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     I feel so much happier once I get out of the shower. I really just needed to be clean. I think I would have been able to restrain myself from hitting Versace if I just had this. I don't regret it though. It has caused other things, good things, to happen. 
     I walk into the common room to sit and wait for ten-thirty while wearing my space pyjamas. I am taken aback when I see Reno still sitting out there. He looks at me. "I thought you were going to bed," he says stiffly. I push my wet hair out of my face so it won't get my glasses wet. 
     "I um... I was going to. But I wanted to read a bit first. What are you still doing up?" I say the first thing that comes to mind. He shrugs. "I just had a feeling you weren't going to bed as soon as you said you were." 
     I look at the time. Ten twenty-five. I need to hurry. "Well I am going to the kitchen to get a cup of tea to help fall asleep," I say quickly. "Don't you think that's a bit dangerous?"  "No, we are right next to the kitchen. It'll be okay." He stands. 
     "I will go along. I wouldn't mind a cup of tea," he says while crossing his arms. "I would prefer to go alone. I don't really want to talk or anything. I will be back soon," I say getting desperate. He looks at me for a few seconds before sitting back down. "Fine. I will wait here." 
     I sigh. "If I start up a conversation with a house-elf I'm sorry," I say slightly irritated before walking out. I look around for Fred, but to my disappointment, he is nowhere to be seen. I look at the time. Ten thirty-five. Did he not want to wait and leave? Maybe he thought I had changed my mind. I bet I could catch up with him. 
     I start to walk when I suddenly hear his voice. "Charlie, over here." I look around but still don't see him. Is he playing a prank on me? "Where?" I whisper. I turn around again and he is suddenly standing there, a cloak in his hands. He can see my confusion. 
     "It's an invisibility cloak," he says while pulling it around everything but his head. "Where did you get an invisibility cloak?" I ask in amazement. "I'm borrowing it from Harry."  "Where did Harry get it?"  "It was his-, I mean your fathers," he says, correcting himself. 
     I lightly touch it and can't help but smile. We both look up when we hear footsteps. "Here, quick," he says while living it over both of us. He quickly situates it so that we are both completely covered. We stand still as Filch and Mrs Norris walk by. 
     We stay silent the entire time walking up to the Gryffindor tower. When we get in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady Fred pokes his head out. I cover my ears. She soon swings open. He uncovers himself. "Stay under," He says quickly before I can uncover myself. I do as he says and stay under the cloak as we walk into the Gryffindor common room. 
    Harry, Ron and Hermione are sitting alone by the fire. I look around the room, I don't see anyone else. "Are you lot the only ones who haven't gone to bed?" Fred asks as he walks over and sits on the couch. They all look over at him. 
     "I think so. Where have you been?" Ron says curiously. "Think so? I need you to be sure," Fred says, a small smile starting to form on his face. "No one has been down for a while," Hermione says quickly. Fred's smile grows. He looks over at me. "Come sit down." I hesitate for a moment. "Whore you talking to?" Ron asks, his confusion growing. 
     I pull the cloak off and fold it up a little. the three look shocked, but it doesn't last long. I smile at them. "How are you lot this evening?" I ask. "What are you doing in here?" Ron asks. "Just visiting," I say with a shrug. I walk over and hand Harry the cloak. He takes it and sets it on the floor. "Thanks for letting us borrow that." "You're welcome I suppose." 
     "We will need it when she leaves later tonight. I would like my pinky to stay unbroken," Fred says, his grin bigger than ever. "How often do you come in here?" Hermione asks. "This is only my second time," I answer before walking over and sitting next to Fred. 
     "You need to be careful, you could get in a lot of trouble," Hermione continues. I nod. "Yea, I'm aware." It suddenly looks like something hit her. "We haven't done any practising! We were going to do the Impediment Curse! We will have to really get down to it tomorrow!" 
     "Moody making you learn that? He mostly has us doing bookwork right now," I say as I pull my legs up. Fred puts his arm over my shoulders. "It's to help prepare for the third task," Harry says dully while looking into the fire. "Oh, I can help you if you like. Reno had me practice with him when he was learning it," I offer. 
     Harry looks over at me and nods. "Yea, I'll let you know when we work on it. Thank you." I smile at him. "Anytime." Hermione stands. "I am going to bed. You both really should be too soon." Ron and Harry don't say anything. She looks at Fred and I. "Goodnight."
     I smile at her and lightly wave. "Goodnight." "Night," Fred says sounding rather happy. Ron turns around. "Good job breaking Versace's nose," Ron says with a smile. I stop smiling slightly. "Thanks, I suppose."  "You are probably the first Hufflepuff in history to get in a fight," He continues. 
     "It was hardly a fight. She said some unnecessary things and I pinned her and punched her," I lightly shrug. "What did she say that was so bad?" Harry asks, joining the conversation. I hesitate for a second.
     "Um... She was saying how I looking more like garbage than usual from being around the Weasleys and that she doesn't understand why anyone puts up with me," I say, my smile now completely gone. "Is that all?" Ron asks, sounding a little disappointed, he also has a small bit of anger on his face. He has always been protective of his family and never liked anyone insulting them. 
     "Not exactly... Fred, can you say the rest?" I say while looking over at him. He looks at me and kisses my head before turning to the others. "She said she understands why her parents just threw her away and that it's too bad they did because if they didn't she would probably be dead." 
     Ron looks shocked, he nods very slightly, now understanding why I reacted the way I did. Harry looks pretty upset. He looks back into the fire. "If I were there I would have done more than punch her," Harry says stiffly. I look down at my hands. There is a small bruise on my knuckle. 
     "She has her wand out and against Versace's neck. If Cedric wouldn't have taken it she would have probably hurt her a lot worse," Fred adds. Ron stands. "I'm going to bed, night guys," he says before walking off. Harry stands. I suppose he is going to bed too. 
     "Night. See you guys," He says before walking out. I keep looking at my hands. Fred uses his free hand to reach over and take mine. "Look at me." I slowly look up at him. He smiles at me. After a few seconds, I can't help but smile back. 
     "Do you want to play chess?" He asks. I shake my head. "I'm too tired for chess." I lay my head against his chest and close my eyes. He lightly rubs my back. If I laid like this long enough I could probably fall asleep. 
     I look up at him and smile. He looks at me. "What?" a smile forming on his face. I shake my head before slowly sitting up to kiss him. When our lips touch I start to get butterflies. They start in my stomach and as the kiss deepens they move to my chest.  
     He moves his hands to my waist and moves us so that I am laying on my back on the couch and he is over me. I put my hand on his chest and grip his shirt tightly. I put my other hand on the back of his head and tangle my fingers in his hair and pull lightly.
     I pull my leg up so it is on one side of him. He puts one of his hands on my leg and lightly rubs up to my thigh. I'm glad I shaved. I gather up some confidence and gently bite his lip. I can feel him smile into this kiss before he pulls away so he can move to my neck. 
     Before he can do much of anything he jumps off of me when someone in the room clears their throat loudly. I quickly sit up and scoot away from Fred, fearing that it is McGonagall. Harry is standing a few feet away from the couch, he keeps his eyes on his feet. 
     "You two done?" He asks slightly irritated sounding. I nod quickly. I can feel my face burning a deep crimson. I think this is worse than George walking in on us snogging. "I suppose so," Fred says, his face also very red. 
     "What's up, Harry?" I ask, hoping that we can move on quickly. "I wanted to talk to you about our parents for a minute. That is if you aren't too busy," He says while sitting on the floor in front of us. 
     "Of course I'm not. I don't know what I would be busy with," I say while pushing my hair out of my face. "Do you want me to leave?" Fred asks, sounding a bit hopeful that Harry will say yes. Probably to get out of the awkward situation. 
     "No, it's fine. It isn't much," Harry answers. Fred scoots over and puts his arm back around me. "Is it something specific?" I ask Harry. "Yea. After you had told me about being my sister I had written to Snuffles to ask him about it and everything." 
     I lightly nod. "Okay. How did that go?"  "Fine," is all he says. I am silent as I wait for him to continue. "They didn't throw you away. You know that right?" I slowly nod my head. "Yea. I was stolen," I answer a little quietly. He lightly nods. "And you know that our parents never gave up on finding you right?" 
     I slowly nod again. "Lupin and Snuffles told me that." We sit in silence for a few more seconds. "I just didn't want you thinking that they threw you away or didn't care about you," he says quietly. I slightly smile at him. "Thank you, Harry. I appreciate it." He slightly smiles back before standing. 
     "Night Harry, sweet dreams," I say while watching him. "Night Charlie. Night Fred," he says before starting to walk out. Before he gets to the door he turns back around.
     "I know you guys are together and all, but I'd appreciate it if you kept the snogging to a minimum if there is a chance that I have to see it. Because I really don't want to see it," He says while looking in between us. My face turns red again. 
     "To be fair we thought you went to bed," Fred says, slightly smiling. I can't tell if he is kidding or being serious. I lightly push him then look back to Harry. "We will. Sorry Harry," I say with a small smile. 
     He nods then walks out. Fred looks back at me. "Shall we continue where we left off?" he says with a smirk. I lightly laugh. "I should be going. It is really late," I say while smiling at him. He pulls his ar, a bit tighter around me. "Well, let's talk before you go then." 
     I lightly nod. "Okay." I rest my head on his chest. "Am I the only one you've ever kissed?" I ask curiously. "You are the only one I have kissed like that," he answers while starting to lightly play with my hair. "Who else have you kissed?" I ask, even more curious. 
     "Me and Angelina kissed once. But it was an instant regret from both of us. And then I was once dared to kiss Lee." I can't help but laugh. "You kisses Lee?!" he lightly laughs. "George said I wouldn't after he dared me he called me chicken. I had to prove him wrong." I laugh more and shake my head. "Wow." 
     "Well, it's better than who you have kissed," He counters. I can tell he is trying to hold in laughter. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. Does he mean when Cedric and I accidentally kissed? "What do you mean? I think me kissing Cedric is better than you kissing Lee." 
     His amusement leaves. "You and Diggory kissed? When? Why?" He asks quickly. My confusion grows. "A long time ago. We were practising Quidditch and I fell and accidentally kissed him when I fell. If you didn't mean that what did you mean?" 
     He looks at me for a few seconds before his amusement comes back. "You kissed Harry." I don't remember what he means until he says it. The horror and disgust flood me when I remember the event. 
     "Not purposefully! That was your fault! I had eaten one of those candies that made me do it!" I say loudly while wishing I could erase the memory and event out of existence. His laughter is so loud that I am almost afraid he will wake someone up. 
     I cross my arms. "It's not funny. It's disgusting." He wipes a fake tear away. "Yes, but it is also funny." I shake my head in disagreement. "I am going to go to bed." I start to stand. He pulls me back down. "Wait, I'm sorry," He says while smiling at me. I can't help but smile back. 
     He lightly kisses my cheek before picking me up so I am sitting on his lap. He then lays down on the couch on his back and gently pulls me to lay on top of him. I rest my head on his chest. He softly starts to play with my hair.
     Between the warmth from the fire, the soft sound of his heart, and his gently playing with my hair my eyelids soon become very heavy, and before I can stop myself sleep pulls me under. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now