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     Third Person P.O.V

     That morning of the second task was a cold one. That didn't seem to stop any of the students from hurrying down to The Black Lake to watch games that will soon start. All of the champions apart from Harry Potter are already there. 
     Cedric and Reno are both confused and worried at the absence of their friend, Charlie, who was nowhere to be found this morning. Fred Weasley is also confused and worried about her absence.  
     The three champions stand by the edge of the water and wait for both Harry to arrive and for the games to begin. But as time passes people start to wonder if he is going to show up. Minutes before the game is supposed to start, Harry runs up. When he stops he struggles to catch his breath. 
     Ludo Bagman speaks quietly to Harry before returning to the judge's table and pointing his wand to his throat to make his voice boom.
     "Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three! One!... Two!... Three!..." He blows the while loudly. It echoes in the cold, still air.
     The stands erupt with applause and cheers as they watch the champions. Harry pulls off his shoes and socks quickly and then stuffs something into his mouth. He walks out into the water, stopping when it gets to his waist. The audience starts to laugh, it looks as though he is just standing with nothing happening. Suddenly he flings himself into the water.
     Reno, who is sitting a few spots down from the Weasley's with Ludovic. "Excuse me a moment," he says before getting up and walking over to Fred Weasley. "Weasley, do you know where Charlie is?" He asks a little loud so Fred can hear over the noise of the crowd. 
     "No, I haven't seen her last night." Reno sighs then returns to his seat. "Are you looking for your friend?" Ludovic asks as he sits. Reno nods. "She wasn't in the common room or her dormitory this morning." 
     "She is in ze lake," Ludovic answers. "What do you mean in the lake?" Reno's confusion grows. "Ze zhing zat was taken from the champions zat zhey must retrieve. Maxime had to decide if it would be better for my sister to save our little sister Gabrielle or myself. She decides with Gabrielle. Your friend is Potter's sister, no?" Ludovic explains. 
     It hits Reno that he is right, suddenly he feels stupid for not realizing it sooner. His worry spreads. Now not only does he have to worry about Cedric, he has to worry about Charlie too. 

Charlie's P.O.V

     "Fred! Hurry up!" I yell as I pound on the bathroom door. "I can't hurry any more! I am in the shower!" he responds from inside of the room. "I need to shower too! Cedric and Reno are going to be here soon!" 
     "I am almost done!" I sigh and walk into the steam-filled room. "You have been in there for almost an hour, Fred. I won't have any hot water by the time you get out," I sat while moving to sit on the countertop to face the floral shower curtain that Fred is hidden behind. 
     "I offered for you to shower with me. It's not my fault you declined." I roll my eyes. "I declined because last time you tried to have a bubble fight and got soap in my eyes." He lightly laughs. "Well excuse me for trying to have a little fun." The water turns off. 
     I can see him reach his arm out and grab his towel. He pulls it inside of the shower with him. When he steps out he has it wrapped around his waist. Water is dripping off of him. I turn a light scarlet. "Finally. I thought you were going to start living in there," I say with a light laugh while jumping off the counter. 
     He walks over to me. "Isn't Harry coming over too?" I shake my head. "I don't think we should tell him yet." Fred puts his hand on my shoulder. "Love, we have to tell him eventually," he says softly. "I know, and we will. Just, after we tell Cedric, reno, and your family."  "So tell him last?"  "Exactly," I said before walking over to the shower and starting the water. 
     "I think if he is the last to know it will make him more upset," He says from behind me. I sigh. I know he is right, but I don't want to think about that right now. "Will you take the food out of the oven in 15 minutes please?" I ask to change the subject. 
     He sighs. "Yes." He leans over and kisses my cheek before walking out. I drop my robe and step into the hot water. Only, the water is starting to get cold. I turn it up, but it only gets colder. Soon it feels like it is pouring ice water down onto me. 

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