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      The week passes by quicker than I can imagine. And before any of us know it the day of the first tournament is there. Reno and I were never able to come up with anything that would be helpful to Cedric, seeing how we weren't entirely sure what it was Cedric has to do. 
     The morning is filled with the "POTTER STINKS" pins, "good lucks", and lots of nervousness and worry. Cedric, Reno and I spend the day in the common room trying to find spells or anything that might help him do whatever he has to do. 
      "Thank you guys for trying to help, but we should go to lunch..." Cedric says, looking paler than I have ever seen him. I lightly nod. "You're right... Let's go," I try to be the happy and optimistic one but it is very hard. 
       We all get up and make our way down to the Great Hall. we sit silent and motionless for a while. "Cedric, at least have a sandwich. You can't go out there hungry," I say while pushing a ham sandwich to him. 
    He picks it up and slowly eats it. I know he wants to protest, but he doesn't have the energy to. He is too nervous for arguing. He is too nervous for anything really. 
      "What are we worried about? We know Cedric is going to do great!" I say trying to lighten the mood. They slightly smile. Cedric stands. "I have to go," He says while putting a brave nonchalant face on. I give him a supportive smile before he walks away. When he is out of earshot I let out a loud sigh. 
      I look up and see Harry walking out. I get up and run over before he is gone. "Harry!" I yell after him. He looks at me and stops. "I wanted to wish you luck!" I say with a smile. He looks extremely nervous, he probably hasn't eaten anything either. 
     He lightly nods. "Thanks." I smile more to try and help him feel better, though I know there is probably nothing I can do. I walk back over to Reno. He looks at me. Even he seems nervous. We sit for a while in silence before we see other people walking out. We follow them. 
     "West! Reynolds!" We hear a couple of familiar voices yelling over again from behind us. We stop and turn around. The twins are on their way over. A case in hands. They both seem to be in good spirits today. 
     "Hello, boys," I say with a smile. "Hello, Char!" Fred says with a wide smile. "Hello!" George echos. "Enjoying this wonderful day?" Fred asks while motioning around. I shrug. "What is that you have there?" I ask curiously. 
    "What this?" George asks holding up the case. "We are holding a little gambling game for today's festivities," Fred explains. "Would you like to place a bet?" George asks. "That is the most stupid thing ever," reno says while shaking his head in disapproval. 
       "If you say so!" Fred says, a grin still across both of their faces. "But we will be winning big money!" George adds. I can't help but lightly laugh as we continue to walk. Fred and George shouting the entire way there. 
      Fred yells, "Bets! Place your bets!" Then George continues, "Bets taken! Bets taken here!"   "Step up, folks! Who fancies a flutter in today's bloodbath?"   "Smart money's on Krum to survive! Any bets!" 
    I fuss at them the first time they said "bloodbath", "Survive", and the part about Krum winning, but when they yell it a second time I know it is a losing battle and give up.
      By the time we get there and get seated most everyone is there. I bounce my leg anxiously. Someone who I don't recognise calls out the rules and what the task is. Basically the contestants are given a dragon and they have to get past the given dragon to get a golden egg hidden with real dragon eggs. 
      Cedric is the first, against a Swedish Short-Snout. When he walks out I start to nervously bounce my leg. Reno reaches over and takes one of my hands to stop me from subconsciously scratching my arm. Even though this goes against everything he believes with school he seems very focused on watching the tournament. 
      "Ooo, narrow miss there, very narrow..." Bagman yells out. I wish I couldn't hear him or he would stop. I look over at Fred when he takes my other hand, my face starting to turn red. "You are scratching your neck," He explains. I turn a bit redder and tighten my grip on the two boys hands as I watch Cedric. 
     "He's taking risks this one!" Cedric uses a Transfiguration spell to change a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. He was partially successful; the dragon took the bait, and Cedric went for the Golden Egg. Halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric.
         "Clever move, pity it didn't work!" Bagman yells. I hold their hands tighter than ever and bite my bottom lip to stop myself from yelling when the fire blows out some fire and burns Cedric. He quickly retrieves the egg though. "Very good indeed!" Bagman yells. "And now the marks from the judges!"
     I let out a huge breath of relief, I don't think I even care to hear the judges scores. I just want to go hug Cedric and make sure he is okay. Though I want to see how Harry does first. 
     "Charlie, you're bleeding," Fred says brings me back to reality. Reno looks at me too. "Where?" I ask confused. Reno raches over and very gently touches my bottom lip and show me blood. I touch my lip and look for myself. I must have bit too hard. 
      Fleur Delacour goes next, who faced a Common Welsh Green. I watch as she goes, though I am definitely not as anxious watching her. She tried a charm on the dragon to try to put it into a trance. It kind of worked too, it got kind of sleepy. Then it snorted and a big jet of flame shot out and her skirt caught fire. She is easily able to extinguish the flames and retrieved her egg.
     Next is  Viktor Krum, who is facing a Chinese Fireball. I wasn't very anxious at all while watching him. He used the Conjunctivitis Curse in an attempt to blind the poor dragon and retrieve his egg. However, the dragon stumbled around and smashed half of the real eggs. which lost him points. 
    Then Harry is finally up. I hold Fred's and Reno's hands tightly again. Harry walks out, very pale. He just stands there for a while with his wand extended. After what feels like forever of watching him dodge the angry dragon behind boulders and trees he yells out a spell that I cant hear. Over the roaring of the crowd, we can hear a weird sound. Like something flying through the air. Then suddenly Harry's broom is by his side. He mounts it then takes off.
      He flys around and the dragon swipes at him and hits him once. But very soon he is able to get the egg and hurry away. The last points are given. Harry and Viktor are tied for first place, with Cedric in second, and Fleur in third. I get up and let go of the two boys hands. 
    "I am going to see Cedric and Harry!" I announce before hurrying off. I see Ron and Hermione and rush over to them, they are probably going the same place I am. 
     "That was the most stressful thing I have ever watched ever!" I say while trying to regain feeling in my fingers. I was holding the boy's hands too tight. "Me too!" Hermione agrees, fingernail marks on her face from clutching it in fear.
      We walk inside a tent that has the four contestants in it with Madam Pomfrey. She is running around and fussing about them bringing dementors and now dragons here. 
     Cedric is sitting up on the bed. "Harry, you were brilliant!" Hermione yells. "You were amazing! You really were!" Ron was very white, he is staring at Harry as if he was a ghost. "Harry, whoever put your name in that Goblet- I - I reckon they're trying to do you in!" He says sounding more serious than he ever has. "Caught on, have you? Took you long enough," Harry says coldly. Hermione stands nervously between them, looking from one another.
       I will congratulate Harry after those three talk. I rush over to Cedric. One side of his face is covered in a thick orange paste to mend his burn. "I don't think I have ever been so worried in my life!" I say while standing in front of Cedric. He gives me a slight smile. 
    "Really? I found that to be a breeze," He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and hug him tightly. He lightly winces then hugs back. I let go then give him an apologetic smile. "Charlie, who have you been snogging?" He asks, a smile growing on his face. I look at him confused. "Excuse me?" 
     "Someone bit your lip and was kissing you neck," He says while lightly touching where I was scratching. "Oh, no one. I bit my lip from being nervous and I was scratching my neck," I explain hoping he will believe me. He lightly laughs and shakes his head. 
     I look at Harry with a smile. "You did great too Harry! Congratulations on first!" He gives me a small smile. "Thanks." I look back at Cedric. "If you ever scare me like this again then so help me," I say while lightly laughing.
       He lightly laughs. "What will you do?" I shrug. "Sit and worry and when you are okay hug you then yell." He laughs. "The next couple of tasks will be great for you then." Crap... I forgot there will be more tasks...  


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