His smile widens. "Yea, I'd love to."  "What about me? You don't want to invite your pal, George?" George says while sounding fake offended. I lightly laugh. "If I can bring two people then you are more than welcome to as well."  "No, it's too late. I know how you feel," He jokes.
     He dips his wand slightly into one of the containers then pulls it out and blows. A very large bubble forms and flys off. "I still can't get it big enough to fit someone's head inside," He says with a sigh. 
     It clicks. "What are you trying to do?" I ask quickly. He looks over. "We are trying to make bubbles big enough to fit someone's head in so it will-"   "-that's brilliant George! Thank you so much!" I say, quickly cutting him off. I jump up. 
     "Where are you going?" Fred asks confusion is written on both of their faces. "I have to go find Cedric right now!" I say loudly before hurrying off. I don't run because I would like to still be able to breathe, but I do walk very fast to the Hufflepuff common room. 
     "Cedric! Reno!" I yell once I'm inside. I look around at all the faces in the room in search of the pair. I see Cedric sitting by the fire with some of his friends, Reno is in the corner reading. Cedric! Reno!" I say again as I run over to Reno. I'd rather sit there since we would be a bit more alone. 
     Cedric looks over, says something to the guys, then walks over. "Is everything okay?" He asks, worried. "Yea, you are very red," Reno adds. "I'm fine. I know how you will stay underwater for an hour," I say quickly. 
     "I was thinking to use Gillyweed," Cedric responds. "What about Bubble-Head charm?" I suggest. They look at one another before smiling. "You are brilliant Charlie!" Cedric says while giving me a hug. I laugh and hug back. "You need to master it soon Ced, the task is two days away," Reno says, also smiling. 
     Cedric nods. "I can't believe that slipped our minds," he says in disbelief. "I know. I just feel stupid now," Reno says with a light laugh. "Come on, lets go help him get it," I suggest. They nod in agreeance. 

     It's nearly midnight by the time we decide to call it a night on practising the charm. Though in my opinion, Cedric has it down, I want him to do the charm as much as he can as practice so he doesn't get hurt doing the real thing. 
     I really want to ask Harry how he is doing with all of this and help him if he needs it, but I would feel like that is cheating in a way. I mean, Hogwarts already has a higher chance of winning just because we have two champions, I don't want to make anything more unfair than it is. But then again, Harry is my little brother, I want to help him. 
     I try to shake out the thoughts. He has Ron and Hermione to help him. I'm sure by now they have everything figured out. I hope they do at least. Maybe I will check on him a bit. 
     I plop onto the couch and let out a loud yawn. Reno sits next to me. "Tired much?" Cedric sits on my other side. "Aren't you?" I ask, not believing that he can't be. "Oh, I defiantly am."  "I think we all are," Cedric adds. 
     We sit silently for a while. "We should probably get up and go to bed," Cedric says after a while. Reno and I both give a tired, "yea," as a response, though none of us moves.
     I move my bottom over towards Reno and lay my head on Cedric's shoulder. Reno leans on me and puts his head on my shoulder and Cedric lays his head against mine. "I am pretty comfy here," I say while closing my eyes. They give another quiet, "yea."
     I put my legs on top of Cedric's to get comfier. Cedric moves his arm so it is around me. I feel it lightly moving, and when I look up to see what he's doing he is lightly playing with Reno's hair. I lightly laugh as I close my eyes again. 
     "Goodnight boys," I say while yawning. "Goodnight Char," They say at the same time. I don't know what I would do without these two. They have been my friend since our first year, I would probably be a complete loner without them. Honestly, it doesn't feel enough to call them by friends, it's more like they're my brothers. 

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