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     The weeks pass quickly and soon summer is moving in. The wind calms down and turns warm. Meaning Cedric, Reno and I have been spending more time outside together. Fred and I have been as well. I haven't been alone with Fred very much. Usually, George is with him and they discuss their soon to be business. 
     My mother wrote to me and told me how excited she is that I have a boyfriend and that she can't wait to meet him and his family. I never responded to that. I did however send her a letter after Fred had gotten permission from his parents to come along. My mother quickly responded with a list of places we will be visiting. I never responded to that either. 
     She sent her last letter at the start of May, with it now being the end I don't think there is a point to responding. I walk out of my last class with Cedric and Reno. "After dinner do you want to sit outside and study a bit?" I ask while looking between the two. 
     "I won't be able to. At nine I have to go to the quidditch field and find out what the third task is," Cedric says, a smile also on his face. "And I will be in the library studying with Ludovic," Reno adds. "Oh, okay. Maybe I will try and hang out with Fred then." 

     After dinner the three of us part ways and I go over to the Gryffindor table in search for Fred. Oddly, I am told by Ron that they are in their common room. They are probably working on stuff for their shop. I will try to find them tomorrow then. 
     I head to the Hufflepuff common room go and change into some pyjamas then sit on the couch and read. The room is filled with people, but they are all sitting around quietly talking and doing their own thing. I concentrate on the crackling sound from the fireplace and my book. 
     This is the calmest I have felt in a while. I don't feel stressed over my school work, or over my family, or anything. I just feel calm and peaceful. Soon my eyelids start to get heavier and heavier and before I know it I can't stop them from closing. 

     "So who do you think will win?" George asks as we wait for the final task to end. "I hope Harry and Cedric win," I say, ignoring my bouncing leg. I can't sit still while being this nervous. "But who do you think will win?" Fred asks, putting emphasis on think. I shrug, not knowing what to answer. 
     "How much longer is this going to last," I say with a sigh of irritation. "It just started Charlie, don't worry so much," Reno says while putting a hand on my leg to stop me from bouncing it. I check my watch. "It started a half-hour ago." 
     "So it will be a while longer before it ends. Don't worry," Fred says while putting his arm around me for comfort. Suddenly there is a bright red flash. When it happens that's all I can see, it lasts for about three seconds. When it is gone I blink a few times to clear my vision. Everything is suddenly dark and it takes me a minute to realise I'm on the Quidditch field at night and alone.
     "Fred? Reno? George?" I call out, no response. I slowly walk around in search of someone. I can see something in the middle of the field, I jog over.  As I get closer I see its someone laying down and someone sitting over them. 
     I slowly get closer, starting to get nervous. When I am close enough to see who it is I let out a gasp. Cedric is laying in the grass, still and covered in blood. Harry is sitting over him crying. He is also covered in blood. 
     "Harry?" I say quietly, not hardly even being able to get that out. He looks up at me. "He did this. He is coming," he says darkly. "Who Harry?" I say with a shaky voice. Harry's eyes suddenly roll to the back of his head before he collapses next to Cedric. 
     "Harry! Cedric!" I yell loudly. I quickly look around for someone else. But when I turn around the field is covered in bodies. All of them still and bloody. I force myself to keep myself somewhat composed as I look at all the bodies. 
     Reno, Ludovic, George, Fred, Sirius, my mother and father, Von, Mazy, Ron, Hermione, the list goes on. There is no one left. I try to think of where to go or what to do but I can't. Suddenly my entire body burns like fell into a pool of lava. 
     I let out a shriek of pain as I fall to my knees. As soon as my legs touch the ground the pain stops. I breathe deeply and fast. "It's your turn," a dark voice says from somewhere in the darkness. The heat hits me again, I thrash around and yell. 

     I quickly open my eyes and jump up. Reno is sitting next to me, he is holding me upright. I breathe deeply while looking at him. He has a look of panic on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly. I look around to see I am in the brightly lit common room. I nod and run my hand through my hair. 
     I am covered in sweat. I look at my lap and pull the thick, knitted blanket off of me. Someone must have seen me sleeping here and covered me up. "What's wrong?" He asks, sounding slightly less worried. "Just a bad dream," I say with a cracked voice. I am thirstier than ever. 
     "Are you okay? Where is Cedric, Harry and Fred? Where is everyone?" I ask quickly while looking around. "I'm fine. They are all in the Great Hall getting breakfast and heading to their classes. What happened in the dream?" 
     I think back to the dream. But I can't piece it together or remember. "I can't remember," I say, really needing some water. He gets up and gets a glass and fills it before handing it to me. I take it and quickly chug it. 
     "What time is it? Do I have time to change and shower?" I ask while quickly getting up. "You have time to very quickly clean up a bit and change, even then you might be late," He says sympathetically. I sigh. "Okay... I will see you in class, thanks for waking me up Reno," I say while hurrying to the dormitories. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now