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     At dinner, the goblet had been moved. It is now standing in front of dumbledore's empty chair at the teacher's table.
     Fred and George, now clean-shaven, seem to have taken disappointment really well, seeing how any time I look over at them they are laughing and talking with their fellow Gryffindors.
     I don't think I had ever seen such an array of fancy food. There was so many foods that I didn't know the name of that I couldn't keep count. Even more than yesterday. Though I did try a lot of them. I am always up for trying new foods. I don't talk much, I am too preoccupied with the food. Times like this make me wonder how I only weigh 115 pounds.
     "Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision. I estimate that it requires one more minute now. When the champions names are called I would ask them please come to the top of the hall, walk on the staff table, and go through to the next chamber where they will be receiving their first instructions," Dumbledore says.
     He takes out his wand and sweeps the air with it and at once and all the candles except those inside the carved pumpkins go out. I get shivers as anticipation fills me. The goblet was now shining brighter than anything in the whole room, with its bright blue flames. Everyone watched, waiting.
     The flames inside the goblet slowly started sizzle and red sparks begin to fly from it. The next moment and puff of flames shot up into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it. The whole room gasped, a small smile creeps onto my face as I watch in amazement.
     Dumbledore extends out his hand and catches the parchment. His voice is loud and clear. "The Durmstrang champion is... Victor Krum!" All of the Durmstrang cheers and claps.
     The rooms goes silent as the second piece of parchment is spit out. "The Beauxbaton champion is... Fleur Delacour!" More cheers, and from what I can see Ron looks very delighted.
     And finally, the last one is spit out. I reach over and take Cedric's hand as the room goes quiet. Even Reno looks like he is excited. The suspense is so thick that I feel like I am drowning in it. Cedric tightens his grip on my hand as Dumbledore unfolds the parchment. I can tell that
Cedric is trying to keep composed and look like he's okay, rather than nervous. "The Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory!"
     I let go of Cedric's hand and clap while a huge smile spreads across my face. Everyone is looking over, I have to force myself to stay seated and not hug Cedric as a congratulations. Even Reno claps while smiling and lays Cedric's arm as a congratulations. Cedric stands and people pat his back as he walks through the Great Hall.
     "Excellent! We we now have our three champions! I'm sure I can count on all of you, including the remaining students, to to give your champions every ounce of support! By cheering on your champions you'll contribute is it-" Dumbledore is soon cut short as the Goblet sizzles again and more red sparks pool out.
     Another piece of parchment is spit out. The room goes silent with confusion. There are only three champions, why is there a fourth name? I can tell everyone else is asking themselves the same questions. Why did it give a forth name? What school is it for? And who is it?
     Dumbledore reaches out and grabs the parchment and unfolds it and glances around the room. "Harry Potter," his voice is no longer as loud and confident as it was before. Suddenly there are lots of whispers and and talking in confusion.
     Everyone's eyes are on Harry as he slowly makes his way to where the other champions are, no one cheers. Everyone is confused for so many reasons. Why was he chosen as a forth, impossible champion? Especially since he is underage.
     Dumbledore clears his throat then continues in as if this was supposed to happen. I'm not paying attention though. I am too busy thinking. My mind is searching for possible answers. But it comes up with nothing.
     Not long later does everyone start getting up and walking out. We must have been dismissed for bed. I follow a group of Hufflepuff's then wait in the common room. Well, I was planning on it. But it seems that was a lot of other people's plan as well. I sit in the corner on the floor and read my book as I wait. Though it is a little difficult when everyone is talking. Most people still seem excited that Cedric won, though several people are angry about Harry being chosen too. And everyone seems to be asking why and how as well. Reno sits with me and talks about all the possibilities.
     "Maybe he got an older student to put his name in. That can be the only way," he finally decides. That does sound like the most possible answer. It just seems unlikely.
     When Cedric finally walks in I don't bother trying to go over to him and congratulating him. That's what everyone does. Everyone starts bombarding him with questions, congratulations, and pats on the arm and back. Even several hugs.
     A very wide smile is plastered to his face and I can't help but smile for him. Even if I am worried about the possible dangers that he has signed himself up for. He asks the group something then starts to look around. I stand up, ready to congratulate him myself.
     His eyes finally land on me and my smile grows. He moves his way through all the people and when they realise he is trying to get through they move, I meet him halfway and run over and hug him tightly.
     "I'm so happy for you Ced! Congratulations!" I say without letting go of the hug. He hugs me tightly and lifts me a little, causing me to laugh. He laughs too. He sets me back down and we part our hug, still smiling at each other though.
     Reno walks over and they give each other that weird hug that guys do where they pat each others backs. Both of them with wide smiles. "As stupid as this tournament is, I'm really happy for you Ced," Reno says while smiling.
     Once everyone gets their turn in congratulating Cedric the crowd quickly thins out as everyone goes to bed. And it isn't long before it is just Cedric, Reno myself sitting in the room.
     "So what happened when everyone was back there talking?" I ask while watching him. "When it was just the three of us we congratulated each other then just waited. When Harry went back we were all confused and asked him but he seemed just as confused."
     "How was Harry chosen? Is he competing?" Renk asks quickly. He lightly shrugs. "He says he didn't put his name in and he didn't ask anyone to. He said he didn't want to be chosen or anything. They said he has to compete though. Once your name comes out of the goblet you are bound to my magical contract," he explains while looking at us, disbelief in his tone.
     "You don't believe him?" I ask curiously. He very lightly laughs. "Potter is a Gryffindor. No, I don't believe him. But I really want to know how he got his name in."
     "But we can't have two champions representing Hogwarts. That isn't fair to anyone," I argue. He lightly nods. "There isn't anything we can do but go along with everything," there is a small sigh in his voice.
     He stands and messes up my hair. "We should go to bed soon," he says, a small smile coming back to him. "I'm going now. Sweet dreams Ced. Sweet dreams Reno. I'm really happy for you." Cedric smiles a bit more. "Sweet dreams Char. See you in the morning," Cedric says. "Yea, Sweet dreams," Reno says, his smile equally as big. I walk off to my dorm room for the night.

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