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      The weeks go on uneventfully. For me anyways. I spend most of my time either in the girl's dorm room on my bed or in the library. I try to spend as much time with Cedric as I can since he is always busy.
   I think it's starting to irritate Reno a lot. He has been distancing himself away from all the attention and all the interaction. I don't think I have seen him once without a quill in his hand since the champions were chosen. He is either studying or writing. It is starting to get pretty lonely. I miss my pals. 
     I have been hanging out most with Feed and George I suppose. They are keeping calm on the pranks for now and looking at things in more of a business standpoint. They are doing a lot of planning for the future shop they want to open.
    Which honestly scares the hell out of me. I don't have any idea what I want to do when I leave school. I don't know if I want to get a job in the Muggle community or a magical one. I don't know where I will live, or if I will have a roommate or a cat, I don't know anything.
     Ron has been tagging along quite a bit too. Which is probably another reason why the twins aren't planning anything, they don't want him to know. Ron and I get along pretty well. We both have a love of food.
     From what I have been able to gather, I haven't inquired about it since it isn't my business, Ron and Harry are no longer on speaking terms after an argument about Harry entering himself into the tournament.
    I don't get to hang out with them very often though either, us being in different houses complicated things just slightly. Only because people seem to pay more attention to us being around each other and we don't have many classes together. 
     I have exchanged only a few more letters with Remus, so far he hasn't been able to find anything. He has visited several Muggle adoption agencies for me and none of them has any records that have to do with me.
      I haven't written anything else to my family, I have thought about sending a letter to Mazy, but my mom would get to it first. I mean, I wouldn't mind but it just feels different when it isn't read by her first.
      The more I read through the book Mad-Eye gave me the more confused I get why he said it might help. I have researched some of the people that are underlined and so far it has gotten me nowhere with nothing but bad dreams.
     "Hey West!" I hear the twins yell. I turn around and look at them. They are hurrying over to me from the Great Hall. I was on my way to the common room.
     I smile at them. "Hello, boys."   "So we wrote to Charlie and Bill and they are going to be at Hogsmeade tomorrow -" Fred starts. "- so you can meet them if you want.  And -" George continues. "- you can talk to them about how to find your family."
     "I thought I asked you guys to stop doing that?" I ask while smiling. They both have smiles plastered to their faces. "You did-"  "- but why would we listen?" I roll my eyes.
       "So you want me to meet two of your brother's? Are we already at that level in our relationship?" I tease. "And after we could go to the Shrieking Shack or some," Fred says, his smile widening. I lightly nod while smiling.
    "Yeah sounds good to me. I have to go now. But I'll see you boys in the morning," I say with a slight nod, my smile pretty wide also. I wave them then walk to the common room. 
      If I'm being honest I am actually kind of nervous to meet the twins older brothers. I'm not sure why though. Occasionally we will get to go on day visits to a small nearby village called Hogsmeade. 
     When I get inside I walk over and sit with Reno who is on the couch writing. I sit on the floor in front of him. "You have been writing a lot lately," I say with a smile. He glances at me with a slight smile. "I've had a lot of free time. Plus it keeps me focused and I've been inspired recently." 
     "What gets you inspired?" I try to make conversation. He thinks carefully about his answer for a few long seconds. "People mostly."   "What are you writing right now?"   "Words."   I roll my eyes at his answer. He has always been very secretive and private about his writing. And I'm not sure why. When I accidentally read some of what he has written it was beautiful. Though, he was very angry and embarrassed. That is the only time he has ever been angry with me. 
     I lean against his legs and lay my head in his knees. "When are you going to go to bed?" I ask. "I don't know. Soon I think. Why?"   "I need to go bathe. But I don't want to leave you alone in here. Where is Cedric?"   He lightly shrugs. "With Cho maybe. Or maybe asleep already. I can't remember. You can go ahead and go. I'm going to go to my dorm," He says. 
     Though I don't look back I can hear him put away his ink bottle, quill, and close his notebook. I sit there for a few more seconds, soaking in the comfort, before getting up. "I'll see you in the morning Reno," I say with a smile. He smiles back. "Goodnight Char," He says before walking away. 
    I run my hand through my tangled hair before going to get a change of clothes then walking off to take a much-needed shower. Hopefully, it will help calm some of my stress and nervousness for tomorrow. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now